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  1. Gayle Helfand

    Snuggle pee pee

    I’m having my boy friend and roommate spend time with him, holding him, feeding him, loving him, and keeping him off the couch. Today was a success. There are other animals in the house and I’m the mommy ☺️
  2. Gayle Helfand

    Snuggle pee pee

    I don’t know how peeing on my couch is love?! It’s becoming problematic to the 10th degreee
  3. Gayle Helfand

    Snuggle pee pee

    Now he just keeps peeing on the couch on two other instances. I’m at a loss of what to do! H E L P
  4. Gayle Helfand

    Cage bottom

    We got a great tablecloth that we put on the floor and it’s perfect
  5. Gayle Helfand

    Snuggle pee pee

    i was having an epic cuddle session with Winston (intact 4 mo old male) and after moving a bit to get comfortable again, he full bladder peed on me. I got scared and screamed, because, well, pee. I threw the blanket off of him and I and he peed again on me. Dave put him back in his pen and...
  6. Gayle Helfand

    Cage bottom

    what do you put on the floor of your cage? Winston loves to spill water and poop everywhere... we’re still working on litter box training. The tarp thing isn’t cutting it for me Thanks!! GG
  7. Gayle Helfand

    New bunny parent

    @PepinoPineapple (IG) is so much fun because he’s extremely socialized and around people a lot. As long as they have a heat lamp, food, water, worms, and a wheel for their cages they’re good. Plan on spending a lot of hand on time and get ready for lots of poop... with a bath here and there...
  8. Gayle Helfand

    New bunny parent

    So, We’ve been bunny parents for almost a week, and while it’s a lot of work, it’s been really fun. I almost have Winston fully litter box trained which definitely reduces the maintenance aspect of his home. Winston was born 6/12/18 He’s a standard rex (from a weak line) He loves to poop...