What is she, besides beautiful?

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
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Shepherdsville, Kentucky, USA


This is Abby. She was called a lionhead. Is she?
I know she's got some lionhead in her, and she looks to be the right size. One of our resident lionhead experts and a former breeder is having forum issues (Peg aka Tinysmom) so it may be a while before she gets access.
she's purdy. not eexactly sure what color but she does look lionhead with longer ears. i've seen jersey's with those longer ears too, they all end up as pets.
She is a lionhead and I am guessing she will keep her mane because the fur looks like it is crimped (one of the ways to tell if a lionhead is likely to keep their mane or not).

She does have longer ears and the "older style" of body...but she is adorable and I hope you enjoy her!
Yes it is a lil' crimped looking. I really don't care what she is because she is part of this family. And if she's a lil odd shaped thats cool because she fits in with the rest of hew new family. Lol

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