12 yrld bunny with occasional balance problem

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Nov 27, 2011
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Northern California, California, USA
We have 12 year old rex rabbit with occasional balance problem.

She's always been very active and still is. She will run around the living room and up and down the hallway. However this past summer she'd occasionally have problems when outside on our somewhat bumpy lawn she'd lose her step when turning a corner while running and tumble over and need help getting back up.

At the time we figured it was just part of getting older and losing muscle tone. Fortunately she doesn't panic when she falls over but it scares us that she could fall in her cage while we are at work and not be able to get back up.

I've read a bit on EC and she isn't as good at bladder control as she used to be but it is only when she gets 'too comfortable' that it happens so I'm not sure if it is a symptom or just a fact that she doesn't realize she needs to get up until it is too late. The bladder problem only happens occasionally as most of the time she will squirm and want down and then run to her cage and get into her litter box to go.

She doesn't have any trouble walking and will run quite a distance when she thinks a treat is involved.

She's about 3.5 lbs and in overall good physical condition. As she's aged I can definitely notice a drop in muscle tone but she still gets a good amount of exercise, has a large cage to move in and plays with her toys. And on a smooth carpet can corner at full speed.

She doesn't exhibit any of the other symptoms of EC, no head tilt at all.

Except at the pet store 12 1/2 years ago, when we bought her, she hasn't been exposed to any other rabbits.

We plan to take her in to see the vet again but any other suggestions? Is it just old age catching up with her? She often seems to forget just how old she is and tries to charge through things at full speed.

Any ideas are appreciated.

She sounds wonderful. and in really great shape for her age. !!!!

This is a difficult question to answer.... because of her age and the fact that her symptoms are not really severe. (at least at this point )
You possibly could get an EC titer to see if she has ever been exposed to it ; many many rabbits have been exposed to it and never show symptoms..sometimes symptoms appear when the immune system is weaker.

If she has been exposed to it you could do a routine treatmentwith fenbendazole although there is a much newer and better treatment.... a drug called Ponazuril which is used most often for an encephalitis type illness in horses.

Even when a rabbit ( human or whatever ) gets older the symptoms of old age have aphysical reason behind it.

Her symptom of falling on her side definitely sounds neurological yet could have other causes behind it besides EC.
I would want to get her checked out by a vet who really knows rabbit medicine well because this would not just be routine check up

When she falls on her side and you help her back up does it take time for her consciousness level and motor control toreturn or does she seem normal. ?

Does this just occur when she runs outside on an uneven surface? has it ever happened indoors?

Does she ever hold one ear to the side ...ear infections also cause loss of balance (although the symptoms would not usually come and go)

Sudden lack of blood supply to the brain ( mini-stroke) could be another thought and / or a seizure

then again she may lose her balance on an uneven surface and then 'rest" a bit before attempting to right herself. Could she eventually get back up again if you did not immeditely assist her?

Could be many things.

It sounds like you have taken wonderful care of her :)
At first it was just outside but recently it has happened a couple times inside. We don't usually see it happen but most of the time it looks like she's tripped over a toy or been trying to clean a hard to reach place and lost balance. Tonight she was in her cardboard box tunnel and it toppled over and she was laying on her side. But we didn't see what she was doing when she fell.

There is usually a pause with a bewildered look on her face and then she generally kicks slowly and tries to turn herself right side up. The other morning she was on her side kicking for a bit when the sound woke me up thinking she was out of her cage but found her kicking at the side of the cage. Once she hears us coming to help her she usually stops kicking and lets out a 'what took you so long' grunt.

Once right side up she seems normal right away.

She doesn't have an ear to one side.

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't happen when we aren't around and she eventually manages to get back up. I've started occasionally putting her on her side and then gently nudging her in the right direction for getting up with the hope that it might strengthen the muscles and get her used to it.
I agree that a vet should have a good look at her. There are a number of possible causes, including some that are treatable without reducing her quality of life. These range from spinal arthritis to ear infection. The check-up itself could be a bit stressful, since I'd want them to do blood work and possibly x-rays, but it would be helpful to know.

Here are some potential causes:

I can understand not wanting to put her through a difficult treatment, but knowing what the cause is will put your mind at ease. It sounds like she's not a good candidate for a restricted environment with "bumpers" to keep her from falling, since she's so active, but maybe there's something you can do about it. She sounds like a lot of fun! I also have a very opinionated 3.5lb girl--mine's only 6 but I can see her acting like yours does. :)

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