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  1. HopeG

    Found this odd spot recently on Oliver's fur...

    Its hard to see the skin underneath cause there is so much fur, but from what I've been able to see there aren't any flakes or redness. And I haven't seen him itching it a lot or anything.
  2. HopeG

    Found this odd spot recently on Oliver's fur...

    Hi all, I recently noticed an odd marking on the back of Oliver's head/neck area and in that spot he has really short fur. I've attached a photo, any idea what this is?
  3. HopeG

    Rabbit not eating as quickly as usual...?

    Hmmm.....interesting. I do feed Oxbow and I did just open a new bag about a week and a half ago. I never realized that the pellets would change from bag to bag enough for the buns to notice. He ate a lot better this evening, which is a good sign. Spinach is one of the recent choice of greens...
  4. HopeG

    Rabbit not eating as quickly as usual...?

    Haven't changed diet, except for choice of greens. I gave him a couple different choices he hasn't had in awhile as I couldn't get my normal choices, the supermarket was low on produce. I do feed hay always, fresh water and pellets/greens twice a day. His poops have been normal. I'm thinking...
  5. HopeG

    Rabbit not eating as quickly as usual...?

    I have a Holland lop who is about to be 2 years old in February. When I would go to feed him in the evenings, he would jump up to the bowl and begin eating. Lately, he hasn't been doing that. He doesn't seem to be in much of a rush to eat anymore. He is eating though, when I go to feed him in...
  6. HopeG

    difference in two oxbow foods?

    Hello, I have a rabbit that recently just turned a year old and I have started moving him to an adult rabbit diet. I was wondering if anyone what the difference was between the Oxbow Essentials Adult rabbit food and the Oxbow Natural Science Adult Rabbit food? Also, does anyone have any opinions...
  7. HopeG

    any ideas of greens mix?

    I was thinking about buying 3 or 4 different things and cutting them up ahead of time and then mixing it up, kinda like a salad.,that way his greens are ready to serve every night. Does anyone else do this? And does anyone have any ideas of what greens would hold up the best for about a week or...
  8. HopeG

    tips on greens

    Okay, since I have started giving my rabbit fresh greens, I'm having a problem trying to figure out how to keep my greens crisp and which ones are better for keeping fresh. He's a small rabbit, a Holland lop, right now at about 2.7 pounds, so he doesn't require all that much greens and when I...
  9. HopeG

    where can i find onw of those fences?

    I've really been wanting to get one of those wire fences to block off a certain area for a bunny to be in, but I can't seem to find one. The only ones I seem to find are the ones that are small for hamsters and such. Right now, Oliver lives in his cage in a bedroom and he has supervised time...
  10. HopeG

    Do Your Buns Have Light at Night? (poll)

    Oliver has a couple blue LED nightlights in the room he is in.
  11. HopeG

    typical time frame for learning name?

    I've read that a lot of rabbits learn their name and will come when called. My bunny is almost 4 months old and I've had him for a little over a month. His name is Oliver and it doesn't seem like he recognizes his name yet. Any tips on how to help him learn his name? How long does it usually...
  12. HopeG

    what can i expect after neuter?

    I have a male bunny who's almost 4 months old. I plan on taking him in to get neutered within the next couple months possibly. What kind of behavior can I expect after a neuter? Will he become somewhat lazy, like how dogs and cats do or are rabbits different? Sometimes, he acts a little crazy...
  13. HopeG

    diet amount info

    I have a 13 week old bunny and just wondering, can anyone give me an idea of how much is a good amount of veggies I should feed my bunny? He only weighs a little under 2 lbs. and he will stay small, he's a Holland Lop. I'm starting to try him on different veggies and I don't want to be feeding...
  14. HopeG

    litter training question

    Okay so I got him a litterbox and he has started using it. But I have one more question...what is the best litter? I've just been using the bedding that I have in his cage (its that recycled paper looking stuff). The only thing I can find at the local pet shop is that ground up corn cob stuff...