When to stop buying rabbits!!

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Nope. Our local humane society had a sale for rabbits over the Leap Day--each rabbit was only 29 cents!!! I was practically in the car ready to go, but hubby said no :( Also, our apartment complex allows only two animals. So, we're at our max...for now...
I dont think its crazy as long as you dont feel overwhelmed by their care. If you end up with too many, however, you could enjoy taking care of them all less. That would be a shame.

I'm sure you can evaluate your current stress level and figure out if one more bunny is okay for you. :) They are all sooooooo cute.
See, we don't even buy them anymore... They practically just wind up on our doorstep. That's how we managed to get 12...
Don't jeopardize your tribe by wanting. I could have a house full of rabbits, and still want more. That's how I feel. But I know that the ones that are here now would be devastated. There's just not that much of me to go around. And I want to be there for every one of my bunnies. They expect that. They don't lead me around but I enjoy their company as much as they enjoy mine.

Basically I don't jeopardize my tribe for a new want. Or impulse want. Which ever way you want to look at it.

K :)
If they are a bonded trio, it's be unlikely that a 4th would get along with all 3. If 2 are bonded & one not, you might take him/her to the shelter to see how they get along.

But even if you get him, tell yourself firmly that 4 is your limit. lol
4 is my limit, they are in two pairs. Any more and I wouldn't have enough snuggle time to go around. To me, each rabbit and cat (we have two of them too) need to have individual snuggles every day so they know they are loved. Plus, six litter boxes is quite enough for me to clean. :)

Everyone will have their own limits. You just have to think of the impact to the whole family before you adopt another. Oh, and don't forget vet bills! I swear I should have just turned over my pay check to the vet this week.
I have 2 females (who don't enjoy each other right now as they are both not fixed, but by tuesday, they will be :) Luna really loves Thumper and I know they will make a great pair once they are both fixed and 4 weeks passes to put them together. So the third being little foot will be alone, which is ok. But I was considering getting the 4th if little foot takes to him?
When I lived with my parents, one showed up on our front lawn too! He was the friendliest bunny ever, and huge!! We had him for a long time too.
She was a very friendly bunny too, but only with me. I could pick her up and carry her around. If Nancy came into the room, she'd screech and attack her ankles. One of us thought it was funny.
I think I am going to get him. Went to see him again today, and he was still there. I am going to ask some questions possibly tomorrow, and see if I can sit with him and interact with him. He's an English Lop approx. 8 months old.

I will be so happy when all my buns are fixed, then I can start bonding, and see how everyone takes to each other! :) (Luna and Thumper are going on Tuesday, and Little Foot in April).
I stop taking in when I can't financially support them without causing major life stress.
Currently, I have 3 buns, which is a bit much for my situation. Be aware of the ramifications of extending yourself too far for a long-term committment.

It would probably be more useful to rabbits in your community if you could be a foster home :) - save that extra space for foster bunnies :)
I would love to foster, bit I also know I would fail because there's no way I could give them up once they were in my home. Instead I tend to adopt buns that I think won't be adopted otherwise- medical issues, older, difficult personalities, etc then work with them. Sophie is our newest- she's large and kicks and grunts. She hates to be even touched by people. Tomorrow she gets spayed and I will have to warn the vet staff that she's new. They love to tote around the other kids who soak up the attention, but they have been loved up and know how to accept it. Sophie is still in training :)

I do volunteer that the SPCA to help tame down the buns there so they have a better chance of getting adopted. That's the best I can do.
I wouldn't be able to foster either for the exact same reason! I am kind of mad at myself for not adopting the three I have now, and getting them in the petstore, but they ended up getting a good home, so that's all that matters. The forth one I want is from an adoption agency, and he's been there for a while according to the online database. I am not rushing into it, and am planning to have everything ready for wednesday, and if he's still there, he'll be coming home with me :)

What I really like about adopting, is they generally already come spayed and neautered! Which is very helpful on my wallet :)
Honestly, even though getting another bunbun is tempting, I always think about the buns before myself (yes, they trained me well...^^) I'm always worried whether or not there will be an outcasted bunny or if they will hurt the bonds or hurt the overall environment. Until I find a bunny with excellent temperment, I would not get another bunny no matter how cure or squishy they might be!

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