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  1. Cove

    NIC panels

    Since I no longer have Floof and gave her up in her old hutch I have several NIC panels stuffed into the closet. I won't be getting another rabbit anytime soon and when I do I plan to build my own hutch instead of using NICs. So anyone want them? I'm not sure how many there are... around 24 or...
  2. Cove

    Floof needs a home

    I ended up handing her over to the HBSPCA. I wasn't getting any bites on her that didn't sound like crazy or very sketchy. I watched their site for days after and even dropped in. I went in there a few weeks ago and couldn't find her, she also wasn't on the website that day. I was told she was...
  3. Cove

    Floof needs a home

    I don't know. There is nothing set in stone that I'll be moving back east and I don't know when I'll be able to move out on my own. So I'm not sure about fostering as I wouldn't want to ask someone to goster her for 3 months adn then still be living here 3 months from now. The humane society...
  4. Cove

    Mission Complete!

    Finally I was able to cut Floof's nails! The ex held her on her back and petted/spoke to her and she remained calm about it and really relaxed whileI went to work snipping those daggers. This is an older picture from around when I first got her, they were twice as long if not more when I was...
  5. Cove

    Floof needs a home

    Unfortunately this time around there is no fixing it. Floof needs a new home. I've moved back with my parents, my parents who are now also my landlords don't want her in the house and keep "suggesting" that she needs to go and soon. I'll be moving again shortly to another province by the likes...
  6. Cove

    Beautiful Hutch

    I was looking at rabbit hutch designs as my brother is making a little outdoor enclosure for Floof so she can spend some time outside in the warmer weather safely. I came across this. I think its beautiful and would love to have it for Floof, but tis only a dream as I doubt I'll ever get it...
  7. Cove

    I need ideas for my blog!

    I've let my blog (Barkin' Up The Right Tree)slip into the shadows for the past several months but am going to get it up and running again by the request of several people (who knew people actually read any of my blogs? lol). So, I was looking for some ideas about what to blog about. The blog is...
  8. Cove

    First pics of Bunn

    I want to snorgle that little nose! He's a cutie, love the sleepy picture of him. :)
  9. Cove

    In heat

    So if Floof really isn't spayed she'll come into heat right? When would she come into heat and would it be clearly noticed? I've googled it and keep getting conflicting information so now I'm a tad confused. :?
  10. Cove

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Finished New Moon in one day. Really liked it and I actually like Jacob... give me a werewolf boy anyday. :)
  11. Cove

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    So I'm now starting New Moon... the sneak preview of it in the back of twlight really got me frantic to start reading it, it left on a cliffhanger Bella bleeding, sixhungry lookingvampires around her....
  12. Cove

    Playing Favorites...

    Well seeing as I only have the one... :) Though I don't feel that close to Floof I feel she is much closer to the other half. Yet I'm the one that feeds/waters/cleans her cage/plays etc... go figure.
  13. Cove

    Minnie's Spay Went Smoothly! Phew!

    Glad itwas smooth sailing. :toast:
  14. Cove

    Cleaning a rabbits vents?

    Well... I learned something new today. I hadn't a clue one had to do that. :vomit:
  15. Cove

    rescuing rabbits

    Thanks for the info everyone. It certainly is something to think about carefully before doing. I knew that when the idea first popped into my head. :)
  16. Cove

    Noses/ Whiskers

  17. Cove

    Chris Brown Arrested

    The radio stationI listen to said the whole thing broke out because apprently Rhianna gave him herpes and that she never called the police someone who heard her screaming did. Weird, they were talking about him and his background, how his stepfather used to beath his mother all the time so he...
  18. Cove

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Ha when I read that part I asked myself along the same lines as this... I couldn't keep a straight face during the whole part. Honestly... VAMPIRES DON'T BLOODY WELL SPARKLE! Thats the only issue I have with the book so far. lol
  19. Cove

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Well my brother had bought the book when his class went on a trip to the bookstore. he said it was the only book he could afford (he's 13? 14? yeesh I can't remember lol) and asked if I wanted to read it. I've been avoiding whole topic as soon as people started saying vampires sparkle I was like...
  20. Cove

    rescuing rabbits

    Lately on CL I've noticed a higher number then usual of free rabbit postings. Usually you can't find any on CL (kijiji is another matter) but lately there has been quite a few. I feel awful, don't people know better by now then to post free anything let alone a critter that could end up as snake...