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  1. L

    How long can a bunny 'hold it' before going potty?

    As I mentioned, the living room is not bunny proof so I can't put a litter box down. Two of the 3 are litter trained and even use a litter box in their cages, the last boy uses it about 2/3 of the time in his cage.
  2. L

    How long can a bunny 'hold it' before going potty?

    Hershey is funny:) So I got a thick fluffy blanket for my lap and they sit on top, and are free to do what comes naturally; with a visit to the box every 30 minutes if they stay out longer than that.
  3. L

    How long can a bunny 'hold it' before going potty?

    No one has answered, maybe y'all don't pick up and pet your bunnies, but I do. I guess since the previous owners must have been watching TV for at least 30 minutes at a time, I'll try that and see how it works.
  4. L


    I'll try that!!! I've hung up some of the old bird toys and they like nosing over to the hanging ones.
  5. L

    How long can a bunny 'hold it' before going potty?

    The grandparent of 2 of the bunnies I adopted recently said her grandchild would sometimes have one of the bunnies on her lap while watching TV. They do seem to like sitting on my lap and being petted, could they hang out with me on the sofa for 30 minutes or so before having to use the potty...
  6. L

    What do you do???

    SnuffyBun it seems like she's just waiting for me to have kits and then expects to get them at a steal of a price to start her own lines. She's not researching, she's not trying to learn the standards, she's picking my brain bc she's knows I'm always reading new info.   As you no doubt...
  7. L

    Ever hear of an apartment NOT allowing bunnies?

    Some rules in rental houses or apartments about pets are made due to the legal classification of the particular kind of animal. Dogs and cats, for instance, are domestic animals and are generally subject to less stringent liability laws than wild animals. In your state, are rabbits classified...
  8. L

    I Need NIC Mess Containing Ideas!

    There are a couple companies that make acrylic panels custom cut to fit onto a NIC grid, you can drill a small hole and attach with zip ties. Cheaper is to go on Ebay and find one of those companies that sells acrylic pieces in squares, 1/8 inch thick is the cheapest, buy a bunch of those and...
  9. L

    Whats that smell?

    Carefresh has its place. For my gerbils who like to burrow around and play I use half Carefresh because it is nice and soft and they make little hills of it as gerbils like to do. But I would never use it as a substrate when I actually need something absorbent, it starts smelling very quickly...
  10. L

    Should you Spay your Rabbit?

    naturestee "From what I am aware it only occurs in cases where the woman has a decent medical reason." That may be more true now, previously it has been well documented that unneccessary hysterectomies proliferated.
  11. L

    Should you Spay your Rabbit?

    There are a lot of doctors that used to use similar arguments to have their human female patients get a hysterectomy. It's major surgery.
  12. L

    Chewing on Cords then Begging to be petted after

    In my personal opinion disciplining a bunny for chewing is not appropriate. Chewing is a natural behavior for a bunny, and bunnies do not have the capacity to plan a behavior just 'to get a rise out of' you. Prevent harm to your bunny by covering the cords or hiding them behind furniture...
  13. L


    So what kinds of plastic things are safe for them? I live in a burb and there are gazilions of plastic baby toys at garage sales, any guidelines on safety?
  14. L


    I made new cages myself, (but ordered the trays) and want ideas for toys. Already have some hanging wood block and other toys meant for birds. I'm on a budget so they have to be made for reasonable cost. What are your bunny's fave toys?
  15. L

    Supporting Your Rabbits In Tough Time$

    Plan purchases ahead. Many of us live in urban and suburban places and of course it is the farms where hay can be had cheapest. With gas costs these days you would not want to travel 100 miles just to get hay, but if you are planning to go out to rural areas anyway- for a family reunion or...