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  1. bunnylove1

    need help with names

    ok soo i just got a bunny and i named him bandit temporarily i would really like something more unique what dose he look like to you
  2. bunnylove1


    hi im new to bunny's but always wanted one now im getting 2. i fell in love with the lop breed how ever i love the lion head look. i just got a brindle lop named bandit and on the 3rd i will have a lionhead named moostash im soo happy and right now bandit has flopped in his nic cage :)
  3. bunnylove1

    can bunny eat this?

    can i bunny eat paper towels??
  4. bunnylove1

    update my nic cage

    love my bowls soo excited for my bunny btw i finally fount a bunny pet shop bun had a fecal sample taken and wont see the results for a week and even then i will not take her untill she is completely better and who knows when that is. i had a heart set on a Holland lop how ever i had to settle...
  5. bunnylove1


    what is the best food for rabbits young and old please be specific and note if its young// older rabbit. brands and prices would be appreciated even a link to what it looks like would be amazing :anotherbun
  6. bunnylove1

    traction ideas for nic cage

    i was going to use the bath traction stickers but i cant seem to get them to stick to the tiles any other ideas ???:rabbithop
  7. bunnylove1

    soo said

    iv been long awaiting the birth of my baby bunny's and have just fount out it was a false preg idk what to do with my self
  8. bunnylove1

    to buy or not to buy (pic)

    Uploaded with this is a cute sweet little bun i stumbled upon at the pet store while buying stuff for my nic cage. i held him/her and she just cuddled im stumped on weather i should buy it or not. she/he has missing hair on its ears and im not shore why but there is a scap on one...
  9. bunnylove1


    Uploaded with hard at work on it all day now all i got to do is add litter box food and water bowls and some bath tub traction stickers and its done :) and of course as the years go on make it more color full :) :bunnydance:
  10. bunnylove1

    out of curiosity

    im w8ting for my lop baby to be born witch is any day now and i was wondering if i decide to get 2 one for each of my boys (there really for me ) what sex should they be. if its from the same litter can i get 2 boys, or 2 females, or a male and a female or if i decide to get a lion head...
  11. bunnylove1

    look what i made

    Uploaded with
  12. bunnylove1

    what do bunny's need and preferred toys and things

    :happyrabbit:just wondering what your bunny's love and the things that are in their homes. anything u guys would highly recommend and things that you dont. please cover all bases !!!!!!
  13. bunnylove1

    started my nic cage (pic)

    soo excited my baby bunny is due in 2 weeks. i v been running all over cleaning and bunny proofing. im not done but this is a basic layout of what i have space for to do. still got to add the top and secure it more as well as the base but it will be done in time. im just so excited and happy idk...
  14. bunnylove1

    wondering if i cant put this on wood of a home made bunny condo

    i was wondering if you can use that biter stuff for nail biting and put it on the wood in the cage to stop them from chewing on it?? im just wondering and i thought it would be a good question to ask
  15. bunnylove1

    cage question

    i was wondering if i could use this cage for a Holland lop as a baby
  16. bunnylove1

    i need a bunny

    im trying to find a mini lop bunny on long island ny dose any one know were i can get one please help me.