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  1. lfusfeld

    The Economic Bunny

    You could make friends with a farmer at the farmers market and see if they will save carrot and beet tops and broccoli stalks or rabe for you for free or steeply discounted. Also ask friends to save vegetable scraps such as the soft seeded part of green peppers and the leafy parts from celery.
  2. lfusfeld

    Husband won't let Rabbit upstairs:(

    I did not see that article, but I believe it - 7 hours. The crust on the coffeetable, the crumbs ALL OVER, the water splashed all over the sink, and best of all, the "pee pee drip" (I call it that to emasculate and embarrass boyfriend into aiming better and not letting it drip down the front of...
  3. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Oh yes, boyfriend gets to stay. And I don't have to feel bad about him not being able to breathe when he's over. Now he's dealing with the seasonal allerges, sigh, but at least he can't blame the buns!
  4. lfusfeld

    Pooh Question:

    i have heard that a smidge of pure aloe juice is a good addition to water to get them to drink more.
  5. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Two HEPA filter fans later and the whining has finally stopped!!! Now if he gets allergic, it's his fault for not being able to resist picking up a bunny.
  6. lfusfeld

    Now I'm frustrated

    can you ask for pictures? say that it's to see if anyone can take the bun, but then at least you can see if the bun is in okay shape/not abused.
  7. lfusfeld

    I need NIC, darn it.

    Bed Bath and Beyond has 'em year round.
  8. lfusfeld

    Freebies from Zupreem

    OH, they make timmy based pellets! can't wait for my sample.
  9. lfusfeld

    Bunny neutered 6 days much activity is ok?

    didn't your vet give you instructions? my vet said 7 days of cage rest. after that i let mickey run wild in the living room. incidentally, the whole thing only cost $40 (Philadelphia). time to find a new vet?
  10. lfusfeld

    Husband won't let Rabbit upstairs:(

    So a HEPA filter was recommended to me to solve stupid boyfriend allergies. it's worked fantastically. I recommend that you get one for the child's allergies. Also, allergy meds, and even shots. And some good old fashioned sucking it up. As for dirty... I don't know about your husband, but...
  11. lfusfeld

    USDA says Rabbits are Poultry??

    i liked your video and encouragement to contact the authorities. people shouldn't just sign the petition, make a real bigstink. send a letter, send a fax, make a phone call. you'll get a form letter in response (i know b/c i sent a letter a long time ago when i first learned about it and...
  12. lfusfeld

    Bunny deaths, harder to deal with than normal pets?

    I think that they CAN be harder to deal with, and here's why: They're fragile and their care is still somewhat mysterious. My experience is that veterinary knowledge about cats/dogs is muchmore advanced and easier to obtain. If you lose a cat/dog, you often know why, how, and even knew that it...
  13. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Yeah, Eeyore hates being brushed, so I usually just pull what loose fur I can get. That probably isn't helping boyfriend.
  14. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Here's my newest plan: found a 1 br apt w/ hard wood floors and a huge living room(my current apt is carpeted and loft style) and am going to have a contractor divvy up the giant living room so that the rabbits have their own sectioned offbedroom. Will buy2 HEPA filter fans (gotta do my...
  15. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Hahahahaha. Me. Vacuuming each day. That's probably the problem. I need to clean more. Aurora, what brand Hepa did you get?
  16. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Yeah, we do that now.It sort of works. But sleeping boyfriends are not very good at dishes or other tasks I might have in mind.
  17. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Thanks for the helpful comments everyone!! I have the HEPA vacuum cleaner, but the **** thing is too clogged with hay and won't work. Sigh. I'm going to get a couple hepa filters and maybe will look for a place that doesn't have wall to wall carpeting. I'll see if I can mix up the hay and get...
  18. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    Nice, he will appreciate that one.
  19. lfusfeld

    Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

    So my boyfriend has irritating allergies to rabbits and hay. After awhile he has trouble breathing, yada yada. He's already done the whole allergy shot thing and the allergy meds only do so much. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm already looking at bigger apartments where the rabbits could have...
  20. lfusfeld

    Eeyore & Parker & Mickey (Temporarily)

    what is bag balm?