your Olympic sport?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
If you were to be in the Olympics, what would your sport be?

It would be hard to determine mine, ever if I were the right age for it. First, all the outdoor sports would be out, as I can't stand heat. I realize that hasn't been a problem in London, but training would have been in the heat.

In fact, the rules would have to be reversed, so the worst performance would win. Then I might have a chance. If so, I choose [un]synchronized swimming. My next choice might be rowing in a circle [if I could splash myself if it was hot]. Or I could jump out of a helicopter the way the Queen did.
I would do diving!

I actually did dive when I was in high school. Never stayed with it enough to be spectacular but I had potential :)

I love watching diving til this day. It's my fave!

Second in line would be gymnastics.
Anything swimming! My hubby says I'm part fish :p
I was a swimmer, soccer player, and distance runner in college, so any of those would be fun if I could shed 40+ years. I also played footbal in High school--it was just the "thing" and was a really good shot playing basketball but wasn't tall enough for college to get a shot at it--I still hold my High school scoring record.
I would do Track and Field. I used to be a pretty good high jumper back in high school :) These are probably one of my favorite to watch too. My heart starts beating so fast and I get nervous for the runners!

But my very favorite sport to watch is gymnastics. It amazes me. I could never do it because I am a giant at 5'10" tall, but I like to live vicariously through them :)
What would I do? Ummm lol I'm not very athletic lol but biking, or swimming I think...

I love to watch the biking, fencing, gymnastics, swimming, diving...etc really everything except for the tennis and volleyball lol
I realized since I posted the topic that any sport where I couldn't wear my glasses would be a big problem. So that pretty much leaves me with nothing.

If I had some control over the Olympics, I'd have the men in lots of the sports be topless, especially the gymnasts.
I love to swim and I'm in the pool at least 3 days a week, but I don't swim "correctly" since I've never had lessons. I love to watch the gymnastics and equestrian events. I have always longed to have a horse.

I'm extremely uncoordinated so I was never into sports as a kid.

As for running, if you ever see me running you better start too because there's something after me. :p
I had swimming lessons, but stopped swimming correctly when I let my hair grow for over 10 years. No cap is 100% waterproof & the back of my neck stayed damp for hours. You CAN do a side-stroke or breast-stroke with your head entirely out of the water. And you can wear glasses while doing them as well. You just can't go fast or anything. This was at a lake & the glasses were added when I learned what I thought was a floating stick actually was a water snake. It was harmless, but still ...

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