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  1. M

    Anatole update - not feeling well

    Update today - Anatole had some cecotropes in his box this morning, so I was hopeful that he was getting better. He willingly took pain med, infant gas drops and water from a syringe. I gave him some Critical Care this morning, but had to wrap him up for that. It is very stressful for both of...
  2. M

    Bunny doesn't feel well

    I never know what is an emergency with a rabbit. My one year old Mini Holland Lop starting feeling off on Thursday. He didn't want to get out of his pen and run around and he hadn't drank any water. He was still eating pellets and greens, but I'm not so sure about how much hay. Friday was a bit...
  3. M

    Aggressive bunny help

    Sorry, another urgent question. They have not had any water since I brought them home. I have a water bowl, but they had a bottle in their hutch. We're worried that they might not know how to drink out of a bowl. Does that make any sense? Or are they just too stressed to drink yet?
  4. M

    Aggressive bunny help

    They are not neutered. We separated them and the dominant rabbit became very agitated. We left them in separate cages, but close together so that they could see each other. Now we are seeing that the smaller rabbit, Jay, is also mounting the other one (Jack) so they are both doing it. And it is...
  5. M

    Aggressive bunny help

    We just brought two male bunnies home. They've been living in an outdoor hutch together since they were babies, so we thought they were bonded. The dominant bunny, described by the owners as "aggressive," has not settled down for the past two hours. He is mounting the other rabbit, thumping and...
  6. M

    Rabbit's not walking right

    Thank you for all your help last night. It was helpful to not feel so alone. Merlin declined rapidly and passed away around 10:30. He was 8 and 1/2 and usually had 2-3 episodes of stasis a year. He did have a fever, but I forgot to ask the vet today if she suspected an ear infection. She thought...
  7. M

    Rabbit's not walking right

    Now he's running into the walls of his cage and falling over. I'm so, so worried about him.
  8. M

    Rabbit's not walking right

    He had a little Critical Care today. A very small amount. He is very resistant to syringe feeding.
  9. M

    Rabbit's not walking right

    He was not off balance before going to the vet, but looking back on it, he did "miss" and not clear the jump very well getting back into his x-pen a couple times recently. The vet prescribed Metacam and Baytril, but no gut stimulant. Ears and teeth are fine. He had x-rays because she was...
  10. M

    Rabbit's not walking right

    He's been to the vet for not eating. Received pain med, antibiotic, fluids, Critical Care. He was wobbly yesterday but I thought it was from the large fluid bubble making him off balance. Today when he went to the vet again I forgot about it because his gut issue was my main concern. In the...
  11. M

    Pain med for possible stasis/gas

    Ooh! He's hopping around the room and just a few bites of banana and an entire stalk of Italian parsley! The meloxicam strength is 1.5mg/ml and Merlin weighs about 4 lbs. 4 oz. I had the brilliant idea of calling MY vet, even though they're not open today. The doctor on call was the same who...
  12. M

    Pain med for possible stasis/gas

    My six year old bunny Merlin has had 7 or 8 episodes of stasis in the past 5.5 years. His most recent one was this Wed. night/Thursday. I took him in to the vet where he was given fluids and meloxicam and some Critical Care. By 5:00 pm he started eating again and was eating and pooping...