Will territorial pooping stop once they're bonded?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
Peaches - male - is fixed and Popcorn - male - isn't yet. Peaches was so good once he was fixed and stopped random pooping once his hormones calmed down. When we got Popcorn, he started again and Popcorn is pooping right along with him. Once Popcorn's fixed and if I can bond them, will the territorial pooping stop? Will this stop once he's fixed or only once they're bonded? They're only pooping along their separation border it seems.
It should stop once they are bonded. The territory will belong to both of them. They may still poop along the boarders, but there should not be poop wars.
Neutering might help, but they can still be territorial and want to claim their territory.
My two females who are spayed did that. They are not bonded and after awhile I think they realized the other rabbit was there to stay and stopped pooping around each others cage. So I think it will stop once your two are bonded.
I really don't agree with housing rabbits in the same cage. The best way to stop this behavior is separation. contrary to popular belief, rabbits are solitary animals, and require no companionship. Toys are a rabbits best friend. Housing together can lead to health problems and overall just isn't a good idea. I've owned rabbits from 15 years and dealt with hundreds of them. I've been taught by judges, vets, breeders and 4-H leaders and all will say the same. I hope this helps! :)

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