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  1. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    Susan, I'm not paying rent at this time, which is the problem. I'll have to try to get Jumper to see that it's better to sleep on the towels and pee in the litter box instead of the other way around. He's a stubborn boy. Maybe I should try putting another litter box. I use plastic sweater boxes...
  2. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    I wonder if Walmart sells by the bolt. I bought a bolt from Hancock Fabrics a few years ago and didn't realize until after I got home that they didn't give me the sale price. I wasn't happy, but the fleece has come in handy in so many ways. It's got to be the best fabric in the world...
  3. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    I do also use fleece usually but I think it accidentally went to the storage unit. I'm going to look for it today. I've been washing the towels in 75/25 vinegar/water. I just looked up the closest laundry mat. It's a 20 minute walk, though if I didn't value my life, I could make it a five minute...
  4. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    She is a bit controlling. Yesterday I told her I had to go to the store to buy stuff I've needed all week and she told me no. Why? Because she was tired of seeing boxes in her house and wants me to finish unpacking. I understand not wanting to see boxes, but I can only put so much in a small...
  5. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    The hay is outside in closed containers. It's the hay in the cages that she's smelling. Every day I change out the towels and clean out the litter boxes. I also wash the water bottles. Every day I brush the rabbits with a damp brush to pick up loose hair and I clean the cages with vinegar. I've...
  6. G

    Smelly Rabbits

    My living situation has changed and I am now staying with a friend of my grandmother's. All of my animals are in a small room of about 10x11 feet. I now have four rabbits (2 male, 2 female). They are in C&C/NIC cages with towels and fleece bedding. All but one rabbit use a litter box. One of the...
  7. G

    Sixty-one pounds of compressed hay questions

    I'll have to ask what they consider the difference to be with compressed and regular. I was planning on them delivering because I don't drive (never learned). I'm sure I'll be able to move it once it's in the house as I regularly move 100 pound turtle tanks. I also didn't know that hay could...
  8. G

    Sixty-one pounds of compressed hay questions

    I have been going to Petsmart for their 96 oz bags of hay. It's getting really expensive, so I found a feed store that will deliver. I'm excited but I have a few questions. The first, they offer compressed bales of hay that are about 61 pounds each. They are $15.99, plus the delivering fee. I've...
  9. G

    This has become a NIGHTMARE!

    I almost had a panic attack just reading it! You must be so worried. I'm sure they will make it though. Otherwise, there will probably be a few hundred bunny lovers knocking on a lot of doors demanding a good answer for causing so much stress. It's a really good thing you checked the...
  10. G

    How to keep a white bunny white

    I'm betting Yes To Cucumbers is from the same company that makes Yes To Carrots (so good!). It is for humans though. I would agree that vinegar is great for stains. I was all my laundry with a dash of white vinegar and the animal towels always come out very clean and non-animal smelly.
  11. G

    Labelled As A Dutch Dwarf

    I think you guys are probably right. Thank you. He is a character so it all works out in the end no matter what he is.
  12. G

    Labelled As A Dutch Dwarf

    Lol. He is something. Every time I go into the room he hops up onto his water bottle. I sort of hope he doesn't get much bigger because it's just too cute and I don't wan to have to find a bigger water bottle so he can keep doing it. He actually pushed the cat bed off the dresser. It got...
  13. G

    Labelled As A Dutch Dwarf

    If it helps, he is a pet shop rabbit. He was probably brought in by the same person who bred my Holland lop. Supposedly, he was an "aggressive" rabbit when put into the rabbit cage in the store. Except for always wanting to run around and not wanting to be put on his back, he is not aggressive...
  14. G

    Labelled As A Dutch Dwarf

    I'm not too concerned about breed, but it's one of those things that's nice to know. Jumper was labelled as a Dutch Dwarf, but he obviously does not have the Dutch pattern. He is on the small side, but is still pretty young. Age is not known. I'm not great at rabbit breeds yet, but I'm guessing...
  15. G

    Hare Bear, My Favorite

    Awww! That is the cutest and saddest thing I've heard! I'm glad you work in a place where you can bring your bun though. I bet she enjoys it when it's dog-free.