"Peg's Place" - the Adventures & Misadventures of all the buns here

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Peg...want me to come back over there and help you trash some things :p? It doesn't help that some of my junk is still there....feel free to trash/donate it, for sure. I don't even remember what I left...so I don't miss it...lol!
I'm so tired....this will probably be longer than most of you care about reading - but I'm wiped out - so if it doesn't make sense - its cause I worked HARD all day in Uvalde and I'm beat.

First of all - I did a video of Tio a couple of days ago - I need to get it uploaded...someone kick my rear if I don't get it on here by Monday - ok? He's a cutie....even if he doesn't like the camera.

Also - I hope to do some videos this weekend of Miss Bea, Hepburn and Minnie (not all together at once). Can someone help me remember this? I think I'll plug in my camera battery to recharge on my way to bed...

Now about today....I was asked to do work in Uvalde (70 miles away) and I'm even an area coordinator now for that area so they can pay me .50 more per hour when I'm working in those stores (plus my drive time). So Art & Robin & I went (Art just got hired on and Robin is going to get hired on) - and we did about 11 hours of work.

One of the stores I had a quick job in - was Walmart. While we were there...I was showing Robin & Art some sweaters (to get their opinion) - they're by White Stag and they were pretty colors - at least a couple of them. Well...they twisted my arm (it was SOOOO hard....NOT) and I bought not one - not two - but THREE sweaters, I was so drawn to a blue one - but I almost never wear blue. I wear red...I wear purple...I wear brown....I wear some greens. I love orange and rust. But blue isn't one of my best colors - I have to sorta hit it "spot on" to look good....well...I'm glad Art & Robin pushed me to get the red one - the green one - and the blue one. Yep - this one is a really nice color for me. (This weekend I hope to go through and get rid of some of my old clothes and make room for the new ones).

So I'm pretty happy with my new wardrobe - and Art says that there is something 'different' about me the last couple of days....like I'm more sure of myself...happier. I think he's right.

Of course - we almost had a fight yesterday in Walmart about him wanting to buy me a bluetooth for my phone - AND paying full price.

You have to understand - I almost NEVER EVER pay full price for anything for me. I have to LOVE it to do that...and this was HIS money that he'd earned from helping a friend this summer/fall....

But I accepted the gift (now I need to learn to use it) - and today - I didn't even balk at paying "full price" for the sweaters (the Uvalde store gets different stuff than we do)...because I guess maybe I was believing I was worth it. I don't know.

Speaking of spending money - I've decided I'm "worth it" to spend some more money on myself....and as soon as I refill Harriet's bottle - I'll be back here to share about it.

Ok back...turned out 3 others had run out of water tonight too....:shock:

I was talking with Flashy the other night after thinking about things - and one of the things I've realized about my life - is I've always been happiest (and the best at homemaking) - when I have a daily quiet time (with the Bible). I like to read a passage - sometimes journal on it - pray, etc.

Now for those who aren't religious - please feel free to skip this next portion....ok? Its mainly about the Bibles I've had and what I've decided...etc.

I have this bad habit of "collecting Bibles" and yes - I do read them. I was brought up to not put anything on top of the Bible if it was on a table, etc - that it was holy and to be treated with respect. And I do treat mine w/ respect...but I respectfully write in them - and all over them. I have several Bibles - and I have notes in each of them....which is great - but sometimes - it is "enough" and it is time to get a new Bible as I just need something for a fresh perspective.

I used to get a new Bible about once every two years - maybe three years. The year I worked at the Christian Book store - I bought two Bibles - the Life Application Bible and the NIV Inductive Study Bible (the first one that came in the store even).

So over the years I've had:

The KJV Open Bible

(NIV I think?) Thompson Chain Bible - the first one I had - was missing about 32 pages - actually it had the same 32 pages twice and was missing one set of 32. I found out when a minister was preaching on "dry bones" from I think Ezekiel...and I couldn't find the chapter anywhere in the Bible...but in order to get a new one - I would have had to send mine back to the company and I had so many notes in it.....I later got another Thompson Chain...I still enjoy it

NIV Disciple's Study Bible (from the early 80's - I bought one for Art and couldn't leave his alone - so he bought me one)

NIV Life Application Bible

Inductive Study Bible - in both NASB and NIV

NIV Leadership Bible

Quest Study Bible (probably my least favorite other than the leadership one)

and others - whose names escape me

I was talking about this to Eric last night - and he was telling me about his ESV Bible (English Standard Version) which he really enjoys reading - and he read me some from his.


I wanted a Bible with a wide margin so I could write in it - and we were discussing this one:


and he said he'd like that for his second Christmas present .....and I thought I'd get one for me too - but then I started reading more about the size of the font and thinking about it and stuff and realized.....it wasn't really what I wanted.

I kept going back and forth about things - I really loved my Inductive Study Bible, my Open Bible and my Thompson's Chain.

I remembered how I was trained to help people pick out Bibles - first decide on the translation you like...then choose from the various study helps....etc.

So I knew I wanted NIV or ESV. I like the ESV...but I keep going back to NIV - its what I've been reading since 1978 pretty much (we had one minister joke once about it being the "Nazarene International Version" ....

I kept thinking about it tonight - why do I want it.....I mean - I have several Bibles already....I know I wanted a fresh start - but what did I want from using it this coming year...or two years or whatever.

Then I realized as I went back and forth between varios versions (and study methods and stuff) - that I wanted something not so much for intense Bible Study (which is fun...I love to pick a word and study what scripture says about it - for example - how is the word "Walk" used in Scripture??)...but instead - for "devotions" - basically - something to read and reflect on during the day.

That lead me to looking at the devotional Bibles. I've had the Woman's devotional Bible before...and it was "ok". I had a Praise and Worship one - it was ok too.

Then I saw one - that I think is written with notes by people I trust...the Walk Through the Bible people. Years ago we went to their "Walk Through the Old Testament" Seminar and had such fun and learned so much....and I know their notes aren't so much "doctrinal" as they are ... historical.

The more I looked at this Bible - the little I could see - the more I like it...

So - this weekend I will be ordering ...


If you look at the excerpts..you'll see that they have questions with each reading ...and I think that is what I want.

I can always journal in a notebook and I've written in these Bibles before - just not a lot. I highlighted a lot...just not written a lot.

I figure I'm going to try to use it in here at my desk - if I can get used to cleaning up my paperwork every night - that way when I come in for coffee in the a.m. - I can have my quiet time then.

One thing I'm learning from my whole blood pressure meds thing (and I'm doing really good) is that if I tie it to something else...then I'll at least remember I SHOULD do it.

Anyway - enough rambling - I gotta hit the sack after I check out a couple more things on the net.

BTW - I may still get myself an ESV Bible on Ebay or something....just a reference version 'cause I really did like listening to Eric read it...then again - I love hearing my son's voice when he reads!

Ever had a day when you got up and it felt like everything just sort of "clicked" into place...emotionally you felt good...physically- you had energy...motivationally - you were ready to work...etc. etc. ?

Well - that's me today. It feels so GOOD to feel this way too. I can't believe how good I feel and how much I'm getting accomplished already.

So far - I've changed the linens on the bed - hung up a bunch of my clothes - started my first load of laundry - taken my blood pressure meds (first thing I did really) - and set aside the stuff for supper (a crock pot meal I'm about to go make).

And its not even 10 AM!!!

I normally call my mom at noon - so between now and then I plan to:

  • clean off my desktop (again)
  • have a quiet time w/ one of my Bibles (once the desk is cleaned off)
  • start the crock pot dinner
  • throw the laundry into the dryer and start another load (we call it "rebooting" the laundry)
  • maybe upload the video of Tio so I can post it
  • prepare some mail I need to send out today
I'm hoping that before I call my mom - I actually will have the first load of wash put away - the second load in the dryer - and the third load in the washer. That would just ROCK.

Anyway - I'll post more later - I'm going to take advantage of this while I can.....
TinysMom wrote:
I normally call my mom at noon - so between now and then I plan to:
  • clean off my desktop (again) DONE
  • have a quiet time w/ one of my Bibles (once the desk is cleaned off)
  • start the crock pot dinner DONE
  • throw the laundry into the dryer and start another load (we call it "rebooting" the laundry) DONE
  • maybe upload the video of Tio so I can post it
  • prepare some mail I need to send out today
Flashy wrote:
How are you today?
About to head to bed - starting tomorrow I have to be up at 4:30 am in the mornings to get the car from work - and this week I have work EVERY DAY and a lot of it too...


Still yet - the money will be VERY nice on Jan. 2nd when I get this paycheck....
So much has happened this week - and I'm so wiped out right now. I'm going to share a few things here - not so much bunny related (yet) - maybe more over the weekend...

First of all - as many of you may have read - I wanted to try for a job where Art works - only to find out I couldn't get it. Since then, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching about my job - my life - etc. etc. I've not been overly happy with some things for a bit - and I've been trying to figure out why.

I'm torn between working in an office (which I do enjoy - depending upon the atmosphere, etc) and continuing to merchandise. Both have their advantages and their disadvantages.

But both are JOBS. Know what I mean? They're not something I feel passionately about.

I've been doing some research into something called "Life Coaching". In the past I've had mentors (which is different) - and I even had a life coach for about 3 months in 2002....which helped me think through things about changing my life (the kids were getting ready to leave home). I really enjoyed working with my coach and got a lot of benefit out of it.

When I think about things I've done in the past - I realize I LOVE listening to people talk about things - and I love helping them figure out how they can achieve their dreams. Earlier this year, I listened to a friend share about what she wanted from her life - we talked about various steps she needed to take....decisions she needed to make....etc. When she followed one of the steps towards her goal months later - I was on cloud nine. I felt like I had somehow - in some small way - helped someone out - even if she was the one who made the decision. I really rejoiced with her (even though it was a temporarily painful choice she made).

I have taken some various tests in the past w/ Myers-Briggs, DISC, etc - and so many of them (even the Spiritual Gifts tests I've taken) - point to the fact that helping people is a BIG BIG part of my life and what makes me tick. I may share some of the things later on in this blog - I haven't decided yet.

So...I am looking into possibly taking some courses (training) in Life Coaching to get certified and start doing that "on the side"....with the idea of eventually working up to a point where I have enough work I could stay at home. Maybe. I like getting out of the house too.

I'm really focusing right now on not rushing into anything (even though I've bought like 5 resource books and I am going to contact a coach that interests me and see about the possibility of working with her during January to think through options and decisions).

I'd share more here about coaching and the difference between it and counseling and mentoring and stuff - but I'd probably bore y'all to tears...so I won't.

But I guess I've been quiet 'cause right now I"m in a point of just reflecting on my life - on what I want to be when I grow up (after all - I'm ONLY 48).

I know that years ago I dreamed of being a coach....but I put it off thinking, "I'll do it later.." and now its five years later and I still haven't followed that dream - for many reasons - some of which we needed $x per month (which Art mostly makes).

Anyway...on to bunnies.

Miss Bea is a hoot. She really is. She has this thing about getting up on the bed (she's still in the bedroom with Minnie and some others) and leaving poops for me. Sometimes they're little ones - sometimes they're big ones. I always "thank" her and remind her to NOT poop on the bed.

So this morning I sat down and talked to her and reminded her that I was working today and I wanted her to stay OFF the bed.

So what does she do?

I head out to the car and remember I need something from the nightstand. I send Robin in to get it - and there is Miss Bea on the bed - just as pleased as can be...till she sees Robin.

She gives Robin this look of "oh crud...what are YOU doing here...?" and is all upset.

In many ways - Miss Bea reminds me so much of Tiny - he always felt like he was a short human and could go anywhere he wanted...she feels that way too.

Oh well - at least she is still with us - so I guess I'll enjoy every day of having her with us - even if it means "poops on the pillow" (ok - not exactly).

Before I forget - I got my new Bible -and I really enjoyed it this morning. Not sure if I'll keep it on my desk - or in my bedroom with my blood pressure pills - which I have been FAITHFULLY taking...

And one final thing...somebunnymom was a bad bad person today. I got more "stuff" at TSC and Dollar General and I brought home a new lop eared bunny. But more on that later....
Oh Amy....nothing escapes your attention...right?

Ok - here is what I can say about the bunny.....

He/she likes carrots. I haven't yet been able to tell if it is a boy or girl (I guess it is that small still).

He/she has airplane ears so I'm thinking of names like Boeing or Delta ... stuff like that.

I also don't think the bunny is litter trained yet...so I'm not quite sure where I can trust it to play....and I'm thinking Miss Bea is gonna beat up on it - so I have to make sure it has a safe cage...

So since you asked...





Life Coaching sounds cool. When people go into anything like that they really have to make sure they are mentally strong enough to deal with it, and also make sure that they have a support system around them so that it doesn't affect others if things do get hard because obviously if their own problems affect a client then that's not right. If you think the time is right, you want to do it, and you think you can deal with the wide variety of things that could come up, then I think you should go for it. You won't lose anything and it might give you a lot into your life :)
Flashy wrote:
Life Coaching sounds cool. When people go into anything like that they really have to make sure they are mentally strong enough to deal with it, and also make sure that they have a support system around them so that it doesn't affect others if things do get hard because obviously if their own problems affect a client then that's not right. If you think the time is right, you want to do it, and you think you can deal with the wide variety of things that could come up, then I think you should go for it. You won't lose anything and it might give you a lot into your life :)

Were you listening in on my almost 4 hour long chat with Eric last night? :shock:

Not all of it was about my dreams and changing my life - but a lot of it was.

One of the things he pointed out is that even though I can do life coaching via. phone & internet (much of how it is done) - that in order to really be effective at it....I need to get my own life and my own home in order. (He is a Messie too).

I knew what he was referring to...I really did. He pointed out that I need to be "authentic" and part of that (since I want to work with women who are struggling with homes and what they want out of life as they get older) - is to make sure that I have routines set up in my own life - to deal with the clutter and the DIRT...and so that while I'm working on "training" - I'm also cleaning out the crap from my own home and setting up routines so I can manage my own life.

There's nothing like having a 24 year old son who lives far enough away from you that he can be brutally honest without getting slapped! :biggrin2:

He reminded me that when we lived in Oklahoma - for about a 9 month period we were living in this big house and I kept that house really clean. Even though I didn't have a dishwasher - dishes were done every day before Art came home.....we always scurried around to have the house looking nice before Art came home - I had supper ready at a set time - etc. etc. etc. He said that was such a "homey" period of his life when he felt safe and secure partly because of our routines and the condition the house was in....and it is one he looks back on with fondness.

He also talked about when we lived in Alaska and the routines I had there and how there was always something decided ahead of time for food and how things just ran so smoothly.

We then talked about the house now that I have so many bunnies and we talked about things I can do now to take care of it.

He also spoke to me - from a man's point of view - about how he would feel about having bunnies in the bedroom. We agreed that the sickies can stay in the pen - but the others should probably move out. So - over the course of this weekend and coming week - I'm going to make some changes. I don't know all of them I'll make because I don't know how certain rabbits will get along. But Miss Bea and Minnie are for sure - coming into the office. Audrey and the current office crew will either have to accept them and get along - or get moved out to the rabbitry. I may move Minnie out to the rabbitry - but the fact is - I really enjoy watching her run around and stuff and I'd prefer to bring her in here with Miss Bea so that Miss Bea has another diva bunny to work with (since they get along now) to keep Audrey in line.

The neatest thing to come out of the whole conversation was....Eric suggested that if I can figure out what I want to work on and will email him pictures - he can break down what he sees into steps of action I need to take. He says he can't prioritize the steps (which is my strength) - he can only see them. I can't see them - so his help will be a godsend.

He's also agreed to be my accountability partner in getting the home back in shape. We talked about how its hard for Art 'cause he loves me and its hard for him to do stuff like this. But Eric lives far enough away that he can do it "safely" without upsetting me as much - PLUS - Eric and I are alike in so many ways that he really can help me.

He does think I should get a full-time office job (while I'm working on training and the rest of my life, etc) because he thinks I"d be happier in an office. I am still praying about that.

Anyway - I think I'm very encouraged by my discussion with Eric. Basically - he wants me to be "authentic" and be able to help others out of my strengths (which he has seen in the past) so that if they were to meet me or show up at the door - I wouldn't want to run and hide. He reminded me that for years I managed the home and did a good job of it - it was mainly after the kids left home and I fell apart and stuff that things didn't go well.

And with that - I am going to go sit and have my quiet time and get my day started....

Posting from another thread:

I'm already losing my heart to her .... I may just ask Art for her for Christmas even though I know I shouldn't.

Anyway - first the backstory..

I went to the feedstore today to get my food. I adore Justin and his wife Heather - and their employees are awesome too. I walk in and Justin and Gabby both say, "Mrs. Flint - don't we owe you a bag of the blue Purina from the last time you were here?"

DUH - I'd forgotten! I'm so pleased that they're honest...

Anyway - they had bunnies so they gave me a marker so we could check their sex and mark in their ears "G" for girl and "B" for boy. I've tried showing them how to do it - but they prefer having me do it. (I do it for free - just cause they're great folks).

In the top cage was one girl and one boy - in the bottom cage was one girl and one boy. The rabbits are probably around 6 weeks old I'm guessing - not the best age - but I've already lectured them several times about taking them younger and they are doing better at not taking them younger than that.

Anyway - Art puts his hand in the bottom cage to grab one of the bunnies and the bunny charges him. Not just once either. Several times. Then it backs into the corner.

Now those of you who are experienced are already going, "female"...right? Cause you'd be right - she's a female and she is obviously cage aggressive.

We go to hold her (once we catch her) and she is trying so hard to get away from us that I'm afraid she's gonna break her back. I mean - we're talking one very angry - very stressed out rabbit. I'm good with rabbits - I'm used to holding them and being the big kahuna bunny...(unless they're my heart bunny like Zeus or Tiny or Miss Bea and can boss me around). But together - Art & I can barely control her. Art keeps saying, "She's ok - I've got her" and she keeps flipping around.

Um....sorry Justin - this bunny is NOT ready to be sold...especially not to a home with children.

Now before some of y'all go off on pet stores and feed stores and stuff like that - we don't have a pet store for 150 miles - we don't have any rabbit shelters or rescues for 150 miles and if someone wants a rabbit - they have to deliberately make a trip to the feed store to get one. So when people come for a rabbit - they're not usually impulse purchases. In addition - Justin and Gabby and the others are great about handing out information I've put together - and Gabby has even talked people out of rabbits if she felt like they would not do right by them.

So Justin and the others are really pretty good about this - for a feed store...and they do want to educate new people and have often called me for tips, etc.

With all that said - I walk into the store and tell Gabby that the rabbit can't be sold. I also tell Justin. I explain how the rabbit is acting and I said, "You can sell the rabbit to an adult who knows how to handle rabbits and can handle an aggressive rabbit...but do NOT sell it to someone who has kids because the rabbit is going to break her back trying to get away and its going to look bad for y'all".

They ask me about how to socialize it - Art says "no we can't"....as I mention maybe we could.

I think he saw something though - when we went to show them how scared the rabbit was (and she charged him some more)....I think he realized that she needed us to help her.

So we have her ... for now.

I just had her on the bed for pictures and went to put her back in her pen and she was horrible - I was afraid she'd hurt herself or me. She is definitely a diva bun largely because of the cage aggression issues and her fear.

I'm currently calling her "Diva" - she reminds me of Miss Bea who would box us when we'd open her cage door at first...and IF I keep her - I may look for a name in Russian or Japanese or something that means "Diva" or something else - I don't know.

Anyway - here are her pictures.

Ali - I almost wanted to call her Samantha - she has your girl's spirit and if you look in her eyes - I think you'll see what I mean. BUT - there was only one Samantha - and I would not want to cause you pain by calling her that and having you read it all the time. But look at her pictures and her eyes and tell me if you see Sam's attitude there somehow - I don't know if it will show in pictures.

Part of me keeps saying, "She's only a foster bunny...you're NOT adding more". I told Art I have the "chestnut curse' because the only color of rabbit I didn't care for at first was chestnut - yet so many of my favorites are ... chestnut.

She looks sweeter in the pictures than she actually is....trust me. She thumped us off like three or four times when put in the pen and then flicked us off too as she ran to the back corner. She growls when you go to touch her too if she's on the bed.






Peg she is so cute. As i was reading about her I expected Diva to be some LARGE Bunny, but she's just a weething. I hope you keep her. You and Art would be great Mommie and Daddy to her.

undergunfire wrote:
HAHA, I knew you were telling a fibber about the lop eared bunny...instead, you came home with a Lionhead :biggrin2:.
Amy - I didn't get her till this morning around 9:00 am.....so I wasn't fibbing when I posted last night. I really had meant the lop bunny as a joke.

Robin just suggested calling her "darling". I'm still thinking of something like "Hades Hare"....she does not seem to care for me much (although she will tolerate Art).

Miss Bea is having fits...she had some really bad behavior tonight and when I talked to her about it - she jumped up on the bed and presented herself for grooming.

How can I scold her when she does that?

For those who are wondering.....Miss Bea peed on the bed (and left a string of poops).

I think its cause Art had the little one on the bed for half an hour or so today and she chinned stuff and some of her fur got left behind...

Oh well - I needed to rewash my comforter again this weekend anyway....right? (I have three comforters that I go back and forth between and it was just a little spot....)

I think if they decide to name her darling - I'm gonna call her "Clemtine..." You know - the song, "Oh my darling...oh my darling....oh my darling...Clementine..."

Anyway - I have mixed feelings about her. I'd like to like her more - but she has such an attitude about her.....even more than Miss Bea and Minnie (especially for her age).

Rabbit whisperer someone called me in the thread where I mentioned her in the main forum....its about to become BALD rabbit whisperer....
TinysMom wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
HAHA, I knew you were telling a fibber about the lop eared bunny...instead, you came home with a Lionhead :biggrin2:.
Amy - I didn't get her till this morning around 9:00 am.....so I wasn't fibbing when I posted last night. I really had meant the lop bunny as a joke.

Ohhh, I know. I was just joking with you :p.

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