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  1. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    I remember looking into this product years ago when it was still something that had to be made shortly before use as it wasn't shelf stable. Hospitals were installing the machines to make it but had all sorts of trouble with the reliability of the mechanics, ifI remember right. It was also...
  2. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    That makes sense. It's nice to have a product that's safe so you don't have to worry about animals licking it on woundsand coming to harm. I noticed they make a stronger veterinary version and human pharmaceutical versions,with manystill going throughregulatory hoops for approvalaround the world.
  3. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    You're right, it does need to be longer. Peepers started sneezing again after we stopped it. She's overall much better than before, still active and eating, not looking like a half dead bunny any more. But we will go longer now. Two weeks is probably right, whether she likes it or not. Still...
  4. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    We decided against any more treatments. Peepers seems to be the picture of perfect health. Nice having her getting into trouble again, lol. Tonight she was attacking a bag of puffed wheat I bought today and failed to put away properly.
  5. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    That's interesting, Sweetie. I'm not sure where else we can put Peepers. We're pretty full everywhere with gerbils, lol. Will have to think about that. Last time we did everything we could to make her corner toasty warm and non-drafty as soon as she fell ill, and it still took many weeks to...
  6. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    Update: since her second treatment Peepers has been completely back to normal, eating voraciously as she usually does. She was once again trying to break down her door for her bedtime pellets treat last night. We interrupted her morning playtime to give her a couple of minutes of treatment, but...
  7. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    Thanks. We hope so too. It's only happened twice, so hard to spot a pattern. Last time I think there was a bit of a draft in the corner her cage is in. The weather is warm now so I took all the blankets off from around it. Shouldn't rabbits be able to cope with minor temperature changes though...
  8. itsazoo

    Nail Clipping

    I do the burrito for Peepers and Jenny, but my previous girl Kari, used to just chill on her back in my lap while I did her nails.
  9. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    the Vetericyn, not the Nebulizer lol
  10. itsazoo

    Respiratory infection again, but new plan this time

    Some of youmay remember a couple of months ago our Peepers (Dwarf Hotot) had an awful RI that wasn't responding well to Baytril and improved only slowly with added chloramphenicol.But then shequit eating, drinking and pooping. We nearly lost her. Butour vetpulled herthrough. So, fast forward to...
  11. itsazoo

    Rabbit Breeds I want to Own

    French Lop Tan Dutch Jersey Wooly Flemish Giant Dwarf Hotot used to be on the list, but I finally got one of those lol
  12. itsazoo

    the Prairie Clan pets blog

    so, the main water line sprung a leak on Sunday..we have been without running water since then..still dont have any, the part they had to dig out in in my room, so there is a hole and a pig pile of dirt in my bedroom...of coarse Jenny is in my we had to get her outa there, I...
  13. itsazoo

    the Prairie Clan pets blog

    my brother REALLY needs to learn the rules around here! I nearly had a heart attack when I went to the bathroom and walked when I walked out my brother had the back screen door propped wide open....Peepers was running loose..thank god she didnt see the open door! I ran over shut the door and...
  14. itsazoo

    My dad blames everything on my rabbits.

    nope, my mom loves my buns as much as I do lol, she complains hwne Peepers is bad, so I do something about it(like making her play area smaller etc..) then my mom pouts at peepers sad face, whines that she will watch her and lets Peepers have free run anyway lol. every year I get a dry cough...
  15. itsazoo

    Why are rabbits the best pet?

    Bunnys are fun, full of personality, thay can be trained like a dog, but can be indepdendent like a cat. Peepers is so sweet, she is a trouble maker, but she is smart and willfull, she follows me like a puppy. I caught my brother laying on the living room floor with her recently lol...