When to breed Thrianta doe's

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, , United Kingdom
I have two young thrianta girls at the moment and wondered when you breeders usually first mate them? I've been told to do it before they're 9 months because they tend to get lazy, if so what is the ideal time?
Hey Demi. :)

I would think 6 months to a year...My doe was over a year and was bred fine. She wasn't lazy...just a bit snooty. lol She tried to eat him. XD Wonderful mommy though.

My 3 does are 6 months old right now and I don't even have a buck for them. XD So they'll have to wait.
Well I only said 6 months because that's when small breeds can start be bred. lol Mine almost 7 months actually and they seem to be fully grown... Incendie is still tiny as heck, but full grown. I won't breed her obviously because she is to small to be shown and I don't want any other too little ones, but I'll use her for jumping...

Anyways, in that case 8 or 9 months might be a better choice for ya then. And there aren't very many thrianta people on this forum. lol

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