will neuting help with pooping?

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is he too old(1 year, 4 months) for fixing to help his potty habits?

  • No

  • Maybe

  • Yes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida, USA
Hey guys! i'm having a small problem with Jamie-he won't stop pooping al over the back porch during his free range time. and it's driving me and mom nuts trying to clean up after him. i know that some of the problem might be because he's not fixed, but at 1 year, 4 months, i'm wondering if he's too set in his ways/habit for him being neutered to help at all.

so i thought i'd see what you guys think-is a year and four months to old to neuter and have him change his toilet habits or not?

thanks for the input guys!

No he's definitely not too old. It should do wonders for his cleanliness if he is neutered now.
I think it will help too. It will takea little longer to make a difference because he is older, but once the hormones go away he will most likely get gradually neater in his habits.
my darlings do poos all over the house and thier both speyed. it's just their way of marking territory. have you put a few little boxes out to see if that helps?
TedandPetal wrote:
my darlings do poos all over the house and thier both speyed. it's just their way of marking territory. have you put a few little boxes out to see if that helps?
that's the thing-he has his whole cage out there(it has wheel, one of my favorite things about it, LOL!), so he has his normal potty with him and we always put his cage in the same spot. he goes in it and even goes potty in it, just not all the time:grumpy:
Neutering definitely helps with spraying urine, but as for being neater about pooping I'll have to go with "maybe." Ronnie was neutered at 2 and a half years and for a while he had good litter habits. Whenever he'd come out of his cage though, there'd be poops EVERYWHERE. Poo would just fly out of him when he was running around until the whole room was a mess and there was no safe place for me to sit. Then he came down with head tilt and his litter habits went out the window (for obvious reasons). But now that he's better he refuses to use his litterbox and is content to poop all over his cage and flop next to it. It's almost as if he's proud of the mess he's made. Yesterday it looked like a bomb exploded in his cage between the poop and the pellets thrown everywhere. I guess some bunnies just like being messy. :?
Neutering should help with the pooping problems. Key word is should. My little guy was almost religious with his litter pan habits. Then, I let him run around the bedroom, he pooped all over my boyfriend's things (I thought it was pretty funny). After awhile, his grudge against the boyfriend ceased, and his habits were back to the way they were. Now, we got him a little girlfriend-bun, and he poops everywhere! He leaves lots of marking pellets near her cage, and he starting marking things with urine (on the carpet). Overall, neutering should help, but they can "fall off the wagon".

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