which makes a better pair?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Galway, , Ireland
Im getting my rabbit neutered soon and Imm getting him a friend. Wondering which would be best to get him, another male or a female?

What ever the sex is they will be neutered when Old enough anyhow.

So which makes a better pair two neutered males or a neutered male with a spayed female or does it matter?
Your chances are usually better with male/female, but male/male isn't impossible.

What really works best is if you can set your bunny up on a bunny "date" if you know of a local rescue that will let you do so. Then the rabbit gets to pick!
The common wisdom is male/female.

However, a very experienced bonder once told me "Nothing is ever easy when a female is involved." lol The girl buns tend to be bossy and domineering (not all, of course!) and more often than not cause the tension in new bunny relationships. Obviously this isn't always the case, but it is in the majority of bunny relationships. I love my bunny girl, but she absolutely made it more difficult to bond while my boy was a quiet thing that got along with every date we put him with (that's just my experience, but like I said, my experienced friend agrees that females can be difficult).

That doesn't mean a male/male bond won't also be difficult - just that male/male bonds aren't as hard as people make them out to be, I think, especially if you get a couple easy going boys. If I were bonding all over again, I would look at all bunnies of both genders instead of focusing on females to put with my male because I don't think gender would've mattered as much as I thought.
i have two males bonded...bonded immediately no trouble. "love" atfirst sight

i have a grumpy ol man bun who wont bond with anyone now adter loosing his wifey

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