Who knows how long bunnies live?

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A normal, healthy rabbit can live upward of 9-13 years. :) Take good care of him, and I'm sure you'll have many happy years together!
I've actually heard of some rabbits living up to 14 yrs.
Since Babette just left me at the age of a little over 7 yrs. I certainly feel sad that she couldn't have been around longer.

I know that I did everything possible to help her live a healthy life so I have to think that sometimes its not in our control and could be genetic. :?

Babette was a mini-lop..Idon't know if that breed has any particular life-span.
I truely think it is genetics. Other humans live longer than each other, same with dogs, cats, rats, ect. Rabbits do the same. I will always say when anyone asks me how long rabbits live (this is speaking if they die of old age)..."They can live 10+ years if you have them spayed/neutered and give them the best care you possibly can."

I know of as old of 16.
Five is considered to be a senior/max age for rabbits in New Zealand :?, due to most being kept outdoors and not desexed or recieving much (if any) vet attention.:?

But I would agree with the others, anywhere from 7-15 years seems abotu normal over there.

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