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  1. taykelly11

    not eating pellets or hay

    Hi guys, before I even start I want to note I have called the vet and he won't be in until Tuesday (tomorrow) so I figured I'd hop on here for some help in the meantime. About, eh 2 days ago, I noticed my year old Dwarf rabbit Bandit had not eaten his bowl of pellets. Now usually I catch im...
  2. taykelly11


    So in the past few days Bandit has started to try and make babies with my leg again, even though he was fixed in August. There have been a few times where he has tried it but after I distract him with something else he always stopped. Tonight he just wont quit.. as I'm sitting here at my desk...
  3. taykelly11

    bored bunny solutions

    My dwarf hotot Bandit has every toy/ entertainment item possible and he still would rather chew on my doors or be lazy and flop under a chair. He has apple wood sticks, pinecones, toilet paper rolls, balls with bells and a wicker ball, a hanging wood chew toy, towels to push around and even a...
  4. taykelly11

    reasons for tooth grinding other than pain

    Hi Guys Last week Bandit I noticed that Bandit started making some grinding noises which concerned me, but he has shown 0 signs of pain besides this. He is eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, running, binkying ect. I haven't noticed him hunched over, whenever he's relaxing he's either...
  5. taykelly11

    Soft squealing noise when going to bathroom

    Bandit is a 9 month old dwarf hotot who recently started making a funny, squealing/squeaking noise when going to the bathroom. When he poops a small amount of urine comes out too and I haven't noticed it until now. He is eating and drinking regularly and is active. He also seems to be forgetting...
  6. taykelly11

    Teeth Removal

    Bandit went to get his teeth trimmed for the first time today and our vet suggested removing his front two teeth because he will have to continue coming back every 4-8 weeks to get them trimmed. At first I was shocked they even did this but after research I realized it is not that uncommon and...
  7. taykelly11

    Safe Wood for Toy

    My bunny has made my baseboards and doors his personal chew toy, so I'm looking to buy him his own piece of wood.I'm not sure what is safe for him or where to buy it though. I have a homedepot and Petco around the corner but I don't know what kind to buy. Obviously something untreated but is...
  8. taykelly11

    Funny Breathing Noises from bandit

    Hello Everyone! I have a 5 month old dwarf hotot,Bandit, who in the past few days has been making some funny breathing noises. It is not all the time, mostly at night, and it sounds like he has a stuffy nose. Sometimes there is almost like.. a clicking noise and other times it makes a noise...
  9. taykelly11

    Bunny Biting, HELP!

    Hi Guys! I just got a male 7 1/2 week old Dwarf Hotot named bandit and he is just adorable! The only problem i'm having with him, despite his multiple toys for chewing, digging, climbing and tossing, is that he is still biting my feet/legs and my clothes. Sometimes he just sniffs around or...