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  1. mrsmeyers

    Spraying question

    At about what age do unneutered bucks start spraying? Mine is about 1.5 years and has never sprayed. Is this a behavior that's still a possibility or is he most likely not a sprayer? I was under the impression that spraying was something they did more often than not.
  2. mrsmeyers

    Rabbit fur changing color

    My Holland Lop is 1.5 years (about) and is black. We brought him to live inside this spring. For the last month or so, he's been shedding his coat. I'd say he's at the peak of molting right now. My question is this: his black fur is turning white on his back. It's also shorter than the rest of...
  3. mrsmeyers

    Uneaten pellets and hay

    How often do you switch out uneaten hay and/or pellets? Every day? Every other day? I try to decrease the amount I give when I see that stuff is not getting eaten, but there are times when there's extra in his bowl and rack. It feels wasteful to throw it out after a day ... what do you guys do?
  4. mrsmeyers

    Litter Training Un-Neutered Rabbit

    I'm attempting to litter train our unneutered rabbit who is a little more than 1 y/o. He's been an outdoor bunny until this week. With winter ending, I thought it would be a good time to see how he'd do indoors (he needs to shed that winter coat, anyway!). My plan is twofold: litter train him...
  5. mrsmeyers

    Watery eyes: What else should I be doing?

    Last weekend I noticed one of my Lop's eyes was watery. Clear tears. By Thursday, it had spread to the other eye. TWO watery eyes. I took him to a rabbit-savvy vet who said it didn't appear to be a bacterial infection, abscesses or a noticeable tooth issue (no x-rays yet, I'll get to that in a...
  6. mrsmeyers

    Good time of year to transition rabbit from outdoors to indoors?

    I've been thinking about moving our Holland Lop (approx. 1 y/o) from outside to inside permanently. I have no problems with outdoor rabbits, but I do think my kids would be more involved in his care if he were more accessible to them. So, as I consider what to do, I'm wondering about logistics...
  7. mrsmeyers

    Bunny keeps peeing in cubby

    I have an outdoor rabbit, about 7-8 months old, unneutered. His hutch is wire bottom. He has an enclosed area, also wire bottom. For the cold weather, I created an extra cubby to place inside this area with a solid bottom. I placed Carefresh on the floor and covered that with timothy hay. Three...
  8. mrsmeyers

    Silly question about snow

    We've only had our Holland Lop since this summer, so I'm wondering ... is it okay to let him run around in the snow? He lives in a hutch that I've winterized and I'm wondering if fun time in the X pen stops once the snow flies (uh, which it's doing in Wisconsin today). I'm afraid the snow will...
  9. mrsmeyers

    Normal for rabbit to lunge at toy?

    In one of those spontaneous purchases at the grocery store today, I bought some cat toys to try out with my 6-month-old Holland Lop ... little balls with beads or bells in them. He was intrigued and lunged at them, then retreated to a corner and seemed wary/disinterested in them. My take is that...
  10. mrsmeyers

    Cage too large, now I can't get him out. :)

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, although I've been reading posts for awhile as a "lurker." We're relatively new rabbit owners (3 weeks about) and have a Holland Lop. Here's my dilemma: He's an outdoor rabbit with a fabulous hutch he really seems to like. After a skittish first week, we started...