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  1. lalaleyla

    Rats and Rabbits?

    They are pet rats by the way. Not wild. XD
  2. lalaleyla

    Rats and Rabbits?

    So I have two rats. I've tried introducing each to my bunny but one of my rats is really violent and pulled out some of my rabbits fluff. The other rat is like best friends with her. They follow each other everywhere. Do you think I should continue to let my (friendly)rat play with my bunny...
  3. lalaleyla

    Desperate with Litter training

    Putting hay in the litter box will encourage them to go in it more! :)
  4. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    Random update. My rabbit managed to get to my tablet and chewed up the cord. Now it's official. No more request. DX
  5. lalaleyla

    How do you set up your litter box?

    I use a small cat litter box and line it with a small layer of paper pellet cat litter. Right next to the box is a hay rack. I don't put the hay in her litter box because she used to pee all over it. This way it helps conserve hay. :)
  6. lalaleyla

    Where do your rabbits live?

    When my rabbit was little she lived in a store bought cage. Then she lived in a 2 x 5 NIC cage until she was fully litter trained. Now she has free roam of my room all day. :)
  7. lalaleyla

    How much playtime do your bunnies get?

    My rabbit is free range in my room so there's really no "play time". But she has lots of toys to play with. :3
  8. lalaleyla


    I'd defiantly say indoors! I'm all for the x-pens and nic cages. Full range is even better! :3
  9. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    Guys I'm gonna take a break from doing requests. I just really stressed out and drawing tons of bunnies all day I tend to lose motivation to draw any more bunnies if that makes any sense? x'D
  10. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    Yeah I'm kind of overwhelmed at the moment. Someone suggested charging for these but I dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. It would be awesome to use the money I get towards these for my rabbit.
  11. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    For Cocorabbit
  12. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    I'll try to draw as many as I can today. I'm kind of under the weather today but I'm trying my best. :D
  13. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    Mikey for Pipp!
  14. lalaleyla

    Will draw your rabbit for free!

    Ahhh so many request! I'll try to do as many as I can today!
  15. lalaleyla

    Photos of the 21 Cals....lots of pics

    These guys are adorable! I would love to defiantly own a Californian one day. How big do these guys usually get?