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  1. Bonsai

    Fleas on rabbit?

    If for whatever reason Revolution doesn't work in your area (Fleas are immune to it in my area, used for the most part as mite prevention/treatment which it is wonderful at if nothing else) you can use Advantage II for kittens. My 3lb rabbit gets a kitten tube dose for flea prevention. :) I'd...
  2. Bonsai

    Eating more pellets than hay??

    Oxbow is a great brand! I don't have many options where I live (Manna Pro and Purina are all) so I order it online. I order from Dr's Foster & Smith, my food got here in excellent condition. :)
  3. Bonsai

    pellets and hay?

    I feed Oxbow and have had great results! My boy was on Manna Pro Sho before he started Oxbow, it is alfalfa-based however so shouldn't be given to adult rabbits. Oxbow Adult Rabbit is what I feed now and my boy loves it! As for hay, I always get a couple 'small square bales' from the local feed...
  4. Bonsai

    Hello and questions for maybe owner??

    A lot of very experienced and insightful people have helped you but I thought I'd chime in too. :) 1. There are small bunnies that are more docile; I have owned 2 of the 'dwarf' breeds and I found that my Holland Lop is sweeter than my Netherland was. My Netherland was very sweet, too, but I...
  5. Bonsai

    Eating more pellets than hay??

    My boy was sensitive to pellets and produces excess cecals when fed freely so I had to cut him to 1/2 cup per day, 1/4th cup now. Otherwise he has unlimited orchard grass. He turns his nose up to timothy so it's a fruitless endeavor to offer that to him. I have heard rabbits sometimes will...
  6. Bonsai

    Bandit <3

    I am so, so sorry for your loss... :( I loved reading about Bandit and my heart goes out to you. You shouldn't blame yourself but as a bunny owner who has lost before, I know that you will, everyone always does in the beginning. You'll realize you did everything you could for him, loved him, and...
  7. Bonsai

    Litter boxes

    My boy is 8 months old and I clean on the 4th day and have not had him pee anywhere but in his box. There is constantly fresh hay on the top so he's never walking in his own filth or anything. His urine is absorbed by the pellets and they turn to dust so he wouldn't be affected the same as he...
  8. Bonsai

    Cinder (rabbit) & Binx (cat) bonding questions

    I have a cat who wants to pretty much be in my room 24/7 and I have to "kick him out" when it is time for Snickers (the bunny) to have floor time. Milo (cat) does paw at Snickers through the cage bars but never claws out, I think he is mostly curious about him. That being said, I would never...
  9. Bonsai

    Litter boxes

    Blue Eyes uses a very similar setup to mine. :) Storage totes make amazing litterboxes! They're cheap, too. I bought a litterbox for $9, rabbit considers it nothing more than a hay box and won't potty in it. I got him a 2ft wide storage tote that's about 6in high and he is not able to pee over...
  10. Bonsai

    Rabbit eating only greens for days after stasis

    Uneaten cecotropes can possibly mean that the diet is so rich that they're making too many to need to eat them and you're actually seeing the "leftovers". My Snickers had this problem when I first got him, he could not handle alfalfa-based pellets being free-fed so I had to limit them. As your...
  11. Bonsai

    Apple (R.I.P)

    I am so sorry for your loss. :( It's so hard when they go. We lost our Boxer recently, to similar circumstances only she had lymphoma on top of the fluid in her lungs. Our Duchess passed away at home and if her final days are anything to judge by, you did the right thing - you ended the...
  12. Bonsai

    I need to fly a bunny

    I believe the term for the 'keep you calm' pets are Emotional Support Pets and they are allowed on planes even when the plane dictates that they cannot be allowed. I'm pretty sure you have to get them documented and such but if you can do that, you are able to bring your cat/dog/rabbit on planes...
  13. Bonsai

    My Sapphire has passed.

    I am so sorry for your loss. :( My family has recently lost two furry family members, so I definitely know how you feel right now... Sapphire was beautiful and you're a wonderful bunny owner, you did all you could for her. Binky free, li'l' Sapphire &#9829;
  14. Bonsai

    My rabbit is very inactive in his cage but very active when let out

    The absolute smallest cage I'd ever put a rabbit in is an XXL dog crate (typically 48 inches long). A mini schnauzer can fit in a very small cage, so that doesn't tell us much. It's possible he doesn't have much room and he feels confined/bored by this. My rabbit was in a smaller cage when I...
  15. Bonsai

    Lilac Pointed with Red Eyes?

    Himis will always have red eyes (least from what I gather). To me he looks like a lilac himi with non-extension (ee) gene. I'm not an expert, though, but that's what it looks like to me! I'm just now learning about genes in buns. :) He's very pretty!
  16. Bonsai

    please help- not eating, no poop for 11 days!! - RIP

    I am so sorry for your loss. :( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. &#9829;
  17. Bonsai

    Inexpensive toys

    I got this treat ball for Snickers and he LOVES it. He used to rattle his cage bars at night so I give him it when it's bedtime with his pellets in it so he will burn out his remaining energy on it. :) It helps a ton, no more bar rattling!
  18. Bonsai

    please help- not eating, no poop for 11 days!! - RIP

    Hm... Perhaps ask them if they can give her some sort of gut stimulant? I have not dealt with a stasis like this, only in a baby bun who passed shortly after, but I was under the impression gut stimulants were one of the things they should get to make their stomachs begin moving and encourage...
  19. Bonsai

    Advantage II for Fleas?

    I called the vet and he said I can use the kitten dose for Snickers. :) So hopefully in a couple days he'll be flea free and I can get all the linens washed. Ah, fleas. How I wish you didn't exist.
  20. Bonsai

    Advantage II for Fleas?

    Hello hello! So I recently discovered that Revolution is practically like treating with rose water for fleas in my area and my cat (who had revolution used on him) picked up fleas from other family members' cats and now my rabbit has fleas, too. I thought my rabbit was clean of them but I...