Yours, Mine, and Ours

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JadeIcing wrote:
YOU TOO???!?!

So did Rob and me. On yahoo! :shock:
Yup, Will and I met online six years ago. We lost touch for awhile (we were friends at this point). He found me again in November 2006, and we started "dating" in Dec. '06. I didn't meet him until Jan. '07. He lived near Detroit, MI, and I lived in Waukesha, WI. We visited each other for the next few months until he took the plunge and moved to Wisconsin to be by me. Happiest bus ride... Ever. :) That's our little story :p
You know, I really think I could call Aiden (our new APBT mix pup) only 'mine', if I wanted to. I brought him home, and Curtis didn't even know about him, til he came home. I told him it was 'my' dog. Later Curtis showed me that he really liked the dog, that and he'd been proving himself with his share of care for the bun-buns. So, I ask him if we could raise Aiden together, as 'ours'.

Curtis had had a bad habit of begging for animals, and when the newnest wore off, the whole of it's care would fall to me. I told him we wouldn't own any major animals together until next year. (This list just included Dogs)

But, like I said, he proved his change with the buns.
My boyfriend jokingly calls me the "crazy bunny girl" and said I should change my screenname to that. He's a HUGE cat fan or "kitty fan" I would call him- both of his cats answer to: "kitty kitty kitttyyyyy!". When we started dating, he had two cats and I was petless because I lived the dorms. Now that I have Flynn, he likes to secretly cuddle him and gives him way too many treats :?. He doesn't quite understand why I need another bunny, though.
oh well. We don't live together anyways, although I spend most weekends at his house... and I'm allergic to cats, and his bed is covered in cat hair, I swear. Not good. I always wake up looking like a puffy-eyed monster. I don't know HOW he finds that attractive.
Cute thread :)

When Chris and I got together, I had a dog (Maggie Bear) and he had a dog (Jazmin). Maggie is still just MY dog and always will be, I've had her since I was 19 and she's just about to turn 8. We've been through some tough times together so she really only trusts me. Jazmin, on the other hand, is now just as much mine as she is his. She's been with me for the past 4 years so I think of her as belonging to me as much as any of the other animals. The bunnies I had to BEG for....but, Gixxer LOVES Chris so I would say that he is definately Chris' bun. He's tells me that if we break up he's stealing Gixxer. So my list would be:

Maggie Bear
Gixxer (he's really Chris', but I signed the adoption papers!)

Jazmin (I would have to say that she is now ours.)
Nope, they're all mine.

Cats: I have had Olivia & Tobias since before I met hubby. We adoptedCaleb after we were married a few years. He always calls Caleb "his cat", but whenCaleb came down with cholangiohepatitis and needed $1500 in vet bills, I suddenly was awarded custody;)

Fish: Petey the Squirrelfish, a yellow tang & a clownfish - all mine before meeting the hubby.

Gilbert the gerbil - also my adoption
Gulliver the rabbit - mine, again...:wave:

Ezra the rat - recently aquired when BlueMoon here went off to vet school.

Well, I was living with my sister and shegot a bunny(Oscar) who we shared, but who was We had just Oscar for a few years until my boyfriend saw a bunny up for adoption online(Ella). We decided we would getElla to bond with my sisters bunny oscar. We tried for a while and it didn't work. We then decided we didn't want the two bunnies to have to share the apartment we were living in. So Ella was going to move in with my boyfriend, who had been wanting me to move in with him. So once she moved in with him I did too, lol! I bonded to her so much I couldn't be apart from her. So I guess she was mine, though he did find her. Thenafew months latertogether wegot Murphy. We're getting married in October, but if we were to break up...actually we probably wouldn't for the sake of the bunnies. :biggrin2:
The animals are always mine :), especially when they have done something naughty :p.

Oops! Forgot to say, that when we got together when we were 19 (7 years ago), I had a cat named Kitten, a dutch rabbit named Bunny, and a guinea pig called Punkey. We each lived with our parents so his parents had a cat that he would call his, but he never paid her any attention, she's still alive and well :).


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