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  1. P

    congrats rebel

    well i got one but..... i'm ashamed to show it. He's gotten a little plump, his winter coat is coming in so he's scruffy, he DEFINITELY did not want to cooperate because he hadn't had his treat yet so he kept moving, I only had one hand to position him with because the other was holding the...
  2. P

    congrats rebel

  3. P

    congrats rebel

    I'm still working on getting that picture of him set up but life has gotten in the way and it's been hectic!! I haven't forgotten though. Rebel is spoiled on a new treat now. Blueberry yogurt covered vitamins.
  4. P

    First Show

    I DO realize that they aren't "tan rabbits".. they are only half tan. The goal is to get the Tan rabbit coloring.. with a rex coat and a tan's body type.... or should we get a mini rex body type? hmmmm choices choices. I did post pictures of the black tan (mixed breed technically) female on...
  5. P

    First Show

    OH hey interesting fact I just now noticed...... Apparently.. my friends blue tan didn't have the one black tan baby girl. She had 2 broken tan (one black, one blue) does and the solid black tan doe AND a broken black tan buck. I only thought she had the 1 doe... I was so wrong. She brought...
  6. P

    First Show

    Yea, I had a judge who looked at rebel's ear tattoo ( his name) and laughed, saying loudly, " Oh i like this rabbit hahaha" then he quieted down once he started inspecting him. I felt a bit uncomfortable and kinda hung back in the crowd, not saying anything. I don't think he was playing...
  7. P

    congrats rebel

    haha no but I think I might have to get down on my knees and beg someone around my home to help me with pictures so I can actually get a decent one taken.
  8. P

    congrats rebel

    I just realized... Rebel isn't really prepped for photos right now. We blew out his coat in preparation for nationals and it's still coming in so... he sorta looks like Kramer from seinfeld. Should finish by the time nationals rolls around but he's a little on the frizzy side right now. So if...
  9. P

    First Show

    Here is my tan baby girl. She's 50% tan and 50% mini rex. Her mother is Harmony, a blue tan, and her father his blade, a broken black otter mini rex. I really like how glossy her coat is turning out to be but that's about all I can say. I have to have a judge look at her. What do you fellow...
  10. P

    First Show

    You can actually ship rabbits through the mail. They have to have special carriers etc blah blah blah. I'd go more into detail if it were actually going to happen soon. A tan male would be more for my friend who owns Harmony. If I tell her that I know of people who may have tans in the future...
  11. P

    First Show

    Yea they seem to be more of the racy (racey?) breed. More greyhound physique. I love harmony and I think those tans in the video are gorgeous!! Harmony is a "blue" tan.
  12. P

    congrats rebel

    BlueCamasRabbitry, You can take your rabbit to most non-food stores unless they have a no animals sign up. Walmart isn't really a place you can take them to since they have food ( I have snuck baby buns in walmart and the food store inside my cloth purse. they are babies, they sleep the entire...
  13. P

    congrats rebel

    heh, you'd be amazed at how many people stop me in the store while I'm shopping and ask if they can pet Rebel. The looks on their faces when they stroke his fur is very comical. I never grow tired of seeing it. It's amazing how many people out there have never felt a rex coat. I'm always...
  14. P

    congrats rebel

    Thank you, thank you , thank you and thank you to everyone :D I'll see what i can do about getting a picture of him posed. I'll need some help, that's going to be the hard part. I need someone to pose him and then I'll snap the pic asap before he decides to move. It's just easier for me that...
  15. P

    What Breed is Beatrice? Color?

    I had to ask about any darker coloration on her body because I thought she might be a washed out broken tort but if there is no coloring then that rules out that guess. I still want to snuggle that bun! More pics please?