3 out of 4 8 week old baby bunnies had extreme poopy butt, with it covering most of their bottom/tai

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Oct 4, 2018
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Tacoma, WA
I was getting the four baby bunnies ready to be rehomed this afternoon, when I noticed three had severe poopy butt. The short haired one, also had it but much less severe. But the other two had it so badly, and caked on that I needed to use scissors in addition to the butt bath. One in particular had a large ball (about 3 inches) protruding from the poop hole that looked painful almost. It was relatively easy to clean, but it smelled extremely foul by bunny standards (like a human's), and afterwards the poops were SOFT but not diarrhea.

Also note that the bunnies were strong, fast, had clear eyes and noses despite the poop.

I am worried because the short haired one also had it, and one of the long haired ones did not. Also, my 2 other adult bunnies and 3 week old babies did not, either. I shamefully admit that I had not cleaned the cage nor picked up the bunnies in two days because I have 12 other bunnies... So maybe they were sitting in poop? They also got into some Cinnamon Toast Crunch yesterday and ate a very little.

I ended up rehoming them after feeding them after the butt baths, but I feel really guilty. Should I warn them? They do have a vet on site, but I am worried about them being overlooked. My previous baby rabbits had this issue and so did their dad, but not this severe (or at least not as bad as two of them) and they turned out fine. Again, they are eating fine. I would hate for something to happen to them. By the way, they have been eating mostly hay; went two days without pellets and about 4 without veggies. Always fresh, filtered water.
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It was probably the sugars/carbs in the cereal upsetting the microflora in their digestive tract. Yes, you should tell the people. They need to be aware because if the babies continue to have mushy poop, it could develop into enteritis or diarrhea, and that is a critical emergency in rabbits. If their poop has returned to normal then they are probably going to be fine, but they do need to be monitored closely for the next day.

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