The Carrot Kingdom!

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I love looking at your blog Michaela! Your garden is so nice!
Ebony is adorable - Looked like she was having fun digging though :) Poor you having to clean it up:? but at least you are getting her run "dig proof" so she will still be able to go in the back garden :p

Thanks Jess!:D Yes I am getting pretty excited. I love that I'm getting to see it grow up. (I've already picked out the one I want, the biggest one, I hope they don't mind!) I really hope your parents let you get another bunny. Or have Millie inside? Are you still not allowed that?

Thank you Becca! :D I put her out in her run today, it's not dig proof yet, and guess what she did? Yep, started to dig, straight away! :craziness

I have some pictures of my baby, his or her eyes opened today! Just sorting them and I'll upload them soon. :)
[align=center]Baby pictures! Just of the one baby, the rest were asleep. This one is so funny, it chases Smartie around the hutch wanting an extra feed! XD But luckily, her hutch is a two floor one, so she can escape. ;)











Michaela, both Maddie and Ebony are just precious. You take wonderful pictures of both of them and I have really enjoyed looking through your blog.

The baby bunnies are adorable as well. Do you know if you'll be getting a little boy or a little girl? And will the baby be an indoor or outdoor bunny? And, you know, we'll definitely need tons and tons of pictures! Have you thought of any names yet? I'm so excited for you!

I'm definitely adding your bunnies to my bunny-napping list :p.

Look at that cute little baby bunny nosey! I could just kiss that baby all day and all night. So, so cute!

For some reason, I think that baby should be named Ava if it's a girl and Devon if it's a boy. Just my two cents though ;).
Loading .......... 100% Cuteness


Cuteness overload

Cuteness overload

Bunny must be napped by Becca

OMG - I really love your blog - I totally agree with Alexah and about the names as well so cutttteeee :biggrin2:
This might sound weird, but after seeing the pictures of Ebony in your front yard, I really like your grass. :)
[align=left]What beautiful fur Ebony has! And I LOVE the pic of her rolling in the dirt![/align]
[align=left]Cute babies too:biggrin2:[/align]
Thank you everyone! :D

Alexah, I'm not sure if I will getting a boy or girl - it doesn't really matter. It will be an outside bun, it's going to be a friend for Ebony. But don't worry, it's not a rubbishy little hutch, Ebony lives in a wooden playhouse, it's 7.5x3.5 foot, so plenty of space, she has a small upper level too. And I'm trying to convince my dad to attach her exercise run, which is over 7x5 foot. :) Must get some piccies of the house actually. Those names are really pretty, I will keep them in mind. :D

Becca hands off! No stealings!! :duel:D

Haha Christina, my grass is full of dandelions and daisies! Bunnies love that though of course. ;)

Tonyshuman (I am very sorry I don't know your real name!) it was just adorable when she did that, I laughed!
I love all the new pics, Michaela! The babies are precious. I love this pic of Maddie with the little flower between her ears, too cute:D! I just love the scenery in all the pics, wish I had that in my yard:grumpy::p.


I LOVE this picture, aww, look at her mouth!


She is such a beautiful bunny, she's so unique, I have never seen another rabbit quite like Maddie.

Thanks Crystal and Michelle. :D You picked out my two favourites of the pictures, the first one is my new desktop background, haha! :D My mum is obsessed with flowers and planting things, none of it has anything to do with me. :p I don't have green fingers, furthest I get is picking dandelion leaves for the buns. :) Yep, she is definitely unique, I love that so much about her. I think her "mane" (yeah right!) is like people hair. :p Many people probably wouldn't like her because of her colour, but she's so special to me, both my girlies are. :D
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I love all the new pics, Michaela! The babies are precious. I love this pic of Maddie with the little flower between her ears, too cute:D! I just love the scenery in all the pics, wish I had that in my yard:grumpy::p.

I don't have to say a thing - Its already been said :p
Gorgeous xx
Michaela wrote:


Awesome action shot!!!

Both your bunnies are beautiful. You can see how much personality they have through their pictures.

Those babies are cute too - I love baby bunnies! So precious.

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