My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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This rabbit is going through some sort of weird eating phase. She's eating everything! She tore up my rug today. I mean, this was a nice sturdy rug, how sharp are those little teeth? She got through the outer banding thing of it. Good god.

She JUST knocked over a package of Mosquito Dunks and ate some of one that fell out! I hope she doesn't die because its an "organic chemical" or whatever. They say they're safe for all animals, because you put them in watering troughs and stuff. But still, that seems scary because she just ate some of the dunk without it being diluted. What a crazy ass rabbit. Her and my child and testing my patience today.

I gave her my applesauce cup when I was done, so she could lick it. What more does she want from me? Jesus help me. Hallalujer.
We're going to Raleigh tonight, for the weekend. My husband is playing another golf tournament. So AJ and I are going to try to find something to do up there. I've never been to Raleigh, but I've heard that the traffic is really bad and its confusing up there. So I don't know how far we'll get from the hotel and/or parks so we don't get lost. I got a pretty good deal on the hotel too, I'm a little scared of it though from the reviews. Hopefully it will be okay! haha.

Ellie is acting crazy as hell. She just opened her pellet tin, even though there are pellets in her bowl. Ate some pellets, then closed the dang tin back, like I didn't see her. I swear, she closed it!

I woke up with a headache but I have to get up and start doing stuff. I have to get packed!
I have to tell you guys about my new love for My Little Pony. hahaha. The other night, My husband was trying to change the show and I was watching this two part episode that I was sort of getting into. haha. So he was like, "can I change this?" I was like, " NO please don't change it, I want to see what happens!" He just looked at me like I was crazy. I was like, what? I'm still an adult! hahaha. Then the other night I was going to my friends house and I grabbed a Capri Sun from here because I didn't want to take a glass. It turns out that people look at you funny when you're an adult drinking a Capri Sun driving down the road. haha. Sometimes, I don't know what to do with myself.

I have to pack and find this little rabbit! Its too quiet in my kitchen.
Poor doesn't seem to be your week at all with a kid and bad bunny.

We always have capri sun in the house. hubby packs some of them and a bottle of water in his lunch. I only drink them in the summer. When I'm mowing or working in the garden I switch between water and capri sun so I don't kill myself drinking too much water. They are great for drinking while you work because you can hold the top in your mouth with your teeth and drink with no hands so I can continue working. I really only like strawberry kiwi. Oooh I should make some popsicles out of them.

Hopefully AJ will cooperate and behave himself on your trip and you can relax and have some fun.

I get headaches a lot as well and know how annoying it is. Hubby's always saying we need to find a doctor because people shouldn't have headaches that often. It's been most of my life though.
Its been most of my life with headaches too. I have a chronic headache, its always there. Its terrible. When I get stressed it gets so much worse. I haven't had a full blown migraine in a while though(knock on wood). The last time I did, I was literally blind in my right eye. I had no sight in my right eye. It was insane.
My husband gets headaches like a normal person, like 1 time a month. So he doesn't understand. He has a worker who has chronic migraines, like crippling migraines almost everyday. He has a terrible diet though, smokes like 2 packs a day, drinks no water-nothing but mountain dew and doesn't eat during the day. I sort of get why he has headaches. I'm not much better with the food, but I drink a lot of water and only like 3 sodas a week and usually they're a sprite. I'll only drink a coke/pepsi if I have a headache.

This week has been a long one for sure! I hope this weekend goes well. Its been a little difficult with AJ, so hopefully he acts right and I don't have to beat him! Just kidding, I wouldn't beat him. I would however, put him in a sleeper hold. Again, just kidding. Mommy humor. LOL
And Ellie better act right this weekend too! I have to make sure her enclosure doesn't have any rug in it, because she'll eat it!

I love Capri Suns! I get them for AJ for in the car, that way I don't have to make him a cup and then chance leaving it in the car. So he can drink it and I'll throw it away. So I guess they work for me too. I do the same thing, I can drink them with no hands while I'm doing something. haha.

Ahhh now to finish packing and doing the things that need to be done. I just have no motivation today.
I hate the migraines. I don't get them too often but years ago I worked for a company mostly cleaning houses but doing some offices as well. I guess the stress of that job as I could not stand the owner and most of the workers are women and you know what they can be like plus other stress in life was causing me to have more of them than normal. I can remember cleaning one house and boy did it need it but I couldn't see in front of me at all. I Had just big blank spots there but could see with my peripheral vision. It was so strange seeing that way plus it's hard to clean when you can't really see.

I hate taking meds of any kind so usually just take advil and if it doesn't help then I just have to cowboy up and deal with it.

Don't worry, I get the mommy humor and wouldn't really expect you to be mean to AJ. Sometimes it just helps relieve some frustration.

I have stuff to do for the weekend too and have no motivation plus I need to clean bun cages. That's what I dislike the most. Jobs I do every day. Boring.
I'm still in Raleigh, I have to check out of the hotel soon and I have no motivation to get AJ ready or pack the stuff up. haha.
I got really sick last night, in the middle of the night. Ugh. We ate Denny's for dinner because its like 500 feet from the hotel. I brought my food back with me and at like 8 finished it. We went to bed at like 8:30, well we laid down and turned the lights out to watch tv so AJ would go to sleep. Then at like 10 I turned the tv and went to sleep. At 1, I woke up and got sick. Ugh. I never want to eat at a Denny's again. It took me a while to get back to sleep too because AJ was sweaty in the middle of the bed and he just wanted to be on me, but he was SO sweaty. haha. Between him and his father, I had like 6 inches of mattress space.
So basically, I'm really tired, I don't feel great and I can't wait to get home.

My mom is so crazy. haha. She called me last night and asked me how to work my tv. She was supposed to take my dog to the park, but I think it was raining, so she took him for a ride instead. So I asked how the rabbit was doing and she was like, "well, he looked hungry so I gave her some broccoli." I was like "whoa! How much?!" She was like, a few forkfuls. Thats how she described it! Forkfuls! haha. I told her no more broccoli because it could cause gas and I don't want her gassy when I'm not there. So she took it out. I don't know if Ellie even eats broccoli, I only give her the leaves not the crowns. My mom was like "she just looked SO hungry and she was begging!" I started to laugh and I was like, "if she has hay and her pellets for the day then she is just playing you! She wants raisins, so give her like 2 and you can give her like 1/2 a scoop of food if its bothering you that much." haha. Leave it to my little rabbit to beg her way into a gassy belly or something crazy. Every time my mom watches her, I come back and she's got like half a bale of hay in her enclosure. So I know she's not hungry! hahaha. And she always gives her too many treats, like a bunch of carrots. Or a bunch of raisins. LOL My mom is such a feeder.

And AJ is being so defiant! He's tired and out of his element and but he showed his ass leaving the playground yesterday! Then getting back into the hotel room, he goes crazy and throws all sorts of stuff. I know he can't wait to get home either and sleep in his bed and I can't wait to sleep in mine. He is definitely the kind of kid who likes to sleep in his own bed. haha. He usually doesn't do well sleeping with us, but this weekend, he's been really good with it. But its hard to sleep with him because he never slept with us. Only like the 4 times he's gone out of town with us.

And no one knows how to drive here. They all do like 20 over the speed limit and I don't like it. I guess maybe we drive slower in SC but everyone goes way to fast here. And they're so tailgaty and I REALLY don't like that. LOL
That's a little bit frightening but honestly very funny about your mum, she just can't say no to that adorable little bun face! But really, who could blame her :p

At least you'll get to be home soon and all get a good nights rest in your own beds. I've had food poisoning before, and it sucks big time. It probably actually took me a week to fully recover and feel 100% again. I was really only sick for maybe 5 hours about 9 hours after eating, but it takes a lot out of you. Rest well and recover quickly :)
Well last night, I learned that I can never leave the house again to go out of town.
I found out yesterday afternoon that my dads girlfriend didn't go to my house in the morning to let my dog out or put my cats out. My mom left the night before at like 8pm and then my dads girlfriend got here at like 1pm th next day. Thats along time that my dog was in the house and the cats were in here. My cats peed under my stove and pooped in the floor and it took me hours to get the poop smell out of my house! It was like what a hoaders house smells like.
My dad lives like 10 minutes away from me, so I asked his girlfriend to come in the mornings since my mom works. Then my mom comes in the evening and usually hangs out and watches tv for a while. I'm really really mad that she didn't come until like 1pm and couldn't be bothered with getting my cats out. Like, I'm appreciative that she comes to let them out, but its such BS that she didn't come here until like 16 hours later. I called my mom and told her what time it was that she came and my mom was pissed.
I just feel like no one cares. Like, if I had to take care of my dads house and had to go in the morning but didn't make it till afternoon, they would be pissed. Because its rude to treat peoples animals like that. I just don't like when people act like that.

Alright, enough complaining. So last night, my husband was reaching into Ellie's enclosure and he booped her on the nose and startled her and she boxed his hand. hahaha. It was so funny, he like barely touched her nose and she boxed him. I laughed, then gave her a raisin.
My husband said that she looks like she's gotten bigger. I said no, she's just fat! haha. Because she is. I've taken her down to 1/4 cup a day and she's still solid. I think she's supposed to be a ball. haha.

I'm so tired from this weekend. I didn't even get up with my husband, I was like dead. He was leaving and came up and woke me up because AJ was up. I didn't want to get up at all. It was like I woke up in the middle of my deep sleep and not ready to get up. So I'm really dragging and I want to take a nap. Like a super nap, around 8 hours worth of nap. haha.

Have a good day!
That's too bad about your dad's girlfriend. It's a shame when you can't count on someone to do you a favor especially as I am sure if she asked for your help you would help her. And it's not even about you, it's about the animals and their welfare.
Headaches are such a pain, literally. I used to suffer from migraines when I was younger and they would totally knock me out for days. I hate taking meds as well but sometimes no choice. Terrible you got food poisoning, nothing worse than feeling terrible when you´re not at home.

I know what you mean about the driving. Summer has finally arrived here when you see all the idiots on the roads who don't know where they´re going, tailgate constantly, go too fast and drive as though they are the only people on the road. I´m quite glad when September arrive and most of them have gone home.

I hate it when people let me down, that´s why I´m a bit wary of asking someone to sit the buns to go away, I´d just be so worried they were left on their own and that person didn´t come when they should.

I can understand her giving in to that cute little face, one look and she´s won over. Mine eat broccoli and love it, I don´t give them loads but they´ve never had gassy tummies with it. I usually cut one of the florets into smaller pieces.

Hope your week has started off better, July is going far too quick.
July has gone by far to quick! Its so crazy to think that its almost August.
Oh crap, my best friends bridal shower is coming up really soon! Uh oh, I have to get on making decorations, or at least finishing them up! haha.

I've been so tired today. I took a nap with AJ. LOL I don't feel rested though, I feel weird now. I think I need some more coffee. Tomorrow is grocery day! I'm so excited because there is NO food in this house! haha. I also stopped going to walmart. Its been like 6 days with no walmart and I feel pretty good! haha. I'm going to start going to target to get paper towels and toilet paper, then going to Aldi's and Save-a-lot for regular groceries and then maybe Sam's club for other things. Also I'm going to start making breakfast stuff and snacks at the beginning of the week, so I'll have stuff prepared for during the week. Like make muffins for breakfast or pancakes to eat during the week. I have to get my stuff together! LOL

I gave Ellie a paper grocery bag today and she loves it! haha. She's so cute. Her little dewlap is coming in nicely, its pretty adorable. I'll take some pictures soon, everyone needs a picture update.

Hopefully tomorrow doesn't go as it did today, with little being done. I'm not in the mood to do much and my child is in the mood to destroy everything. haha.
Sorry you got sick on your trip. That isn't very fun.

My bunnies love paper bags too! I'll give the little bunnies lunch bags, and they'll dig, scratch and chew at them for hours. Roo's starting to get a dewlap too. She's also getting slightly chunky. May have to cut back on pellets a bit. Can't wait to see pics of Ellie's. Somehow I can see Ellie developing a very grand dewlap, to match her dutch bunny roundness :)
This morning, I got more stuff done before 10 then I have in a long time! I spent a ton of money at TSC, got some rabbit pellets, chicken feed, cat food and rabbit litter. Then went to the grocery store and got a ton of food! But I still have to go back to another store and get some meat, because Aldi's didn't have the meat that I was looking for. And AJ got a haircut.
I did all of that with a blinding migraine, no coffee and two bites of food. I think I did a pretty good job. I stopped on the way home to get my brand of coffee, they didn't have the small bags but they had this GIANT tin of coffee on SALE for $7.99. I almost did a cartwheel in the aisle. LOL
Now, I'm exhausted and I need to drink my whole pot of coffee...which I probably will. I took something for my head and it still hurts. I hope it goes away.

Ellie is such a little begger. She just begs all the time for food and acts so ridiculous. haha. She just seems like she's staving all the time. So sometimes she tries to climb up the side of her enclosure to get my attention. LOL She is crazy when I put pellets in her bowl, she like grabs the measuring scoop with her nails and holds on to it so I can't put the scoop of food in the bowl. She just holds on to it. hahha. She did it last night and made me spill food everywhere. She's crazy.
I'll try to take some pictures. I need to clean her enclosure out so I'll get some pictures.

Oh and while I was gone, my dog got into the trash! He never does that! I was not happy to walk in and see a bunch of stuff on the floor. I think that he's mad that I left this morning because we left this weekend. So I think that was my punishment, trash in the floor and possible eaten chicken bones. Ugh. Dogs.

Edit to add: I went ahead and got Ellie some Manna Pro. A 25# bag. Its pretty much identical to the Small Worlds, so it shouldn't be that hard of a transition. But I have enough Small Worlds to do a few weeks of transition, just to make sure she does alright. Plus the Manna was like $10 for 25#, can't beat that!
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She certainly is a little beggar...when we say that it means she´s a rascal, yes suits her to a T. I just laugh at what she gets up to, that girl is so much more than you expected but in a nice way, just love that cheeky face.

Sounds like you had a tough morning but good bargain on the coffee.

Hope that little girl enjoys her new food, I´m sure she will as she seems to like most things. Mine will be gorging on greens this week, got three bunches of basil this morning, cilantro, parsley and a free bagful of freebie leaves so I´ve got more in stuff in the fridge for them than for us. If we run short, we can also do veggie this week lol.
She sounds so funny grabbing at your scoop with her claws like that. She is such a little rascal! She always doing something bad, chewing things apart, nipping and boxing you.

Hopefully she'll enjoy her new food.
Well guys, today has been a really really bad day. I think I've cried more today than I have in a really long time. Mentally, I'm exhausted which makes me physically exhausted.
We're having mega car issues. Issue with our car, which is old and was supposed to be fixed but came back worse than before. Issues with the loaner car that we're using from my FIL. We just went to look at new cars and I said screw it because I don't want to break the bank with car payments. Then on the way home from the car dealership, the car we're driving pretty much broke down in an intersection at the green light on the line and barely started again to get us to a safe place. In the middle of rush hour traffic.
But then, to start it all off this early big hen got hit by a car. We went to the bank and came back down our road and there she was. Dead in the road. I was like hysterical. My husband picked her up and buried her. I'm so upset about it.
I hate this house. I hate the road we live on. I want to move SO bad. I just want this all to be over. I hate feeling like this, but I'm really pitying myself right now and I think thats okay. I can't be strong all the time. I feel really weak right now and I hate it.

I'm sorry guys. Its just been a really long, incredibly hot (like 103*) day and I'm ready for bed.
Aw Morgan I'm sorry for your troubles. And I'm SO sorry about your hen! That's terrible and it's too easy to slow down when you see animals on the road. Sit have a good cry, drink some wine, and you'll get over it. Sooner or later but you have to have a pity party first.
There is nothing wrong with being upset as you have had a very tough day. We have all been there at some point in our life. We weather the tough times in life but sooner or later we just have a break down moment. dealing with car issues is a nightmare as we need them so much for work and all.

Dealing with it in the heat, with headaches or at any time you are not feeling your best makes it that much harder.

I am so sorry for your hen. I know you love her. I'm sure a lot of people think she's just a chicken but I know how one can get attached to animal no matter the species and to lose her in such a tragic way makes it that much harder to bear.

Have yourself all the cries you need. It will only add to your feeling exhausted for now but it is what you need to cope.
I'm sorry you've had such a crappy day. That's so sad about your chicken. It always sucks when we loose one of our animals. This wasn't your momma hen was it? I hope tomorrow brightens up for you.

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