Dyky71's Photo Thread

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Jan,I would send you one if I could.:D Only if you sent me a British Giant! LOL!

We can wish can't we??

Carolyn, I am not in your "Tucker Empire" so your ruling doesn't count here !:bunnydance:

Rupert would love being there with Cali but the French lop troublemaker boys wouldn't be happy if they had no dogs to play tricks on andTHUMP at! It would be too boring for them:D
dyky71 wrote:
Carolyn, I am not in your "Tucker Empire" so your rulingdoesn't count here !:bunnydance:

I was hoping that would work.

Oh, I WILL!! You can Count on it!!!!

Any more pictures, Dyky71, that you can send me, or are you sick of taking pictures of your babies?

I will work on getting some new ones Friday or the weekend.:D
We look forward to it.


This is what Dyky Sent me. "Harry Otter" :inlove:
A lady named Twilla who breeds and showsNetherland Dwarfs for years sent me this picture of her Sidas Harry Otter. He is an otter colored Netherland dwarf. He has 33 showlegs and loves to show and get attention. He sat for nearly 30 minuteswithout moving for this. By the way he won this contest.

I thought everyone would like to see it.:D

HOW ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!

My great Grannys Ghost that Lady looks familiar! Seriously !
I did think of you and could see you in that Get-up with one of your babies, Gypsy.

It's amazing how she got that little guy to sit there and take thatcostume. That's Love! What a sweet little guy toput up with that. He definitely should've won theshow. Hands down. Do you know how old Sid is?

33 show legs??? :shock2: That's incredible!

WOW!!! How did they get that bunny to stay that still???

I will have to show my daughter this picture for sure!!!(Harry Potter fan)
Hi everybody! I'm the current "mom" of the babyFlemish in the pics. It is going to my head, all the compliments theyare getting! Dyky and Djeti, I think the white one with the sore eyesmay be a doe, I'm not sure about the other one. You guys definatly havethe whites, though. On one condition! You will have to sned me lots ofpics and updates, because I am going to have a good cry when they leaveme. The little white one with the bad eyes (I have been calling itBlinky, but I won't expect either of you to keep that) is the absolutesweetest baby! Even after I put that awful powder in her/his eyes,Blinky will sit up and scrub her little face, and then snuggle up fornose kisses! Whoever gets this one is a very lucky person. :tears2:
Gypsy-You may well have seen her at ashow. She has shown for years and I wouldn't be surprised if she showsall over the country.

Ariel-I have no idea how she did it but she did say he is exceptional in body and personality.

Carolyn-He will be 4 years oldin Feb.

Jordiwes-Glad you liked the picture

gentle giants- I am sure you are attached to those babies.You know you will get lots of pictures from me:D. I would have troubleparting with any of them.

hehehe,that picture is just fabulous:D

if that was my bun,i would have the whole picture blown up so it can sit on my wall with pride:)

it is really a spectacular picture,i love it so much:)
dyky71 wrote:
I have not tried to bond any of them.

Rupert is very friendly but Scrappy attacks the wires of his cageanytime another rabbit gets near his cage and when loose he tries toget to the other boys cages.

Ivan seems pretty mellow about other rabbits.

They all have their time out separately and seem content.

At this point none of them are neutered yet.

Ivan has been shown and probably will be for awhile. He has two legs. Scrappy has been shown also but he is not as showable.

Scrappy and Rupert will both be neutered in the near future.
Without the neutering done bonding isn't an option.

I am very leary of bonding as I have witnessed a rabbits stomach rippedopened with a fatal wound by another rabbit. It happened in the blinkof an eye.They are very fast when they mean business. Faster than wehave the ability to separate them before damage is done. When you see aserious fight it makes you think twice about the risk of bonding.

Not to mention that all of these boys are big with BIG teeth to go withit! I have been attacked by a decent size doe with a bite to the boneand I don't relish the idea of getting between two big mad rabbitstrying to bite each other!

Wow - I'm finally getting a chance to check out your thread when I'mnot on painkillers for an abcessed tooth - or getting interrupted byphone calls. I love all your rabbits.

You talk about being leary of bonding them - what would you think ofbonding a neutered flemish male with a neutered holland lop female(once her hormones die down)? Of course, they will have 2-3months to get to know each other through cage bars and the gatefirst....

We just got "Scar" last weekend...we've nicknamed her"Beatrice". When she was three days old, she developed a bigrip in her belly area - as if her mom had accidentally split heropen. They didn't think she would live but she proved themwrong and is now 8 months old.

The breeder's sister is the one who talked me into buying her - becauseScar doesn't get along with the breeder at all....she's very gentle andneeds extra time and love. The sister had bun-sat the rabbitsfor 2 1/2 months while the breeder was out of state - and she hadbonded with Scar but couldn't take her. As we talked aboutrabbits and about Tiny, etc - she said, "I really want you to have thisrabbit and if money is an issue...I'll pay for you to buyher." Art & I debated all afternoon on the decisionbecause we knew it would be a lifetime commitment and we spent timewith her when we weren't showing.

Anyway - enough of my rambling about how I got Beatrice/Scar....I'mjust wondering what you think about the possibility of bonding thetwo....once she is a bit older and has been neutered and had time forher hormones to drop.

Tinys Mom -French Lops are great .They do not in most cases have the laid back personality that the Flenmish do.
If you are going to keep them side by side for a few months you will be able to read how they react to each other.

BUT that could all be a different story when let loose together andrabbits fight fast and furious. You might be able to separate thembefore damage is done but what you will basically see in a fight thatmeans business is just a big ball of fur going at it like a tornado andvery hard to get in there and get them apart.

By the time you can separate them the damage can be done.

Just be very cautious and let them meet on territory that neither onehas claimed as their own.And remember everything can seem fine andchange in a moment. Caution is the word here and don't leave themunsupervised.

Even ift hey don't bond they can both be house bunnies. Just give themtheir separate times out. That is what I do and all are happy.
dyky71 wrote:
Even ift hey don't bond they can both be house bunnies. Justgive them their separate times out. That is what I do and all arehappy.
I have a feeling that is what we're going to do. Both rabbitsare too precious to us to risk them injuring each other....my husbandhas bonded with the lop like I've bonded with Tiny...so its sorta hardto say "we can'tkeep her"....especially since I love watchingher play too.

The worst case scenariois that she is a rabbitry bunny andTiny is the house bunny....and I'm so paranoid lately about gating therabbitry that I think that will work.

So far though - they've done ok. Tiny is never caged so hewon't go with the idea of being caged next to her....he just runs inand out of the rabbitry (escorted) on his way to the table oroutside. He loves to sleep under the table...ever since thefirstday we got him!


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