What other non-rabbit related web sites do

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I found this one-http://www.whatsthatbug.com/index.html- that is a lot of fun to check out. If you have ever seen a bug that you could not identify, take a picture and send it in and he may post the picture and tell you what it is.

The other sites I go to are ones for my soap operas, yes I watch them most every day. If I don't watch them then I check out a couple of sites that give day a head spoilers. I have watched them ever since I can remember, I blame my mom for that!;)

And then there are a couple of kid related sites that I check out quite a bit.
Hmmm... Let's see... I frequent The Coop- a forum much like here, except it's for chickens, RuneScape.com- a very intriguing online adventure game, Mt. St. Helens VolcanoCam- pretty much self-explanatory: take a look at the volcano- what's it doing..., USGS earthquake map- map of all earthquakes in CA-NV in the past week, Photobucket-to update my album, and EggBid.com- eBay, but for chicken and other poultry.

Well, that's pretty much it, currently... long list, isn't it? I'll probably think of a few more in a couple minutes... :huh
Omg thats scary, I dont actually go to any other websites on the computer apart from this one :shock:Wow I must love you guys so much ;):D

I only really go on the computer to check my horoscopes, and to go on MSN chat.

Before I knew about this forum I didnt spend hardly anytime on the computer, but now Im on it quiet alot checking this forum! :bunnydance:
I go to the following sites during the day:



Jewel's website


There are sites that aren't rabbit related?:shock:


Funagain.com (to keep track of new board game releases!:))
Blogs of my bro and some friends
Snopes Urban Legends
Wikipedia, the best online encyclopedia ever!
Oh my, a whole bunch. This is what is bookmarked.

ebay, of course, and the goodwill auction site

quilt fabric manufacturer's pages for the free patters and new fabric lines (Hoffman fabric, united Notions and Moda Fabric, Beartex, etc)

Marcia Hohn's quilters cahce for hundreds of free quilt block patterns

Hugs for Homeless Animals - a project to make beds for shelters worldwide

Alley Cat Tales for the wonderful cat patterns

Conservative political sites - Ann Coulter, Tammy Bruce, National Review, Free Republic, Michelle Malkin, The Cato Institute for Public Policy Analysis, Hugh Hewitt, Town Hall, The Conservative Voiceand on and on

Second Amendment Sisters, The Second Amendment Foundation, NRA, Jon Lott's site, Ohioans for CCW, Glock, Sigarms, etc.

Tally's Cat Care Links, Veterinary Partner, Merck Veterinary Manual online, Buckeye HRS, Lagomorph Lounge, My Cat Hates You, World Wide Bunny Links

Our local library's web site, Bartleby.com for free literature online, various Ohio newspapers

Blogger, Bloglinesand Xanga (I'm subscribed to over 70 blogs), Myspace, CatForum, Feline Paradise, RMCA Forums, Orthodox Chat, Gentle Christian Mothers, Mothering.com, GOARCH.org, NPR.org, Human Rights Watch, various news sites...I keep myself occupied :D
Um...hehehe...http://www.thecatsite.com. I go there to give advice, more than receive it.I have the same username, too. :D

I don't really frequent any others.

Oh yeah...I'll occassionally go to myspace and xanga, but I believe that's it.

Ack, eek...just remembered another I frequent. You can checkout pics of my kitties when they were babies here...they're only fourweeks old in the pictures.

http://www.catster.com/?179519 for Sunny and

http://www.catster.com/?179523 for Hobbes. Enjoy! :D

As soon as we've taken pictures of our Maisie Bunny, we'll post them, I promise!!
My husband loves to go to snopes. Keeps him busy for hours. There are so many!!

naturestee wrote:
There are sites that aren't rabbit related?:shock:


Funagain.com (to keep track of new board game releases!:))
Blogs of my bro and some friends
Snopes Urban Legends
Wikipedia, the best online encyclopedia ever!

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