Wormies- Any idea on type? Very long

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Location- UK

Description (Breed, color, weight)- Black vienna lop cross. Was 1.9kg at weigh in three weeks ago, but has lost weight.

Age 3-4 years

Sex female

Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition: Rosie has a history of spinal damage, has a calcified kidney and head tilt too (this is new- from Wednesday). Last Saturday I noticed she had worms (could see them coming out of her wriggling, and then sending out some long thing that would attach itself to the fur around her butt). I started them all (those who have access to the same area as her) on Panacur (and having tackled wormies before know the necessary hygeine to follow). She has had a rough few days which I thoguht was due to her new head tilt, but just now she has passed two big manky lumps made up of little poo and horrid manky worms. I don't know what they are though, which is what my question is. Its smaller than a tape worm, far bigger than the pinworms we have dealt with previously. What else is there (hook worms?) and do I need to do anything different with these kind of worms?

She has been off colour for a few weeks (so she had a dental, and when the head tilt showed, we thought it was that, but now I wonder if these gross things have been really getting her down), and seems much brighter now and is tucking into the grass with enthusiasm I've not seen from her for a long time. Maybe this might sort how she feels?

Not sure that's concise, but that's what I needed help with :)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / CHECK LIST: (Please fill in relevant info).

Fecal and Urinary Output

- are the bunny's poops and pees normal? see above.
- when did they last use their litterbox? short while ago
- any unusual behavior? straining to pee? unusual litter habits? see above
- what litter and/or bedding do you use? wood pellet litter, hay

Medical History

- spayed/neutered? spayed
- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? yes (spinal damage, calcified kidney, dental issues, head tilt)
- is s/he on any medications? Panacur, Metacam, Buprenorphine (very low dose), Convenia


- what specifically does your bunny eat? Excel Pellets normally (a pinch) with unlimited hay, but recently she won't touch normal stuff so we have just pumped in whatever she wants (which is mainly grass and dandelion leaves, but also parsley, basil, carrot and carrot tops).
- when and what did s/he eat last? about 5 mins ago- thankfully
- any changes in the way s/he eats? (ie: not eating a particular food, odd chewing motions, etc)- she's much slower at the mo and keeps pausing as she eats. This started as her head tilt started so its safe to assume they are linked.


- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? No, but she has spinal damage, so its normal for her.
- is the rabbit molting? no
- any weight loss? yes
- any sign of drooling? wet face? no
- runny eyes? no
- wet nose? coughing? sneezing? no
- is s/he breathing normally yes


- any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? no
- has the rabbit been outdoors? yes, but not for a few weeks
- any other pets? if so, have they been ill? yes, many, and yes, but none related to this issue- but all relevant animals are being treated for worms.

I have got some pics of this manky worm riddled poo, but can only post tomorrow (and they aren't wonderful).

I'm going to read the worms link now.

Thanks in advance.
I've read through all gthe medirabbit stuff and now feel all icky. BLEURGH!

Her worms are quite long, so I know which group I suspect, but don't know what the 'name' for it is though. Good to see that the Fenbendazole is the right treatment for all of them. That's good.
If the vet can do a fecal. depending on what worms the rabbit has. Eggs might be visible that can identify the worms.

"Rabbits can get GI related problems from coccidia, a type of protozoa that can reproduce in the GI tract or liver of rabbits. Repeated fecal parasite exams may be needed to identify the hepatic form of coccidia. Coccidia can cause diarrhea or soft stools.

Other parasitic organisms may cause digestive problems in rabbits. Cryptosporidium, Giardia, tapeworms, flukes and pinworms can all occur. Although pinworms are fairly common, even if present in large numbers, they usually do not cause illness in rabbits. These pinworms are not contagious to humans."
Thanks Claire, as I said up there I have read through all the medirabbit stuff. I was wanting to know in case there was anything majorly noticeable or identifiable about these that could identify them, and if this was a particular type that could problems with people, or cats, or further problems with rabbits.

If nothing is coming to mind, then I'll just carry on treating as I am. Thanks.

And just for sheer grossness, here at the pictures. (The title may need to be added if people feel they are too gross). I wouldn't suggest looking while you eat or if you are squeamish.

Some of these are not very clear.

This is pretty much how the first lot came out, but a bit more all stuck together


Then I started pulling it apart.





This is the second lot, and these pics are rubbish


I think those are tapeworms. Which are transferable to humans and other animals. I think they are the only worm that is that long. I don't have any first hand experience with them, but I remember seeing some pictures that looked the same as yours that where tape worms.

Thanks Dawn. Its not wide like a tapeworm, and panacur seems to have killed them, which it wouldn't with a tape worm. I was trying to prise the poos away from the worm, and they just stretched and stretched. Could a 'younger' tapeworm look like this?

We did have tapeworm here previously (way before Rosie was here, and all were treated) when Summer brought it when she arrived and it was different from that. I also believe the tapeworm that is in rabbits is not transferrable to people, but it is to dogs.....? I think.

Well, whatever it is, she feels much better after having passed it :D
Hmmm... Like I said, I don't have any first hand experience, just pictures that others have taken.

I always thought that a tapeworm was the same across all species.

I think the person with some good knowledge would be Pam Nock. I'll see if I can to look at this thread.

I guess the most important thing is that Rosie is feeling better!

Flashy wrote:
Now there's a thinker. We don't have raccoons. Thank you Dawn, and also thank you Pam.

There are feral raccoons in the UK, although other species of animals can be infected.

I thought raccoon roundworms were extremely fatal?

Sorry I didn't see what you said about medirabbit, Flashy.
Thanks guys. Im really, really sure its not down to a raccoon, unless its come in on the hay, but then I would expect everybunny to show symptoms? We don't have anything else that comes into our garden other than a bully cat- who could be responsible for something.

From everything I read I was wondering if it might be http://www.medirabbit.com/EN/GI_diseases/Parasitic_diseases/Nematodirus.PDF Because a lot of that sort of made sense. But I don't know enough about that to feel confident that they might be it.
There are a lot of species of roundworms - you most likely have to consult an expert to narrow down a likely source of infection. The cat is a possibility as well as any number of nocturnal animals that may be visiting your garden.
I would say round worm they can get that long I have also seen longer in dog.

I am not a infirmary mod but I have dealt with my share of worms.

They turn that color after they die. I would do a dose a revolution house wide. Dogs cats bunnies. That should take care of anything and a dose of wormer JIC.
Alaska had a tapeworm when I got her and it went undetected on two separate fecal floats.

Not sure what it would be called in the UK, but here the vet gave her 2 doses of Droncit.
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
I would say round worm they can get that long I have also seen longer in dog.

I am not a infirmary mod but I have dealt with my share of worms.

They turn that color after they die. I would do a dose a revolution house wide. Dogs cats bunnies. That should take care of anything and a dose of wormer JIC.
As in, on them? or on us?

I have used Panacur on the bunnies, but will get something else for the cat.

Thanks :)

RexyRex, its also called Droncit over here :) We had to use that previously when we had tapeworm. They gave two doses, 10 days apart.

Them with worms if one comes up I dose the whole house.

I even have us checked. Your doctor can do a test but most human walk around with worms in their body and do not realize it.

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