Who else's bunnies are brats?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
, California, USA
Do anyone else's bonded rabbits do this? The two of them grab pieces of lettuce or other veggies out of each other's mouths when there is a huge pile of veggies right in front of them! They grab back and forth until there is barely a scrap left of the particular piece. They ought to learn some manners :p
My two Monsters and Fluffy RIP would do this.

This was the last piece


My goodness yes!..my funny little bunnies do this all the time

Chocolate bunny is a beauty at doing that..it is funny to watch them when they do that though...that little piece that the other bunny is eating must taste so much nicer lol..
I have a video of Zak and Jack,Zak steals Jack's carrot while he was eating it lol

That's a cute picture Rebecca :)
Absolutely! It's a bit entertaining, actually. If we give Muffin and Tony an apple core or something, they'll steal it from each other and chase each other around the room, stopping only long enough to get a single bite before the other one catches up to them. All of them will take a treat from me and run off to enjoy it, so that the other bunny doesn't steal it, even if I'm giving treats to each one. Frida used to ONLY eat food that Ben had already tasted--it was like he was her royal food taster. Muffin's particularly bad about stealing food, perhaps because she was starved at one time of her life. Bunnies are so ridiculous sometimes! At least chasing each other around to steal treats gives my pampered lazy bunnies some exercise!

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