Daily Fruits & Vegetables

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Oct 19, 2021
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New Jersey

I have two rabbits who are both 1 year old and I was wondering what fruits and vegetables are great to give them daily. Do I give them only once a day? Should I switch up what I give them daily? How much should I give at a time? Thanks for the help!
With fresh foods, it isn't just a matter of what kinds and how often, but the most important aspect is how to safely introduce them. Whenever a new-to-them food is offered, a rabbit's gut may need time to develop the enzymes to digest this new food. Each rabbit will have different tolerances to various greens as well as different likes/dislikes.

So the key is to introduce just one new food at a time over a period of several days. The process is described in the link below. (Your rabbits would be considered 'adult' at their age.)

Bear in mind that fruits (and even carrot) are considered treats because of their sugar content. They are not considered part of the "greens/veggies" that should be part of a rabbit's daily diet. The fresh part of a rabbit's diet should comprise of mostly leafy greens so think more in terms of "greens" than "veggies."

Once they've been introduced properly (per link below) to a variety of greens over a period of time, you'll have a list of what greens your rabbits tolerate and enjoy. Once that point has been reached, they can have about 2-4 cups daily. Those can be fed however you like -- throughout the day, divided into a couple feedings per day or just once per day. They can even be used as a reward for any training you may want to do.


This video is what your rabbit should eat in a day, I found this on Youtube. You can just skip to the veggie part.

And here is another

This is here making it but it gives you an idea of what to give them.

And another

this is the best one I think, it explains it more
With fresh foods, it isn't just a matter of what kinds and how often, but the most important aspect is how to safely introduce them. Whenever a new-to-them food is offered, a rabbit's gut may need time to develop the enzymes to digest this new food. Each rabbit will have different tolerances to various greens as well as different likes/dislikes.

So the key is to introduce just one new food at a time over a period of several days. The process is described in the link below. (Your rabbits would be considered 'adult' at their age.)

Bear in mind that fruits (and even carrot) are considered treats because of their sugar content. They are not considered part of the "greens/veggies" that should be part of a rabbit's daily diet. The fresh part of a rabbit's diet should comprise of mostly leafy greens so think more in terms of "greens" than "veggies."

Once they've been introduced properly (per link below) to a variety of greens over a period of time, you'll have a list of what greens your rabbits tolerate and enjoy. Once that point has been reached, they can have about 2-4 cups daily. Those can be fed however you like -- throughout the day, divided into a couple feedings per day or just once per day. They can even be used as a reward for any training you may want to do.

Thank you for sending me that link! I also had one other question. Do you recommend a certain brand of pellets?

I have two rabbits who are both 1 year old and I was wondering what fruits and vegetables are great to give them daily. Do I give them only once a day? Should I switch up what I give them daily? How much should I give at a time? Thanks for the help!
For my rabbits, I feed them Green leaf lettuce, Romaine lettuce, cilantro, or parsley. These are the veggies that I provide them almost daily. I did introduce Red leaf lettuce which they love. I would say do research and this website helped me a lot (Rabbit Diet: What to Feed a Bunny). Some veggies NEED to be switched out daily due to oxalic acid. (Rabbit Food: Suggested Vegetables and Fruits for a Rabbit Diet) this is another site that is very helpful!

It can take a while to find veggies that work for your bun, but once they find the veggies they like they will be begging for them every day. My bunnies are 5 and 10 pounds and I give them both about two cups of veggies a day. A rule of thumb is 1 cup of veggies per 2 to 3 pounds of body weight.

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