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  1. Debacus

    Seeking advice on a wire floor

    Hi All my rabbits are outdoors in solid wood hutches. However, I have one show buck who is a dirty little thing and likes to dig and pace in his poo (which as he digs is scattered everywhere) Even cleaning out very frequently doesn't stop him getting dirty! He is a white rabbit...
  2. Debacus


    Just had to share .. A maiden doe on first mating kindled 5 chocolate mini (Holland)lop kits. All went well until they were just over 4 weeks old, when she became almost territorial/over protective/confused! The poor babies couldn't move, every time they did, she would circle them, not allowing...
  3. Debacus

    Searching for for a product!

    Hi! Some time ago I was reading about a product meant for horses (I think) It was a paste that could be used on rabbits that absorbed toxins in their gut etc. Does anyone know what I'm talking about please? Cheers Debs x
  4. Debacus

    What is a leg?

    I'm trying to understand how you are awarded for wins and I don't understand what a leg is. Please will someone explain? Thanks in advance. Debs
  5. Debacus

    Does anyone have photos of these rare breeds please?

    Hi My daughter is getting married next month and is using table names for her seating plan. She and her b/f are going with their hobbies (rabbits & computing) so for example A is 'Angora & Attenuation', B is ' Beveren & Binery'... she got stuck on I and K and although people on other forums have...
  6. Debacus

    Lion Lop

    Just wondering if Lion Lops are standardised elsewhere?
  7. Debacus

    Hi from the UK

    Hi My name is Debs and I have kept/bred rabbits since I was 8 years old (40ish years now!) Myself and my daughter havebeen exhibiting our rabbits for about 2 years now with some nice successes for newcomers. Although I had a brief time showing in my late teens. I have a small rabbitry and so...