Stupid Boyfriend Allergies -- Help

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Active Member
Mar 4, 2008
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Philadelphia, , USA
So my boyfriend has irritating allergies to rabbits and hay. After awhile he has trouble breathing, yada yada. He's already done the whole allergy shot thing and the allergy meds only do so much. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm already looking at bigger apartments where the rabbits could have their own room, and am considering more frequent use of my cleaning service. I've got an ionic breeze in the bunny room (fka the living room) and one in my bedroom, although I'm confident that they are mostly useless. Has anyone had any success with dealing with stupid boyfriend allergies? Hepa filter maybe? Hardwood floors instead of carpet?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Getting rid of the rabbits is OBVIOUSLY not an option, and (less obviously) neither is getting rid of the boyfriend.

Tell him to suck it up and be a man.

HEPA filters do help with stupid boyfriends.;) Also, if you think it might be the hay and not the bunnies, you can replace hay mostly with timothy hay cubes. It would be good to offer other varieties of loose hay occasionally too, but the cubes are a lot less dusty.
tonyshuman wrote:
HEPA filters do help with stupid boyfriends.;) Also, if you think it might be the hay and not the bunnies, you can replace hay mostly with timothy hay cubes. It would be good to offer other varieties of loose hay occasionally too, but the cubes are a lot less dusty.
Yeah that! Get a hepa filter fan! Supposed to work wonders, I recommend it!:)
I know for birds (doves have a dusty like stuff that flies off them) they recommend those ionic breeze like things. I know some people with one and it works REALLY well for removing small particles in the air. Might be something to try.

There are carpet cleaners with allergen removers and there used to be (maybe still is) a stuff you can spray that helps ride the room/furniture of allergens.
I've heard of products such as Simple Solution that can be applied to animals to help keep the dander down. You might want to ask your vet about these products.

My stupid (LOL) husband is allergic to my cats. What we've found that works is HEPA filters, anti-allergen vacuum bags (I hope to get a better vacuum with an actual filtration system soon), and Febreeze Anti-Allergen.

What kind of hay are you feeding? Apparently some people that are really allergic to timothy hay don't have as much of a problem with orchard grass or bluegrass. It would be worth a try.

Edit: My sister's husband used to work for Consumer Reports, he says Ionic Breezes are the biggest waste of money ever according to studies.
Thanks for the helpful comments everyone!! I have the HEPA vacuum cleaner, but the **** thing is too clogged with hay and won't work. Sigh. I'm going to get a couple hepa filters and maybe will look for a place that doesn't have wall to wall carpeting.

I'll see if I can mix up the hay and get some orchard grass or other. Will try togive Mickey more timothy cubes and less loose hay, but Parker and Eeyore don't like timothy cubes (too much work?) so I would worry that they wouldn't get enough. Are there any less dusty brands than Oxbow? I"m not sure I'd know where to get it, but I'd certainly look for others if anyone has recommendations.

Yeah, Ionic Breeze... didn't Sharper Image get their pants sued off for marketing them as helping with allergies? At any rate, I think the product bankrupted them. In my experience they haven't been making a difference. $175 wasted.
Are there any less dusty brands than Oxbow? I"m not sure I'd know where to get it, but I'd certainly look for others if anyone has recommendations.

Kleenmama's Hay loft has the least dusty hay I've every seen. Last time I ordered I got some of their bluegrass hay and it is even less dusty than their timothy. It is the cleanest hay I've ever seen.

I reccomend Benedryl. If nothing else, it will put Stupid Boyfriend to sleep and he will not be whining about allergies and rabbits.

Zyrtec works, but it might make S. B. cranky. Claritin? There is a Febreeze that helps to eliminate dust mites and dander.

I have asthma and allergies. My older son has allergies. I've found that winter is a hard time because the house is closed up and allergens tend to fester in that environment. Spring is coming (with a whole host of other allergens with it!) and you will be able to air things out and the dust from the hay might not be as much of a problem.

Dealing With It is also a big factor. Especially if Stupid Boyfriend ever wants to become Stupid Husband.

Second the recommendation on Kleenmama's hay !!! Yo to kirst3buns; i'll check into the bluegrass.... 100% credit to RO Haley for suggesting Linda's Company. Thnx, Haley!!

Kleenmama's sold out of 3rd cut timothy however will stockmore in October.Third cut timothy was OhTooBeautiful !! You'd all wanna spend a day laying in the box sniffing.

Kleenmama's is a really good online hay source. compressed flakes - when their !new crop! comes in -is anotherpossibility for qualitylow-dust hay.
Maukin wrote:
I reccomend Benedryl. If nothing else, it will put Stupid Boyfriend to sleep and he will not be whining about allergies and rabbits.
Yes - I like your way of thinking! lol.
Yeah, we do that now.It sort of works. But sleeping boyfriends are not very good at dishes or other tasks I might have in mind.
Claritan D - it won't put him to sleep LOL!

Honestly, I think a good ionic cleaner and hepa filter for your air/heat system plus I would get one of the vaccuums with that and vacuum each day.

My boyfriend has horrid allergies to grass (hence hay) and most other pollens. He went in for allergy tests and he is not allergic to rabbits, although he is to cats, and it's just the hay for him.

I bought a hepa air filter, and I keep it right beside the rabbit area. It actually does help quite a bit. If it gets turned off for a day he gets all sniffly, but if it's on all the time, he's pretty good.

Ryan's allergies are so bad that he breaks out in hives if he touches the hay. He takes an over the counter medication for his hay fever from spring to fall, and winter is the only time he doesn't have to take meds. Eventually, probably when we're done school, he's going to start getting allergy shots.

If you get a hepa air filter, make sure it's a proper hepa filter and that it's rated for the correct room size. I bought the filter that was rated for the largest room I could find. If you can buy one rated for a larger space then you have, it will work even better.

Hahahahaha. Me. Vacuuming each day. That's probably the problem. I need to clean more. Aurora, what brand Hepa did you get?
I believe mine is a Bionair? I can check when I get home tonight. It's got three filters that it sucks the air through on the front, and the clean air comes out the top. A pretty simple design.

You should check some online reviews before you purchase one. Some of them are hit and miss. So check out some reviews before you buy anthing. is a good place to start looking for reviews, it's a peer evaluation site, so you just post what your experience with the product was and how you liked it.

I found the biggest thing was room size. Make sure it's rated for the correct room size. It should say on the box how many square feet it is effective for.

Steve (my very own SB LOL!) has allergies to hay, which got worse when we got a huge bag of dried grass and stored it in the dining room LOL.

We got a Hepa air filter, ours is Premiair? and it's worked wonders! It's on low all day, but sometimes when we go out we turn it up to medium or high for a bit, and it's helped his allergies no end. He also suffers with asthma, which gets worse with hayfever, and it's been soo much better since. Ours has a little timer thingy on the front to tell you how many months and weeks left til the filter needs changing too.

They can be expensive, but we found ours on Ebay. In the shops it's meant to be around £165, but we paid £55 for it. Bargain! So it's worth a look...

Good luck! And I've gotta say, I've had a good lol at all this man bashing!! :biggrin2:

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