WWYD- Bonding ?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
, North Carolina, USA
Today is Day 2 of woking on bonding Felipe (dwarf mix, neutered male) to my new girl Lyla (dwarf mix, unspayed baby female). So far they've been in the tub together three times, for 30-45 minutes. Doing fine in the tub. Lots of sniffing, happy bunny flops, a little grooming by Lyla. Lyla is in her cage while Felipe is free roaming or in his playpen while I'm at work. I let her run in a closed off room for awhile each day. Felipe likes to sniff her through her cage and watch her. Yesterday I was holding her and he seemed to want to play, so I put her on the floor. He was okay until she went towards his tent, and he chased her. I grabbed her up. No big deal, he clearly isn't ready for her in his territory yet. Today he acted like he wanted to see her again so I put her on the floor and he jumped up and bit my arm. He's never bitten me before. Is it just way too soon to be putting her down in "his territory"? Unfortunately, most of the house is his territory. Are my expectations just too high?
Well since it's only day 2 I'd say that it's natural for him to be off-put by the newcomer. I'm trying to re-bond my two rabbits and when I first read your post I read it as Layla (my bunny's name).

Have you tried letting them run around in a neutral area (even areas like the garage, front porch if fenced in, back of an SUV) can work as meeting grounds.

Right now I'm having the problem with my previously bonded rabbits not getting along and it's a one sided affair. Layla is desperate for his attention and he keeps biting her. I always thought females were the more territorial ones but I guess it's not always the case!

If I were you I'd probably just house them side by side and wait until she's spayed to completely bond them. I bonded mine when they were the same as yours.. male neutered and female unspayed, and they got along great until she was spayed.

I'd say just keep doing short positive introductions and over time I'm sure they'll begin to like each other more.

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