Won't be much good this week

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
This coming Friday will be the anniversary of GingerSpice's passing....and to say I'm not handling it well is a major understatement.

I can't focus - I find myself crying for no reason and my hormones aren't out of whack to cause the problem.

I dream about her - I wake up and she's not there.

I know its crazy...I tell myself "She was just a rabbit"....and I tell myself she isn't suffering anymore.

I am considering going back on my Paxil just to make it through the week (I have gone on it twice before during short stressful periods and then weaned myself back off as I only went on 1/2 tablet).

I say this here because I know I can't focus on finishing up threads I started (hence I moved them to the pulled thread area) - and it is just going to be really hard for me to type and not want to yell at people because they still have their bunnies and I don't have my heart bunny.

I just wanted to give y'all a heads up....

I know, I realized yesterday that it was close, not because I was around when Ginger passed, but because I recalled one of our telephone conversations and you told me when.

I have a heart cat that passed 2 years ago in Sept... to this day, the mere mention of his name, or even seeing his fav treat makes me well up with tears.

I guess I am saying, you don't owe us an explanation.. we all understand... I am grieving for you..you and I seem to be on the same wavelength animal wise, and my heart goes out to you.

I am an insomniac... so if you find yourself unable to cope in the wee hours. You have all of my numbers, and you better use them.

She wasn't just a bunny.. she was your bunny..and your special to us..

Please take care of yourself Peg.


Oh Peg...:(

I'm here, too, if you need a friend...and ditto with calling any hour...:hug:

Extra hugs and love to you...

Peg - I'm so sorry - I know that a lot of people don't understand how "we" take the loss of our pets. They are like a type of children in our homes.... family.

One thing I would offer is if you are having hormonal issues..... maybe you should see if you can get on something for them? I have to take a low dose of Zoloft all the time or I am a mess come PMS.....
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Peg - I'm so sorry - I know that a lot of people don't understand how "we" take the loss of our pets. They are like a type of children in our homes.... family.

One thing I would offer is if you are having hormonal issues..... maybe you should see if you can get on something for them? I have to take a low dose of Zoloft all the time or I am a mess come PMS.....
Thanks - I wish this was hormonal but that was about 10 days ago. This is...I don't know - I can't explain it.

I was going to PM Pipp and tell her I'm stepping down as a moderator - but Art & Robin convinced me to wait until 2/1 to make a decision because right now I'm just hurting so bad and missing her.

I think the worst part is - being angry that other people still have their heart bunnies when I don't have mine....I mean - I have Tiny and he has become my heart bunny. But Ginger and I had a bond that I have had with very few people ~ she was beside me during almost all of my first novel (the part that is written so far).

I feel so guilty at being angry at them for having their rabbits -and then I go around and get angry anyway!

I told Rosie tonight that I think that Publisher's Clearing House could show up on my doorstep with the million dollar check and I'd probably snarl at them and tell them to go to h-ll.

I even yelled at Tiny tonight. No - I didn't do anything other than yell at him - I'd mixed fruit loops in the bucket with their food and he decided tonight was "buffet" night (aka "serve yourself") - so he knocked over the bucket and tried to dig through it for all the fruit loops...

Oh well....maybe I should've eaten the fruit loops so I could have the sugar high instead of him....:shock:


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