Why does my rabbit like my girlfreind better than me?

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Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
I live with my girlfriend, and we share the same bedroom.
My girlfriend likes to spend most of her time studying at the desk.
And I usually surf the web with my laptop on the bed.
The rabbit likes to hang around at her feet, sometimes lying down right under the chair while my girlfriend is using the desk.

Is it because my girlfriend wear long sweat pants that attract the rabbit?
(I wear shorts at home...)
It has nothing to do with pants or shorts. I don't think bunnies really know what clothing is.

All of our bunnies have a "touch stone" meaning one of us is the "safe" spot.

Example: Willard, our rescue, would only go to my husband at first. Now after a few months he's now connected to both of us. It takes time. They are a creature of habit.

It's not that your bunny likes your girlfriend better than you. He sounds like he's attached to her and will eventually attach to you as well. She is his first "touchstone". It's almost like puppy love. At least this is what I have observed with mine.

What Karen said is exactly right and what you need to in order to have a better relationship is spend some quality time with with your little bunny.
One thing that I do all the time is read out loud to my bunny(I know it sounds weird)but my bunny loves it.

I learned a lot from this including the reading- http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=33921&forum_id=48

good luck :biggrin2:
It could also be that you use some product that the rabbit doesn't like the smell of. And who feeds him? The person who does the feeding often gets the most attention.
LakeCondo wrote:
It could also be that you use some product that the rabbit doesn't like the smell of. And who feeds him? The person who does the feeding often gets the most attention.

True, could be smell, but if everything is washed in same detergent, the type of clothes wouldn't matter.

Also, not so true in my household regarding the person who feeds gets the most attention. I fed Willard from Day One, but he was still attached to my husband. Took some time talking to him, spending some time with him, but he came around.

It can also be that the bun feels safer under the desk because it is more "burrow-like" than the openess of the bed. It may take time and more courage before the bun feels comfortable loafing out in the open. Try not to take it personally, if you harbor resentment it will be harder for the bun to bond with you.

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