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  1. Sarah93

    Is he trying to groom me?

    So my buck, I would call him Aslan but some of my family doesnt like that I guess its not his official name...anyways he kind of licks and then nips me a little bit. Is he trying to groom me or is he just nipping me? Its different then when my doe does it, he does it more gently and...
  2. Sarah93

    What do you breeders think of this pair for breeding?

    Hey everyone :) So as some of you may know I recently got these two adorable eight week old baby lionheads, about nine weeks now. So I plan on having them as my pets but also breeding. What do you think of them as the a pair? As you can see my buck is a vienna marked and my doe is a sablepoint...
  3. Sarah93

    What do you think of a no pellet diet?

    hey everyone :) I was wondering what you think about a diet of all hay and grass and no pellets? And then more veggies and fruits when they're older since its harder on their tummies now since they're so young. I just dont know if pellets is a needed staple in their diet? Because I mean...
  4. Sarah93

    Help me with names?

    Hey everyone, So as some of you may know I dont have definite names for my two baby lionheads, a buck and a doe. I was originally thinking maybe Lea and Aslan, both mean lion. But then after I got them and spent time with them they just dont feel like a Lea and Aslan lol So do you guys have...
  5. Sarah93

    What do you think of walking bunnies?

    So I'm wanting to keep my bunnies inside. I have them in now and I want to get another cage here soon and if/when I get my other doe get a cage for her too and just keep them inside. It makes cleaning their pens a little harder so the room doesnt get stinky but I think keeping them inside as a...
  6. Sarah93

    Grooming on me, are they begaining to really trust me?

    So I just got my two lionheads on Tuesday. And they groom their selves on me already and will hop around and get right up close to my face, does that mean they really trust me already? I know if they try to groom you then they really love you, they haven't done that yet. Hoping we'll get there...