"Your Rabbit".

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, , Australia
Well, I've been thinking.

I've had an idea for a website devoted to bunnies. I know that there are plenty of websites out there that feature cute pictures of bunnies, but I want to take that one step further. I want to make a website with a sort of tribute to people's rabbits in it. Each rabbit would have it's own page, or section, which would feature:

-Location. (Just the country will do.)



The rabbit's story would be a story of the rabbit's life so far. They would write where the rabbit was gotten, how the rabbit fit in, maybe bonding experiences, some funny stories, training, vet trips, all up to the point that it was written. It would also feature a picture or two of the rabbit.

I know a lot of people love to read animal's stories and look at cute pictures, so that was where I got the idea from. I might even have competitions that you can enter, with little awards that can be put on your rabbit's page, like "Cutest Rabbit", "Most Colourful Story", "Best Colouring" etc., and get viewers to vote on the winner.

I think it would be a fun site to make, but I need to have some people interested in viewing it and putting their rabbits on there before I go through making it.

The website would be called "Your Rabbit", by the way. :)

Sounds good to me. I'd love the whole world to know about all my babies. LOL

That would be cool....you might be able to link it into face book...they have dogbook, catbook, fishbook, why not rabbitbook!!

I would join too!
GREAT IDEA! I know a bit of web design, so if you like, i can start designing your site.

With this many people interested, we could launch the site, with already lots of rabbit members.



I didn't except there to be this much intrest. I'll do it then.

Thanks for the offer Shawn, but I enjoy designing websites. :) I think I'll base the website on freewebs to start off with, then maybe I'll find a more permanent home for it. It'll be a website which you can email me the information, perhaps fill out a form, and I'll edit it manually. For now, at least.

It will be located at http://www.freewebs.com/your--rabbit/ but I still have to build it, so for now it's more empty. In a few days, maybe a week, I might ask to get some people to send me their rabbit's page, so I can get some up for the 'launch'. If you want one of yours to be the first up, you can PM me with the information that I mentioned above. :)

And ... what's dogster? :? I've never heard of it.

Would anyone be able to PM me their rabbit's profile, along with a picture of their rabbit, to go on the website? I want to have at least ten online before I open the website.


Please use the form above.


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