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It is morning and I hope you feel much better. I will be praying for you to have a good day.

What a wonderful list! It looks like it is having a positive impact already. I'm glad Art is supportive, that makes a huge difference. I may have to create my own list this weekend, I think the system would help me too.

LOL I think Zeus would disapprove no matter what you did. He's just going to have to make friends :)
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, etc.

I would like to say I'm doing better - but I have a massive headache and when I woke up this a.m. my BP was 155/89. I have taken my pill and am hoping it starts to go down soon - my eyes and head hurt when it gets this high.

Of course today would be the day Art would say, "We have bacon in the frig that HAS to be used up.....I'm cooking it up...".

GRRR....he just finished eating his sandwiches from it.....

And me?

Well - he started helping me on his side of the room - it is gonna be a big job too - but for now I'm working on Mount Never-Rest.

I'm now totally convinced that he is right that we have TOO MANY clothes....(I knew I had too many but I am a clothes-horse).

Here is our current "mountain" on the bed (minus the four hamperloads in the kitchen).


[align=left]It seems like when the hamper is full they just sorta get piled by his side of the bed....and um....yeah....there was a LOT there. (Some of that is clean - a few items - because we were cleaning out the stand he likes to use as his clothing storage area).

Oh well - off to start the first load - and then probably out to get more soap soon too!

I just took some time to edit a few of the photos from yesterday....thought you might enjoy them.

The bunnies are "fairly new" to the cage arrangement as I took these so they are still checking out their cages and showing us their reactions..



Popcorn LOVES her litterbox and loves to dig in it - I bet over the course of a day she spends at least 4 hours digging in her litterbox (need to put more litter in there). She is also PERFECT about using her litterbox now that she has one...I was shocked and pleased.[/align][align=center]


Zeus is checking out his old cage (which he never really used) and stealing hay...

Someone really LOVES his castle - he loves to move it around and put his purple ball up against it and stuff.....he also has a comfy shirt of mine in there to sleep on and dig with and he is so happy with it.

Maybe you should rest instead of do physical stuff since your BP is so high right now?

Charlie is irresistible :D
Well - the first load of laundry is in washing - so I thought I'd take some time to share about some changes I'm making and how I'm making them, etc. etc. etc.

Not so much bunny related - but I think the changes will give me more time/energy/focus to be able to enjoy the bunnies more because I'll be happier with myself.

Years and years and years ago (like over 20 I think) - Stephanie Winston wrote a book called "Getting Organized". I think of all of the books I've read on organization and homemaking (probably over 30 at least) - hers is one of the best.

She talks about figuring out where you need to get organized and has you set up some goals (I think it is 5 or 6 or something).

Here is how you start. Think about your day and the events you go through. You get up and go to the bathroom, etc. - think about EVERYTHING you do and when you find yourself wincing or your stomach goes into a knot or something - that is a problem for you.

For instance - let's say you go to take a shower but you wince at thinking about it - because you never have clean towels. Or maybe the shower is too disorganized with too many bottles of stuff. Or maybe that's fine but its getting out and knowing you've got to get dressed but your clothes are so disorganized that you're just getting that yuck feeling ahead of time.

List those things that cause you problems - list as many as you want but then when you're done - pare the list down to the top 3-5 items.

Now let's look at those items. I'm going to put down 3 things here - not that these are the three things I'm working on right now.

  • I hate taking a shower because I can never find a clean towel.
    • Do we have enough towels? - If no - its an easy fix....buy a few more towels
    • If yes - do I need a better laundry schedule so that we always have clean towels?
    • Is the problem something related to towel storage - perhaps we don't have enough room to store the number of towels that we need?
  • I hate trying to get dressed because I never have anything to wear.
    • Is it because I don't have clean clothes? (Once again - maybe its a laundry problem)
    • Is it because I don't have them organized? Perhaps they're always in a laundry basket?
    • Do I have clothes that fit me or am I holding onto clothes that aren't the right size?
    • Do I have clothes that work together or do I need something in particular? Maybe I don't have a practical skirt for work that can go with several tops....etc.
  • I hate going out to the kitchen to get breakfast.
    • Why? Are there no clean dishes? Do we need load the dishwasher the night before? Am I always out of milk or cereal? (Basically - is this a problem with clean dishes or with the food itself?)
Most irritations can be worked on once you realize if it is a task or a problem of space/organization.

Working on the bedroom yesterday actually took the TOP item off my list (there was so much junk/clothes on the floor that I felt like I was walking through landmines to get to the bathroom).

The second thing I'm working on is based on Peter Walsh's books - and that is "What is the purpose of this room?"

You see - Art looks at the bedroom and says "sleep" and maybe "watch tv" now that we have the big screen tv on the footboard.

For me though - the idea of a bedroom is a "safe place" for myself - a place where I can read and write and have my knick knacks and look at them.

I realized today that his probably comes from my bedroom when I was growing up. My mom bought me a beautiful (to her - not my style) white canopy bed/bedroom set which had two dressers - one with a mirror and one with a bookcase that held my knick knacks and a few books) plus a desk and a nightstand.

My dad was the one would buy me knick knacks and so they meant a lot to me....and books were one way I could escape from my mom and my world and my loneliness. I also loved to sit at my desk and write.

It seems now that I think about it - I try to recreate that "den" or comfort area in every bedroom we've ever had.

WOW...what insight.

Anyway - I need to talk with Art more and work some things out - like how much is "ok" to him and how much isn't.

I also need to go through my Steeplehill romance books (they're addictive - like candy to me) and see what I can get rid of. When I was working I used to buy every book every month (about $40 between the three different lines they have)...and I think its ok to enjoy them (and I do reread books a lot)...but I think I could go ahead and cut down my collection to half and still be happy...

So maybe that will be another goal for me...either to set a space limit or time limit or something for those books.

But that is what I'm working on and why I think I'm going to be liking my life more!

Um, shouldn't you call the doctor or something? I'm worried that it is still so high and the headache. :hug:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that ends up with a big pile of laundry. It's stressful to look at and hard to deal with though. I hope it doesn't heat your house up too much with all this hot weather.

Perhaps Popcorn and Zeus will have a romance? You never know. :)

I love your technique of picking the irritants to work on first. I also tend to like the bedroom to have the safe haven feel to it. That is where I would hide as a kid. Now it is hard for me to create that when Joshua thinks of it more in functional terms like Art. I feel like God has sent us on the same mission. *hug* I will take pictures tonight and make my lists for my blog. You are such an inspiration :)
Other than sitting here and typing - I have mostly taken it easy today.

I am doing laundry - but that's a matter of throwing it into the machine - tossing it into the dryer and then usually getting Robin to pile it on the bed so I can fold it and put it away.

I am about to go take my blood pressure again since the headache hasn't gone away yet....but my eyes don't hurt as bad.

I think I'm dehydrated - no - I KNOW I'm dehydrated...gonna go get some water first and then do my BP.

Oh....don't know if I've said this before - I'm almost certain that both CJ and Harmony got pregnant when I did the breedings - gotta check Thunder and Meatball. Not sure about Melody or Diane...or Dotty.

CJ however - I'm so excited. She's Sophia's daughter and this will be her first litter....
MiniLopHop wrote:
I love your technique of picking the irritants to work on first. I also tend to like the bedroom to have the safe haven feel to it. That is where I would hide as a kid. Now it is hard for me to create that when Joshua thinks of it more in functional terms like Art. I feel like God has sent us on the same mission. *hug* I will take pictures tonight and make my lists for my blog. You are such an inspiration :)
Perhaps you and Joshua can talk about it and maybe each of you have your side the way you want....maybe not the most "decorator-designed" way....but if it works for you - then great!

We're taking the old tv off a desk on Art's side of the bedroom and the bunnies, etc. on my side - he said he's fine if I want to use that desk there for my writing, etc. and if I want to line up books across the back of it....even though its in "his" space.

oh - totally unrelated - I forgot to tell everyone that HARMONY GROWLED at me the other night.

She NEVER EVER growls at me.....but I was opening her door to give her some playtime and she growled and lunged at me and then went back in her corner and looked at me like "I didn't mean it...I don't know what happened...I'm scared?"

I loved on her a bit and she came forward and let me pet her.

MiniLopHop wrote:
Um, shouldn't you call the doctor or something? I'm worried that it is still so high and the headache. :hug:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that ends up with a big pile of laundry. It's stressful to look at and hard to deal with though. I hope it doesn't heat your house up too much with all this hot weather.

Perhaps Popcorn and Zeus will have a romance? You never know. :)
I drank a 24 ounce bottle of water and the headache is almost gone....

I took my blood pressure and it was still higher than I like - 147/89.

But the fact that my head isn't hurting so bad helps and I think I'm going to drink another bottle (or two) to rehydrate myself and take my bp again in a couple of hours.

I did deliberately decide to NOT ride my exercise bike today because of my blood pressure and the way I was feeling.....

And Zeus...have a romance? Oh my...I'd love it if he'd like Popcorn and it would be awesome if I could let her out sometimes to play...but I don't know.

Poor Harmony all hormonal. I think animals can also feel the weather outside, even if they are in. My birds always know when it's going to storm. At least she has a very understanding mom. :)
Hopefully not only hormonal but hormonal with a REASON....aka PREGNANT.

Oh I hope I hope I hope!
I forgot to add - every day now lately she's flipping her litterbox over and sitting ON TOP of it....
Peg! Call me tomorrow! :)
TinysMom wrote:
oh - totally unrelated - I forgot to tell everyone that HARMONY GROWLED at me the other night.

She NEVER EVER growls at me.....but I was opening her door to give her some playtime and she growled and lunged at me and then went back in her corner and looked at me like "I didn't mean it...I don't know what happened...I'm scared?"  

Sounds like a PREGGER BUNNY to me!! Sweetie always flips out a little bit when she's carrying kits. Gets just a little cage aggressive, which she usually never is. Sometimes she will cry out if you try to handle her and she's not expecting it. Again, she's usually so laid back, being all jumpy/territorial is a huge clue that she has "buns in the oven". :biggrin2:

Makes since, really, since the cage is where the babies will be born. And, what woman doesn't feel a bit more vulnerable when she's pregnant?

I hope she is! And CJ too. I'm ready to see some more Flemmie babies.
Well - we may be seeing LOTS and LOTS of flemmie babies if all the girls took (I really didn't think they all would take).

Supposedly - if you breed by the moon and the zodiac (and I saw charts where folks were trying it to document it) - July 1st was one of the two or three days this year to get the best quality does (and the majority of the litter being does). So I figured I'd try with several girls since they wouldn't all take most likely (given my luck in the past).

It has something to do with the moon cycle and where it is in the sky or something - its why some folks plant at certain times based on the moon and why some folks castrate their horses (I think?) based on the moon, etc.

It isn't...um....like going by a horoscope or something.

I'm sitting here watching Melody move around in her cage - boy is she grumpy too. She really might be pregnant also.

Life will definitely be INTERESTING!
I forgot to add - I took a nap and my bp dropped...some. Not as much as I'd like - and I don't understand why the second number was as high as it was...but it was under 140 for the first number so that it is (I think it was 134/104 or something like that).

No headache now - just a feeling of exhaustion.
I'm glad your BP has dropped throughout the day! And that you didn't go on the exercise bike with high BP like that, yipes.

Your organization scheme sounds good. I can't wait until Paul and I have a house because where we live now is too small for all our stuff. We have tons of books especially and craft supplies, and I'm constantly collecting cool things I see to use in my future classroom. Uh not to mention the rabbits that kinda take up half the living room :D So the problem for us is that our place is too little and there's not enough space to put everything away easily. As a person who is organized by nature, having things NOT organized makes me kind of tense and weighs down on me. I do not like it. Our apartment is not a mess but I'd love it if it were easier to keep organized. When it is really organized, I feel better :D

We really need another book case and I'm thinking of asking Paul if we can ditch the exercise bike or put it in storage. It's only used about once every 2 months and takes up a good amount of space in the living room. If we put a book case there, I could fill it with some of our overflowing books which would be great!
Short update - my bp this morning was 121/91....Praise God!!!

Shows you what getting BACK on my meds can do....

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