My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I saw the cutest thing today! I wish I could have gotten a picture. I was leaving my moms house and I was stopped at a stop sign. Across the street was this grassy area and there was a mama bunny and her little babies! There were some older ones, like 3 of them that were about 6-7 weeks old and they were foraging. Then there were 2 that were like 4 weeks old and much smaller. They were all SO cute. When I drove passed them, they all flatten out and the littlest ones ran into the bramble bushes. It was so adorable!
I saw their little white tails and it was so cute! I told the mama to stay away from the road and she hopped off!

I just really love wild bunnies. I see the same three on my road. They're all on different corners of this one stop sign. I assume that they're in their own territories. But I swear its always the same ones. I guess they have nests in the woods nearby, but they're all always out at the same time at like 7-8 every evening. Or at least every time I ride passed. I love to see them! hahaha. I love cottontails.

Have I told you guys about my one footed vulture friend? Well, he has one foot. He knows who I am and isn't that scared of me. Not that I would ever try to touch him or anything, but when I walk outside and he's in my yard he doesn't run anymore. The other day him and some other one were in the road and the other one flew off, but One Foot had a hard time getting off the ground. I watched as he came a few feet from being hit! I was so worried for him! I put my hands up to try to slow the driver down, but of course he didn't! One Foot was okay and got out of the way, but the whole time I watched, the only thing I could think was "I have to save that bird!" So I was thinking about I would rehab him if he got hit and make him better and then he would live with me. haha. I'm freaking insane. Thats where my head was as I was trying to slow the driver down, I would rehab him and he would be my buddy. But he's pretty cool and he could definitely be my buddy! I would feed him raw meat everyday!
And now I'm so done, because I just shared what happens in my crazy brain...about a vulture with one foot.
I love wild bunnies too. They are so adorable! One snowy winter night I was looking out the window and I saw a wild bunny dash out from under it and than a few seconds later another bunny dashed out and followed the first one. It was so cute! I think they were under the trampoline because the snow didn't cover the grass under it so maybe the bunnies were grazing.

A lot of times I see a bunny dash across the driveway when I go up. You guys must have more wild bunnies where you live because I never see 7-8 bunnies every evening. I wish I did though.

Haha, funny about that vulture. I would probably be thinking the same thing. I guess I'm crazy too! LOL. That is pretty cool that he's not afraid of you. Maybe one day he'll hop right up to you. I always thought it would be cool to have a wild bird or other animal as a friend. I guess you do.
She has lost a lot of fur but I´m sure it will grow back and that dewlap is so cute...her own soft pillow.

Mine do that do, they sit plotting, you can see it in their faces and in their stance...Snowy got out today, he climbed up the cage and onto the chair next to it. Houdini regularly gets out if I don´t put the cardboard up against one side. Bandy is the only normal one who´s happy to stay put.

Hardly ever see wild buns here, I´ve probably only seen one or two in the whole time I´ve been here. I really worry as I´m sure if someone here sees them, they´ll have them to eat, that´s the standard joke among people here with my buns.
We're going to the mountains today! I'm so happy! I'm in a bit of hurry, but I'm eating so I figured I would share what happened this morning.
We were on the way to my husband work, we got to a stop sign on our road and he was like "this is the first time...holy sh*t there's a deer!" He WAS going to say this is the first time I haven't seen a rabbit right there(in a huge grassy area next to the road) but we look over and there is a rabbit AND a deer! Eating grass! We were like OMG! So I got really excited and I was like HOLY CRAP, DID YOU SEE HOW FREAKING MAJESTIC THAT WAS! IT WAS LIKE A DISNEY MOVIE!
It was amazing. The only thing to make it more amazing would have been if there was a huge blue bird perched on the back of the deer! hahahaha. I was so excited about it I was yelling at my husband! It was so funny.
I just need to carry a high speed camera with me all the time, I feel like I miss so much.

We're leaving for the mountains at 12:30! I've almost got everything packed, just need to grab the linens and pack everything in the car and take AJ to my dads house. I haven't even had any coffee today yet! I'm like amped up off seeing the disney movie on the side of the road. hahahaha. I'm trying to shovel some food in my face, so I can keep going before I totally crash from not enough caffeine.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! When I come back, expect some great pictures because we're staying in a beautiful cabin and its really nice up there! And I plan on coming back with some serious antiques! LOL

Happy Friday, Saturday, Sunday! :)
Congrats! :) You must be so excited! I love the mountains we have loads of them here.

Wow that is so funny about the deer and the rabbit grazing together. That really is like a disney movie. All that's needed would be a bird on its back and some other animals with them. That would be great if you had a camera.

The mountains are awesome! I'm sure you'll love them. One time we hiked up a trail and when we got to the top we could see AMAZING views. Can't wait to see the pictures when you get back, I bet they'll be great. Maybe you'll get some pictures of some wild rabbits and other animals.
I'm back from the mountains! We had such a great time! It was so relaxing and we laughed so much (and drank too much). My husband had a great time on the disc golf course, because its the most beautiful course in NC. It was absolutely amazing! He finished 16th in his division, which is right in the middle and pretty good for never playing that course before.
The cabin we stayed in was SO great! The views were fantastic, it was at the top of a mountain so the stars were SO clear at night. We had a hot tub and it was pretty nice! haha. The weather was PERFECT! It was like 78 with NO humidity and it felt freaking wonderful! I love no humidity! But I still got a sunburn so did the hub because the UV's were in the "extreme" level from Saturday and Sunday! haha. So now my back and shoulders are super tan and my husbands face and arms are tan. LOL
The two girlfriends of the other players were really nice and we got along really well.
I went antiquing on Saturday and got a few things. We went to this retro toy store and say a Pee-Wee Herman playset, it was freaking awesome! I'll get some pictures of the little things I got. But it was just the fun of walking around and looking at stuff. The antique store we went to was a little pricey, like $5-10 more than what I would have paid, so I didn't get too much. ahha. We also ate a really great BBQ lunch on Saturday, from Smokey Mountain BBQ. It was cheap and SO good!
Then Sunday morning we went to this little grill called the Hillbilly Grill, the serving sizes were HUGE and it was SO good. We went at like 7 am and we were all super hung over, but it was totally worth it. I got the corned beef hash, it was SO great with an egg on top! haha.

I didn't really get that many pictures because I was so...relaxed. Or whatever. I guess I was having such a good time that I forgot to get pictures! hahah. PLUS my camera is not that good and it barely does the scenery justice!

Then we got home Sunday evening, at like 7 and went and got AJ. Got home, then put him to bed, he cried all night. He would wake up and cry. I would go down to check him and he would be sleep crying or already back to sleep. Then when he woke up yesterday morning, he was sick! Like seriously runny nose, a fever, cough because of the runny nose. It hasn't been terrible, but its been a little rough because he's been whiny. I lost my booger sucker and had to wipe his nose a lot yesterday, after a while, he wasn't happy. BUT last night after he went to bed, I found the sucker and I also cried for joy! LOL I did nothing yesterday but lay on the couch with AJ. My house looks like someone picked it up and shook it. I have to get some stuff done today! hahha

Oh and something I thought was strange. Only my husband and I, then the two girlfriends drank coffee. The other three guys that were with us didn't drink coffee! What kind of adult doesn't drink coffee or strong tea in the morning! hahaha. But then I did see the tournament director who was staying with us, pour a 5 hour energy shot INTO a Monster energy drink. He could taste the sounds! LOL It was crazy. There is another story that I have to tell you guys, but at a later time because this post is LONG. But someone remind me of the "Troutwalker Story".

Thats the view from the cabin.

Here is a view from the disc golf course, with the pond.

And really thats all I got. hahaha. I wish I got more, but I just didn't think about it. I was having such a great time. LOL I did get a funny one of AJ yesterday. Since he didn't feel great, he was still playing but he took frequent breaks. So this is what I walked into the front room to find, when he didn't answer me.

I have SO much to do today. I REALLY need to go weed my flower beds, I've been slacking. But it looks like its going to rain.
Happy Tuesday!
I'm glad you had a great time! I miss having fun as every time something is planned that I will enjoy it falls apart. The view is amazing. I would have been happy to just sit there and look at the view all day.

I'm with you, I don't understand people that don't drink coffee. I think my body would even stop breathing if I didn't drink some although it never feels like the coffee gets me going. I'm still tired but I'm sure without it I wouldn't move at all.
I'm pretty sure without the coffee, I would melt into the couch. hahaha. When I see an adult who doesn't drink coffee in the morning, its suspect to me. hahha. I'm like "WITCH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" I drink coffee all day long pretty much. Sometimes I don't think it works in getting me moving, but then sometimes it does. For the most part, I'm just pretty tired and coffee perks me up a little bit, but without it I get super weird and then I just fall asleep anywhere. LOL

The view was great. On the other side it was a similar view. Its like the cut the top of the mountain off and put the houses on it, so on either side you could see the mountain ranges. We had a room upstairs in the loft, with the huge huge windows, so when you wake up you have beauty on each side!
I forgot a picture! Of the front of the cabin. Look at those windows. They were like that on the other side too! It was so nice on the inside, with all the natural light, I loved it! Since I live in a was nice to see the light. LOL

Morgan! Its nice to see you back on again! Glad you had a nice trip at the mountains! Love the pics, it looks so mountainous there! Its really pretty. We have to hike on a trail to get veiws like that!

To be honest I don't drink coffee, lol. I do drink tea though.
I wish my picture taking skills were better! I also wish I had a nicer camera, so I could have shown the beauty of West Jefferson, NC. haha. Maybe for Christmas I'll ask for a new camera. Wishful thinking though, since my husband is asking for a playstation 4. hahaha.

I have to tell you guys about AJ. He's SO funny. Well, he's been sick the last few days, runny nose...I think I told y'all this. haha. Anyway, the Fat Cat's real name is Cali and she is the only cat whose name AJ knows. He can't pronounce L's very well, so he says it like a W. So he calls all the cats "Cowie" rather than Cali or by their real names. I try to tell him "no, thats Smokey or Smedley or Bronco" but its always just "Cowie"! LOL Its hilarious.
Also, he's learned Ellie's name, but he says "Elwie". You guys get what I'm saying, like say Ellie pronouncing the L's as W's. haha. Its hard to spell these words out. He can pronounce the R sound in rabbit, so he says Elwie Rabbit or Elwie Baby because I don't know if he knows "bunny." But he will stand at the baby gate in the kitchen and say her name and she looks at him and when she doesn't come to him, he gets louder and louder until he's like screaming ELWIE RABBIT! Its freaking nuts, but its so funny. She just stares at him and periscopes to see who is yelling at her. I have to tell him to stop screaming at her because he'll scare her, but surprisingly enough she doesn't run off!

When we left for the mountains, I put up a smaller enclosure for Ellie and put a broken down box in the bottom of it. To help protect my floor and my rug, and I figured Ellie would like to shred it and it would keep her occupied. Well, I haven't taken her out of the enclosure yet so she box is still in there. This morning when I went to feed her, she jumped from her cabinet onto the cardboard and slid into my hand with the pellet up and shot pellets everywhere! She checked the bowl and there were no pellets and realized she was standing on them! I was like, well you're a dummy and I'm not picking them up! LOL
My mom is the one who was feeding her and I swear she was feeding her WAY more than I told her too. I told her to give her one scoop of pellets a day, 1/2 cup. Which is TOO much anyway, but I think my mom maybe didn't think it was enough and gave her more. She's freaking round! She's like a total ball. When she was flopped out yesterday, I could see her tummy sagging. LOL It was like WHOA THERE FAT ASS! NO MORE PELLETS FOR YOU!

One more thing, she's been eating her litter box. I don't know if she's eating it, but I think she is. I don't see any bits of plastic, so I think she may be ingesting it. Thats probably bad right? How do I stop that? I give her all kinds of stuff to chew on and she goes for the unsafe plastic. I don't know what her problem is, she's a brat. Any suggestions? How bad is that for her?

We went away the weekend before last. We left home at 3am and got back at 10pm that same day but had arranged for the neighbors boy to take the dog out and check on the rabbits. I verbally gave him instructions as well as writing them down. I came back to Thumper having about 1/2 cup of pellets in his bowl and pellets sprinkled in his hay. He was given way more than he should have been especially since I know Thump had to have eaten plenty as they are his crack now and I have no idea why they were sprinkled throughout his hay as I never said or wrote anything like that or that could have been mistaken.

You could try rubbing some ivory soap (bar) on the litter box where she is chewing or you might have to switch to a metal pan. Possibly a baking pan would work.

I love how kids think if they get louder they will be listened to! They are so funny!
I was thinking about getting a cheap cake pan, like a huge one. I need to get her new litter boxes anyway, ones with higher sides so she can't get the fat butt out of them. So I'll check it out and see if I can find a good one.

Yes, AJ's way of doing things is yelling at everything. No matter what it is, he just gets louder and louder until you're finally like WHAT! Just stop! haha. Hes like that when he's trying to hand you something but you're doing something, he's like HERE, TAKE IT. HERE, TAKE IT. HERE, TAKE IT! Half the time I'm in the middle of doing dishes or something and he's trying to hand me a cup or a something. Its irritating sometimes. haha.

On a side note, I've been watching Toddlers and Tiara's lately and I have this serious love/hate relationship for it. Like, some of the parents baffle me. Not all of them are crazy, but some of them are crazy with just letting their kids do anything they want and not having any rules. But the make up and stuff doesn't bother me. The way I see it, its like halloween and they're just dressing up to have fun. But I don't agree with the parents making their kids do it, but most of what I've seen, the girls really enjoy doing all of it and getting dressed up. Sometimes the moms say stuff that really bothers me and like they're trying to compete with their daughters and that bothers the crap out of me, because its not about the fat adult its about the kid having fun.
If I had a daughter, I think I would totally do pageants, if thats what she wanted to do. Really, if you think about it, its not much different than a sport. People pressure their kids to be the best athletes they can be, why not be Miss America? LOL Maybe if we have a second kid, it will be a girl and I can be a pageant mom! hahaha.

Oh and tomorrow is mine and my husband's anniversary. Yay 4 years! haha. It feels more like 50 though.
Somebunny escaped from her enclosure this morning and got out into the kitchen. There is a reason I keep the gate up in the door way, to keep her IN the kitchen! hahaha. I told my husband she got out and he was like "oh bun did you have the whole house to yourself?" I was like HELL NO! It was just the kitchen! haha, if it was the whole house the house would have exploded!

I have to tell you guys about one of my white roosters. The other day I was walking next to him and I saw that his eyes are brown, they're supposed to be yellow. So I was like, your eye is the wrong color. So last night my hub and I were standing in the kitchen and I was like "hey come look at this rooster, his eyes are the wrong color" Then the rooster turned his head and HIS OTHER EYE IS YELLOW! So I was like "holy hell, his other eye is yellow!" My husband came over to see the yellow eye and then the rooster turned his head and his other eye is basically black! After looking at the yellow light eye and suddenly seeing the dark black eye, we both were like "AHHH! Its the devil! Its a demon rooster!"
He has one yellow eye and one black eye, on a white rooster. Makes no sense. I wonder if something happened when he was in the shell or whatever. Its weird. The dark colored birds have brown eyes, and the white ones have yellow eyes. My black rooster has wrong colored eyes too, they're yellow. But now I've named the white rooster Demon! haha. Its the creepiest thing I've ever seen, but I'm pretty sure that he can see out of it, he looks at me with that one a lot. And I think he's looking into my soul.
Ellie is constantly escaping. That's good that she didn't get the whole house to herself. That wouldn't end nicely. Haha.

Funny about your rooster, I wonder why he has one yellow eye and one black eye. That's weird. That's funny that you guys named him demon. So creepy! Haha.
Good thing you have a back up gate! Could you imagine Ellie let loose on your house. She would DESTROY IT!!! Haha. I have a few destructo buns myself, and they're just like Ellie. Them and power cords don't mix :) Surprisingly my new stray bun is pretty good around power cords. When I sit with her while she plays, she doesn't seem interested in them. At least so far. Oh, and guess what she's been doing the last couple days? Nesting. I'm so hoping it is a false pregnancy, like with Ellie, cause I do not want to have to find homes for a bunch more babies. She's been with me for 28 days, so it is possible that she could be pregnant, just hope not. Though it is fun to raise little baby buns :)

Wow, that is odd about your rooster. I think that would kind of creep me out too!

Love the pics from your trip. It sounds like you had a great time!

Happy 4rh to you guys! :)
Happy 4th!

Sometimes when I go to give Thumper fresh water, hay and pellets before bed I'll leave the gate to the kitchen down because he really doesn't like going in there plus I know that the pellets will have him flying back but he always heads straight to chew on the rubber stops of the gate. The other doorway has two gates up, one above the other that stay permanently because he loves going out there and I do not trust him.

Your roo does sound creepy! Pic please. Ha!
So good to be back on here, I have missed my Ellie. That view is to die just looks gorgeous, like Denise, I´d just like to sit there and look at it, I bet it was great sitting out looking at the stars. So glad you had a great time and I don´t get people who don´t drink tea or coffee. I have a friend who doesn´t drink either and I don´t know how she gets herself going in the morning.

I can just imagine AJ yelling at her and her looking at him like...what does that hooman want...haha. I think they´re going to be big buddies as they both grow.

Talking about cords, I was careless last week with the cord for my tablet and some bun chewed through it.....good job I´m good at fixing them now lol.
I'll try to get pictures of my creepy demon rooster! hahha. Its SO weird!

We had to get up early both mornings before the sun was even up over the mountains, and I had to drive my hub to the golf course and make breakfast, then go to breakfast. BUT when I got back at like 8am I would sit out on the deck and drink my coffee and just look at the view. It was amazing. Pictures don't even do it close to justice. It was so great. Then the stars at night, were so bright and so clear! I guess because there is no city smog in the air and no city lights to block the stars. We saw a shooting star too, it was so great!
The best fireworks I've ever seen were in Snowshoe Mountain, WV at 5000 feet up and they were the most beautiful and clear fireworks I've ever seen! My bestie spent 2 weeks up there a few years ago for 4th of July.

So right now, I'm having a serious allergic reaction to my laundry detergent. I always use Gain, but I switch up the scents of it. I usually use the same 2 scents, the regular and some island something or other and its been fine. Then I switched to the lavender scent and it was a few days worth of wearing clothes with it on my clothes and there is now a rash. That sounds pretty gross to share with you guys, but its not like a weird rash is just where my clothes are! hahaha. Its kind of crappy, but I got new detergent last night and I have to rewash all my clothes with the normal stuff. I wish Gain made a free and clear one so I could just wash everything out! haha.
Is anyone else allergic to things like that? I'm also allergic to Tide laundry detergent. And mangoes. But thats it. I just have sensitive skin!

Now lets talk about Ellie. She's such a fatty. She just begs and begs for pellets! I give her 1/2 a cup in the morning and she eats the pellets throughout the day. But at night, she begs me for them because her bowl is empty. I have to tell her no, but give her a raisin instead. LOL So maybe she's just training me to give her raisins instead of pellets. So she's probably like "I'm going to make it look like I want pellets, but really she's going to give me a raisin." Me-hands her raisin. her "yeahhh mama, you give me those raisins!" then she runs off to her cabinet or wherever to gloat about her training me! LMAO.

Happy Friday!
I've been watching NY: Ink, about the tattoo shop. I really want a new tattoo now! I've been trying to talk my husband into getting a matching tattoo or a connected tattoo, like getting a lock and key or a phrase that starts on me and ends on him or something. But he won't do it. He's being such a girl about it!
Even if we don't get tattoo's together, I totally want a new one. Its been 2 years since I got a new one and I want something BIG!

Does anyone else want a new tattoo? Would you get a connected tattoo to your spouse? I would never get his name on me or anything, you know, just in case! haha.