When a rabbit calls your name...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
There have been some situations on here lately where people have been debating whether to get a rabbit - or another rabbit if they already have one - or when to replace a rabbit that has died. (Hint: You never truly replace them).

I wanted to share my thoughts on this - and please understand - they are my opinions only - and opinions are like feet - We All Have Them - And Some Stink.

When I lost Tiny - one of the first things I did was to look for another flemish giant - and I fell in love with Zeus (even after looking at others and considering getting a baby) - but he called out to me. I'm so glad I did and he helped ease the pain of losing Tiny.

In that case - Zeus called out to me - because I was the one who had a need.

As many of you may know - a few months ago - we fostered a bunny from the local feed store. She was very very wild and afraid of people and Art & I were both worried she might break her back if people tried to hold her. We wound up deciding to adopt her after about a month and I found myself wondering why in the world I was doing such a thing. I certainly didn't need or want another bunny. However - she needed a "safe" home where she could be her "wild" self and be accepted as she was.

In many ways - I felt like she was calling out to me - because she was the one who had a need.

Fast forward to this week - losing Miss Bea on Friday and my total devastation. Eric was coming down for a visit and I had to sort of hold myself together for 24-36 hours so we could enjoy our time with him..but I was exhausted and at the end of my rope.

When he left on Saturday - I sat on the floor in my bedroom and just let go. I cried and bawled and screamed (quietly) and just totally was a basket case. I didn't want to feel pain ever again - I didn't want to keep the rabbits anymore - I just wanted to curl up in a ball and do a "nosedive into my pillow" as a friend called it.

Suddenly - I start getting kisses on my legs and on my arms. As I'm sitting there shaking and rocking back and forth - "Miss Darla" as I had started calling her (aka "Darla-mouse" and "Darla-monster") - was comforting me the best way she knew how. The harder I cried - the faster she licked me. She took her paws and grabbed at me to get my attention and kissed me all the more. For over half an hour - she was covering my arms and my legs in kisses - letting me know she was there. When I finally stopped crying and caught my breath - she started begging me for pets and pancaking for ear rubs.

This rabbit - that I had not wanted - nor needed 5 months ago - helped bring me out of my loss and focus on something other than myself. Not only did she need me - but I needed her.

So why do I write this post?

Because I believe that whether it is "fate" or "God" or a "higher power" - there are times when a rabbit just calls out to you. You don't know whether it is you needing the rabbit - or the rabbit needing you. You may even say to yourself, "I have no time/energy/desire for another rabbit."

If you feel that tug - seriously consider getting the rabbit - because you do not know what lies ahead of you.

Miss Bea will never be replaced - you can't replace a bunny. But "Miss Darla" is helping me put back together the pieces of my broken heart. All along - I thought she was the one who needed me....now I see that we needed each other.

Robin watched us today and said that I am Darla's "heart human" and it is true. She's started spending 15-30 minutes at a time giving me kisses and pets. In addition, she's wormed her way into my heart to become my "heart bunny".

To think - I almost missed out on it - and was about to take her back to the feed store because "I don't need another rabbit."

I'm so glad Darla called my name....and caught my eye.
Oh Wow!
That is one of the most touching posts I've seen about a bunny - it just gave me chills...and I think you're 100% spot on with what you said about them, 'calling you'.
Excellent post - and I am so very happy for you that your Miss Darla is there to help you through your grief...guardian angels come is all different sizes and shapes.
I agree 100% and am so glad that you have Darla to help you get through this tough time. I have many times felt that an animal was calling out to me, and every time that animal has become very special to me. Thanks for the great post.
This was a great post Peg. I'm so glad you have Darla too - and couldn't have said any of this better. I have not been here and am just reading about Miss Bea? Oh Peg, my heart goes out to you.
:bunnyhug:never have i read a truer word. i wholeheartedly agree with you on this. anyone who has ever truly been involved with animals will know that they are more perceptive than we sometimes give them credit for.

thank you for an excellent and inspiring post:)
That's just so completely true!

It makes me feel sad for non-bunny people that they are missing out on something so great by not having a bunny in their lives. But, then it also makes bunnies that bit more special to me.

I'm so glad you have Darla to comfort you, Peg :hug:
Wow peg I dont hink anyone could have said it better.

I cried. Thank you for a realty check.
:hug: Thank you for that, Peg.

It is true - sometimes you never know who has the bigger need, but as long as you're there for each other, it doesn't matter!

I am so pleased that Darla is giving you some comfort :)

You make a difference in their lives, Peg! Hugs of condolences on losing Miss Bea. Your words bring tears and happiness in the same moment. Keep on kissing and loving those you can,
That's so true, it reminds me of how I got Misty. I was just at my friends house and I saw the condition she was in and I just knew I couldn't leave her there. She wasn't friendly, she wasn't unusual looking and in the condition she was in, wasn't particulary cute either. Usually people are drawn to rabbits by looks and personality, I just felt I had to take her home, some way or another and I did :)

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