Whats that smell?

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Yep, I hate Carefresh. :yuck

I much rather prefer wood stove pellets, yesterday news (get the unscented big bag in the cat section for less) or horse stall pellets at the local feed store like ABM.
Katie I use plastic screens over the woodstove pellets. I buy them at Wallyworld in the Craft section. Much easier to clean up too, all you have to do is pick up the screen to throw the Doo Doo's away. the scoop out the soiled wood stove pellets where Fraggles has pee'd.

Winston chews the screen the odd tome but doesn't swallow the plastic.

Carefresh has its place. For my gerbils who like to burrow around and play I use half Carefresh because it is nice and soft and they make little hills of it as gerbils like to do. But I would never use it as a substrate when I actually need something absorbent, it starts smelling very quickly. For something so expensive,I don't think it is worth what they charge for it, I would not use it for bunnies even if it was free.
We thought it would be a good choice and it came very highly recommended. Its not just that it does not absorb odors the product itself has a musty smell to it. I use plug in air freshener. Now my house smells like pineapple/mango/carefresh mustyness. I would love to use plastic grids but Jason wants her to be able to "snuggle" into her bedding. He is very fussy about his "Fraggle girl"
Katie - in Canada we have a product called Yesterdays News which is recycled newpapers. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't use any kind of pine wood pellets with rabbits. The resin in them are highly toxic to rabbits and can cause liver and kidney failure. We found this out the hard way with Bailey our little rex rabbit - he died of kidney failure at 14 months.
Is Fraggles litter trained? If so they are in the litter boxes a bit (I call it the thoughtful spot) but at least my buns don't sleep there. They have fleese blankets to snuggle into for sleeping. This time of year they also like their stone tiles because they are cool.

I use carefresh for the gerbils but not for the buns. I tried that at first and it just confused Becky. She wasn't sure where the litter box was vs her bed. Now I use wood stove pellets in the box and a blankie for the bed.
Fraggles is house broken but refuses a litter box. She picked a corner of her cage and uses that for potty. So I just put the litter all over the bottom of the cage. No worries on the pine/ceder. We know the dangers.
Alma this is the first i've heard that the wood stove pellets being harmful. I know the pine bedding is no good but the pellets are dried in a way that they are not harmful.

Katie can you not give Fraggles some blankets and pillows to snuggle. Have you tried putting a litterbox in the corner where Fraggles does her business?

My Little Fraggles sounds like she can be a little Brat.

Maybe you better send her to me so I can straighten her out.:biggrin2:



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