My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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It wouldn't let me edit because it had been too long. But I wanted to clarify, and say that she does eat her cecals. She eats like 9 out of 10 of them. She leaves like one for me to clean up. haha. She's been getting like a pinch over a 1/4 cup a day of pellets now. I think what I need to get is an 1/8 cup size measuring cup to give her two feedings a day of 1/8 cup. So I'll feel like shes still getting enough food since it would be two feedings, but it would really be the right amount of food. Ya know?! I'm crazy and I think two feedings is more for my benefit than hers. But I do have to put a pinch in her cage to get her in at night.

Speaking of night time routines, this rabbit is so smart! I give her two raisins at night to get her in the cage. I lead her in with one and put one in her food bowl. Last night, her food bowl was right outside her cage. She saw me with the raisin and instead of going to her cage she went to the bowl and waited for me to drop the raisin in! So I had to put the bowl in the cage, then pretty much throw the raisin into the cage and put the second one in the bowl. Little smarty.
Haven't been on here in a couple of days. I've missed a lot. Little Ellie is so cute! Love the pictures! Her tail is really long, haha. When I look at Ash laying down his tail looks really long too. And when he's laying with his legs sticking out behind him it reminds me of a turkey, haha.

Whenever Ash eats his cecals he only eats like half of each cecal. I usually don't see him eat cecals but he's pretty healthy so he must be eating them when I'm not looking, lol. :p
Great photos, I just love that little lady and her tail is really long. I hardly ever find cecals so assume mine are eating all theirs. Mine are driving me nuts at the moment, always getting up to mischief and I feel that I spend half my time now telling them off haha.

That is so funny with her grooming the cat and vice versa, she is such a funny bunny.

I was going to say you have her well trained with the raisins but I think that´it´s her that´s got you well trained instead lol.
I think I'm having an allergic reaction to something! AHHH! Sunday, I was outside a lot with no sunblock or SPF chapstick. So Monday, my upper lip felt a little weird and I thought that it was sunburned from me not putting protective chapstick on. My body isn't sunburned, but my lip feels weird. Still does. I wake up this morning, lip feels strange, didn't notice the roof of my mouth itching until I ate something. The roof of my mouth has this bumpy feeling. Its SO weird. It also itches like sin.
It feels like it would feel if I had eaten a mango, since I'm allergic to them. But I haven't eaten one since two years ago, so nothing like this has happened since then.
I wonder if I'm allergic to my chapstick? That wouldn't make any sense, since I've been using the same brand for like a year. Its the only one I use. I feel like if I was going to be allergic to it, it would have happened sooner. I'm pretty sure I'm not allergic to any other food. Plus I haven't really eaten anything this morning and I didn't eat anything last night. UNLESS I'm allergic to Carpi Suns! After talking to my mom, we've deduced that its the capri suns that I'm allergic to. They have to have some sort of mango juice in them, but I threw away the box and the only thing it says on the drink thing is "fruit juice mix". hahhaha. Oh boy. I'm a freaking mess. Benedryl time!

I'm taking the dog to the vet Friday. He's been flapping his ears a lot. So he's either got mites, an ear infection, yeast infection or he has a grass seed thing in there. We have this tall grass that has little seeds on it, the seeds have spurs and stick to the animals and get into the ears and don't come out and cause issues. My mom's little dog had that problem last year. Then he has to get his rabies shot and whatever else there is yearly. So hopefully it will be a nice and easy fix!

Ugh, my mouth is itchy. Happy Wednesday!
What a bummer have a reaction to the juice, that´s the problem when they don´t specify the ingredients.

Hope you sort your dog out. I was thinking of you today when I was listening to the radio and they were talking about why are eggs brown or white and why over here are all the white eggs disappearing. And he said it was because brown eggs are laid by brown chickens and white eggs by white chickens and I was laughing cos I thought that couldn´t be true so I then googled it and it seems it is. I thought that was too simple. But it is true that we hardly ever see white eggs over here, will white chickens become extinct in Spain lol.
My chickens aren't brown and they lay brown eggs. Different breeds lay different colored eggs. I just read that pigment is deposited into the egg while in the process of formation. The pigment comes from a hemoglobin in the blood.
Brown egg layers need more food than white egg layers. Maybe the battery hens you guys use are a different breed of chicken than the ones we use. Most of the store bought eggs over here are white. We use a lot of White Leghorn chickens for battery hens. I know there are different laws put in places for the US and Europe, when it comes to chickens and eggs.
I just read about it and it said that earlobes are a good factor in telling what color eggs a chicken will lay. Like white earlobes will lay a white egg. Red earlobes will lay, brown, blue or green eggs. I know the Maran chicken lays a really deep chocolate colored egg. Its the prettiest egg you'll ever see.

I know that the UK is really serious about their chicken welfare. They're really serious about chickens not being kept in battery cages. They said if there are battery eggs coming into the UK they'll demote them from a Class A to B and they won't get the Royal Lion stamp. Thats serious! haha. Its a good thing though.

Who ever said that rabbits are supposed to sleep in the middle of the day, clearly didn't tell my rabbit that. I swear, she is the most mischievous in the middle of the day and I always have to say something to her! She's been crazy the last two days and I'm going crazy! hahaha. Right now I'm in no mood, I'm in a benedryl coma and I feel weird. And AJ totally isn't helping, he's acting worse than the rabbit! Ellie's been tearing up my rug and I want to ring her neck. I guess I'm going to have to take the rug up.

I started watching Dr. Who today. I fell asleep during the first episode, so I'll have to watch it later. haha.
That would suck to be allergic to mango. I love mango! Hope the benedryl kicks in(sorry, you already posted, glad it's kicked in :) )

Cute pictures of the little troublemaker. I love the ones of her and kitty grooming each other. I swear, sometimes these rabbits are just out to drive us insane. Sometimes they are great and cute and do their normal bunny play things. Then sometimes they are trying everything possible to get into trouble. It's almost like they know they are trying to do things not allowed, cause when you tell them to stop, they zip away doing little head binkies, like they think it's funny you are telling them to quit it. I think that maybe they just get bored with the old stuff and need something new to do.
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I love mango too. It does really suck because I think they taste amazing. I don't get to get mango salad or chutney. I get nothing mango and its really unfortunate, because I'm sure its delicious!

When Ellie is in trouble, she stops for like 1 second, perks her ears up and then continues to do what she was doing. I need to get a spray bottle with a long spray so I can squirt her from far away! haha.
This is what I'm dealing with now. She's trying to get between the washing machine and her cabinet. I've blocked it off, but shes realized now that she's a rabbit can JUMP onto her pellet containers. So I look in and she's up there nibbling on her pellet container.
I think you can see in the picture, I made her a "toy", its from those little coffee creamers, the box opens awkwardly and I stuffed it full of hay. She can push it and get the hay out and its small enough for her. She should be playing with that, not everything else that isn't good for her! Or she could just take a freaking NAP!

Those pellet tubs are blocking the part of the rug that she's been eating. Such a brat.
She sounds just like someone else I know. Yes, they do look at you when you catch them but then they just go back and do it have to laugh. Mine were also going crazy this afternoon. I couldn´t have a nap as I had to keep my eye on Houdini and Snowy out together and they were making so much noise, can´t believe two small rabbits can make that much noise. I think it´s their duty to keep us on our slacking and no napping, you have to take notice of me when I want you to lol. Love that photo, looks like she´s planning her next move....wicked little Miss Ellie :headflick:
HaHa! Spraying with a water bottle has never worked with Thumper. I think he actually likes it! Clapping and saying No! doesn't work either, he either keeps at it or if I approach him will go off binkying.

What kind of capri sun were you drinking? Which flavor? It could be you are becoming allergic to something you weren't before.
The Capri Sun was the Pacific Cooler one. I looked up the ingredients and it didn't say anything about mango, but it did say "fruit flavors" as the last ingredient. So who knows if there is actually mango in there or not. I don't know what it is, but hopefully the roof of my mouth and my lip get better soon. Its very itchy and I don't like it! I've also been in a benedryl daze all day and I don't like that either! LOL I really hope I'm not allergic to anything else, that would really suck. I eat a lot of fruit on a normal basis, so I don't think its any of the regular fruits. I wonder if its the 'high fructose corn syrup' thats in it? I eat a lot more natural foods now, like a more clean diet. I don't know what it is, I think its weird though.

When I go to the store Friday, I'll see if I can find a cheap spray bottle. I'm going to start spraying her to get her to stop being bad! haha. Ellie is afraid of the dog too, he's been banished to the kitchen because he jumped over the baby gate and landed on AJ. So shes seen him and has been thumping at him for a while now. She also won't come out from behind the folded up play pen. haha. She's been a little chicken right now.

I started cutting coupons, so I have a ton of them to shop with when I go to the store Friday! I'm pretty excited. I LOVE saving money.
My lip itches so bad. Has anything like this happened to anyone else? Is it wrong that I just want to rip my own lip off to get it to stop itching? LOL
Do you have any hydrocortisone or benedryl cream that you can rub on it.? That's what I use when I've had an allergic reaction to something on my skin. Helps a lot. Also taking an anti inflammatory like advil, seems to help as well.
Kaley. You just made me laugh out loud. haha. She is really round! Like a freaking all. I call her ball all the time, along with other choice names.

My husband stepped on her pellet tin lid the other day and now when you put it on, its really snug now. So she can't open it! Which is a good thing, so now she's getting a controlled amount of pellets. The fatty. LOL

So this morning has been ridiculous. I got up and felt a little frazzled. I made coffee, out of my creamer. I made my cup of coffee and I had to get sugar out of the big container. I hit the container against my coffee cup and spilled my cup into the open silverware drawer! Hot coffee was pouring out of the drawer onto my foot and then the floor. I got all that cleaned up and had to go into the living room. So I'm walking over the gate, AJ is in the way and I kneed him right in the head. Seriously, when I put my knee up over the gate, its right at forehead level for my child. He took the full brunt of it. I felt so bad, but not bad enough because I told him to move and he didn't. He never does and that is not the first time thats happened. haha. I guess thats what happens when I'm in a hurry. That sounds like I don't care that I hit my kid in the face, but I really do. I picked him up and made sure his nose wasn't broken or anything and kissed him. But seriously, he never moves and he knows what happens. He should really just listen. The dog jumped on him last night because he was in the way at the gate. The dog is a dog and he doesn't understand not to jump when the kid is there. But AJ should know what happens when Woody jumps the gate. Its not the first time the dog has jumped on him. When do they really start to learn things?! Jeez, he can count to 10 and say is ABC's but he can't get out of the way of the gate!

Now I just feel sort of weird and I'm really unhappy with my coffee because I don't have my coffee creamer. I'm also watching Thomas the Train and its annoying and slow. And there is a grown man playing with a toy train set. BUT its not as bad as Curious George. THAT show gives me and my husband anxiety. The one my husband watched was one with George destroying a clock that it took 3 years for a woman to put together. My husband was like "why is that monkey out and about like that? The Man in the Yellow Hat freaking fails because he should have that creature in a cage. Not just free running the town! Doesn't he know that moneys destroy things and carry disease? And they EAT other monkeys!" Then he turned the show off. I didn't like it either, but I didn't go crazy like that. I just got up and walked away. hahhaha. He was in a mood.

I think this has been the longest week. I'm ready for it to be over! Saturday we get to go out with other adults! How exciting. We're going out for drinks! I'm so excited. We never get to go out with other adults.

Happy Thursday!
I think she's broken. I think she's defective. First, she was digging in the floor in the kitchen. I went in and she went under my butchers block and tried to hide from me.
This is what happened.

After that. She was walking around and was sniffing at the dogs water bowl. Its a huge metal Kong bowl. She put her two front feet on the edge and sniffed inside, THEN put her two front feet IN the water. She walked like 2 steps into the water and then got out. So she was in up to her chest. She shook her front feets off and slung water everywhere and left little wet feet prints everywhere.

Now, she's going crazy in the box. The cat finally got out of it and parked herself in the wash basket so Ellie can have the box. LOL
she´s a dysfunctional bunny haha, she is so funny. love those little legs sticking out. She´s just trying to fit in with your household lol. I just so love that little lassie.
LOL! Ellie's too funny, and sooo crazy. I always wonder what possesses my rabbits when they dunk their little feet into the water dish. Thankfully it doesn't happen very often.
I hope you get to enjoy going out Friday! Wish I could go. I only get to see men that talk almost exclusively about racing. I hope your lip is feeling better. The only thing I know to use is Benadryl. That usually works pretty quickly when someone has needed it around me. I remember my mom sticking me in a tub of Epsom salt when I was allergic to chocolate and snuck some so I broke out in hives. Not sure how to soak a lip but since Epsom salt is not poisonous you could try making a paste and sticking it on for a little while.

The girls are 9 and 11 and I'm still waiting for the common sense to really kick in. I can't remember when it kicked in for my kids.

None of the buns seem to mind getting their feets wet.
Haha. Denise, I don't know when kids gain the common sense either. Probably not until adulthood. hahaha. My luck.

All day long we've been watching Thomas the Train. Are there people on the trains? Like I just saw a conductor get off of Thomas to attach him to another train car. So is there a person it, but the train cars drive themselves and talk to the people? I'm so confused. And Mr Toppam Hatt looks like Rich Uncle Pennybags, the Monopoly guy. LOL I think I'm really over thinking this.

My lip feels a little bit better. After I clean the kitchen and get AJ into bed, I'm taking a benedryl and going to bed. Its the only safe way to take them. Hahaha. Hopefully I won't have a benedryl hang over tomorrow, its my errand day and its going to be a long one! The dog is going to the vet and I have to grocery shop. Hopefully I'll get enough coffee in me in the morning and I'll be able to make it through the day. LOL

Oh! I ordered this broom set last night. I'm SO excited to get them. They're rubber! Like the grippy kind, that picks up everything. I got a broom for the floor, a hand sweeper thing, two dish scrubbers, and a toilet scrubber, and another sweeper thing for anything. But they're all rubber, so they are all washable and stuff. It was like $50 for the whole set and they should last for years. They're all purple and I'm so freaking excited to get them. The one thats used for anything is good for getting the dog hair off the dog too, you can just brush you dog or couch or carpet with it and collect all the fur. Fantastic right?! LOL I'll let you guys know how they are when I get them. Hopefully it will be next week!

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