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  1. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    I’m trying to laugh instead of cry
  2. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    And by the way it is not funny 😁😂
  3. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    Never mind 😢 got my answer …..SMALLER PEOPLE SMALLER GREAT JUPITER! sheesh that’s what u get for trying
  4. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    oh and one more ? Could I put the new vinyl and rug down first and switch her over or would that be asking for trouble? Isn’t she cuuuuteeeeee!💗
  5. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    She got out one time and it was a total nightmare she is so focused on my spot on the sofa dig and pee and was fully committed to claiming it , she likes the cats they like her that was super fun to watch but after three days of full hell no we can’t free room we put her back in , I looked like...
  6. Jilly beans

    Advice on switching areas 🐰

    As you all know , I dont know what I’m doing lol ! It is a rollercoaster with my bunny , we love her but they are a challenge ! so she is under the tv in our living room we are worried it is to loud for her precious ears and we want to eventually give her more space she is being really good and...
  7. Jilly beans

    Oh jilly beans - flooring options?

    So far so good ! There is a door at either end , and I do NOT go in ! I switch out pan from left door add hay from top and pet and love her at the doors . I change only one toy with other and wait to see if she does that disturbed walk away and kick out . I noticed she did that when l left one...
  8. Jilly beans

    Oh jilly beans - flooring options?

    It’s usually bigger but any changes and we have to go back to smaller
  9. Jilly beans

    Oh jilly beans - flooring options?

    I will check out horse mats thank you! Im just trying to save the house !she has tons of toys and rotated but again appreciate all advise thank you so much we are not giving up we love the bun ,holy terror , softest nightmare , challenger …. Sweet little destructor those are just the few of the...
  10. Jilly beans

    Oh jilly beans - flooring options?

    Yeah she ate the linoleum from center and all over it had no bends or edges we have hard wood floor she was eating that too! She ate my yoga mat as well🥺 okay thanks all we bought a new vinyl and new rug again it is of a sea grass material we are hopeful lol
  11. Jilly beans

    Oh jilly beans - flooring options?

    We are stuck still on flooring any suggestions, vinyl or outdoor carpet ,or even a wood panel are a definite no, lol we are struggling to offer our sweet but challenging bun a secure and safe flooring , she eats everything so far and or is peeing on it . So hurl some at me we are heading to...