What breed to choose?

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May 18, 2008
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Decatur, Indiana, USA
Ok, so I posted a couple weeks back that I was interested in having an Outdoor Flemish. This was mostly because I felt my home was too small for a rabbit cage indoors. I always have adored the big buns but it seems some things may have changed.

After lurking around for awhile I came across The Nethie Boys' videos and showed them to my fiance. He smiled and thought they were awfully cute and briefly mentioned that it was a shame we don't have the indoor space. I've come to terms with that and didn't think anything of it when he mentioned it.

Well, much to my surprise, he brought up that we could move some things around differently to clear a room out. He said that the room could be a "little fuzzy" room, lol. A room for any little critter he said. So of course I want a bun.

The room is 11x7' with carpet. I defintely think it would be best used for a smaller breed. The bun would always have to be in this room for safety reasons. I have a dachshund with very strong prey instincts that I can't break. :? So the door would always have to be closed. I'd be building a multi level NIC cage for inside the room as well.

Getting closer to my actual question, I promise.

Now, I have had two rabbits in the past. Jetta was my first. An 8lb black bun of attitude. My fiance hated this rabbit. She bit, scratched and growled. She was never treated mean so she wasn't conditioned this way. Even after the spay she was so crappy with us that I was afraid to feed her. She'd attack me and growl . I ended up taking her to my mother's house and letting her live with the chickens and ducks that my mom has. It may not be the ideal choice, but I feel she is a lot happier now. She doesn't attack anymore and my mom says she can even pat her head from time to time. In the three years she's been there, she's never even tried to dig her way out.

My other bun was Passat. She was a little 6lb lop. She passed away suddenly this past winter. She was a very mellow bunny. Preferred to be in her cage but was always very sweet. I had her for 3 years.

Ultimately, I liked Passat's personality moreso. Laid back and sweet, but she never "asked" for pettings like I read about. Don't hurt me for saying, but she was almost kind of boring for a rabbit. I'd like to have that sweetness, but with a little more spunk. I'd like to have a bunny that is happy that I am home and wants my attention. Also one that isn't going to tear my arm apart if I go to feed or touch them.

I understand that a lot of things like this can't be guessed by breed or gender. Everything depends on the individual rabbit. I'm just hoping I can narrow down to some breeds, or verify that the breeds I am interested in could give me what I am looking for. I also realize that adopting a rabbit would be the best bet for me to get the personality I am looking for. Believe me, I will be searching petfinder for the next few months to see if there is anyone close by that could suit me.

The breeds I have had in mind as possibilites as far as looks go are Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, and Mini-Rex. I like erect ears, but personality is far greater than looks. So if you all were to suggest that lops are more my taste then I'd understand that. I am just lost right now as to what I should look for. Therefore I have wrote a book. Geesh!

What breeds can you all suggest for me to research? A short recap of what I want is a small, happily sweet bunny that enjoys my company. What breed would I have the best chance of achieving that with?

I'm not really knowledgeable about rabbit breeds and temperment etc. so take my advice lightly:

I have had 2 buns, a maledutch named Oliver and now a maleHolland Lop named Merlin. I have heard that males are usually less "moody" and more social than females. Oliver was always happy to see me, but he did his own thing when I let him out to play. Merlin on the other hand LOVES LOVES LOVES people. I have heard similar comments from other people who have/have owned a holland lop. They are smaller (4-5lbs) so they should be more accomodating to your situtation.

Hope that helps a little!!!

As you said, a lot cannot be guessed by breed or age. Each bun is their own individual. I have and have had many different breeds of both genders, and have had different experiences with each one. For breeds your size, Mini Rex are wonderful. I just love their personality which is usually easy going, and I can't imagine my life without them now. I'm also partial to Holland Lops - and my oldest bun is a Dwarf who is one of a kind. I know that doesn't help much! lol. But it's so hard to narrow it down. It really does depend so much on the rabbit. Amazingly we've yet to have a Dutch bunny come into our rescue, so I don't have much experience with them, however everyone on here's Dutchies are adorable :)

This is great news about having house bunnies though! I'm so glad you guys came up with a good space for them. :)Hopefully others will have more input.
Well I think that GENERALLY, and I use the word firmly because, as you acknowledged, it really does depend on the individual bun, Nethies can be less cuddly. Nigel doesn't really LIKE being pet, but he will tolerate it occasionally.

I will tell you that all my lops are lovely and leaping at the cage door when we walk by, though Rosie was never that 'lovey', and Cordie's going a bit that way too.

Daisy - though a standard rex not mini - is very friendly, loves nose rubs, and is always eager to see us.

Milo, a dutch, is a real sweetheart, and very cuddly.

I think to have a rabbit that is very very aggressive and has not learned to be that way through the way they've been treated is not a regular occurance, and I wouldn't think it's likely for you to come across again. None of my rabbits have ever bitten me (though Daisy has growled and lunged, but I did deserve it to be fair.. =P)

I would say visit some rescues, meet some bunnies, and see who grabs you. I strongly feel that bunnies choose their humans, and that if you meet the bunny (or bunnies?) that is right for you, you will know it.

(ETA: Just to add to that last thought - I know that when we got Ollie and Rose, we were not looking for another lop. But I set eyes on Ollie and knew we had to bring him home. They told us to go away and have a think about it, which we did and that's how we chose Rose to be bonded to him, but I could never have changed my mind about Ollie)
I agree, I think you should check out a rescue maybe, and see about rabbits that may have been in foster homes already. If you are looking for a specific personality that will mesh well, I'm sure you could find the perfect bunny through talking with a rescue or a foster parent :).

I've had the pleasure of having a netherland dwarf, a french lop (big Bruno is 11-12lbs), a holland lop cross, a rex cross and a lionhead cross. My nethie girl was very sweet, loved to cuddle but could not deal with stress very well. She was a doll though, a very sweet tempered bunny. My holland lop cross Poppy is a very mellow girl, loves to be cuddled with and snuggled.. she's a very well behaved bunny and has very good manners. Bruno, my french lop is just my love. He can be a bit of a brat and has a mean side to him, but I sometimes forget he's a bunny with how expressive and personable he is. He can be a big baby at times, wanting to be snuggled and pet, but other times he could care less! My Jasmine, a rex mix (I think) is a big sweetheart.. a very shy girl who loves to be snuggled and her nose scratched. Shetook quite a bit longer to bond with, but she's my baby now.. such a wonderful girl! Last but not least, my lionhead cross Pebbles. As she's aged, she's mellowed out a bit but she likes being around people and getting attention. She can get aggressive over her food, but is a very sweet bunny..

My apologize for rambling, but just a look inside the personalities of my guys :D. I think with any breed some may be friendly, curious, etc. where some may be a bit less personable.. I would focus on just exploring different bunnies, and see who you 'click' with. I'm sure you'll know pretty quickly :). Just keep your heart and your eyes open, and you'll find that perfect bunny!
This might sound silly coming from me, but I would not recommend a Netherland Dwarf. Don't get me wrong, I love their spunk and I am really happy with both of my Nethies, but they are a bit of a challenge to interact with.

They are wonderful to film because they have so much personality, and they are awfully cute too. However, you really have to dedicate a lot of time to them. They need frequent playtime to expend their loads of energy, or else they get cranky. They are more prone to running away from you than running towards you, and you have to be very patient if you want to establish a good relationship with them.

For instance, we've had Billy for over a year, and I've just now gotten him to the point where he trusts me enough to pet him...although it could have happened much sooner if I knew I had to constantly reinforce petting. Ronnie is a sweet bunny, and is always running circles around me or trying to hump my arm, but even HE has a tendency to run away from me! :p

If you are the type of person who likes a challenge, who enjoys watching your pet run around and do cute things, and won't be off put by a bunny who may at times seem uninterested in your companionship, then this breed is great. Personally, I'd get really bored with a cuddly bunny, and I like the challenge of the Netherland Dwarf. I'm obsessed with filming and taking pictures of their antics, and I find it hilarious when they give me a bit of attitude. The traits that cause Nethies to be labeled as "difficult" or "challenging" are what I love most about the breed. :)
Wow! Thanks for the quick replies! I want to say that I appreciate the honesty, especially about the Netherlands. It really was the breed I was sort of leaning on, but from what's been described, their personality would probably not be what I am looking for.

I also feel better from what Delusional said about it being highly unlikely that I'd end up with another aggressive bunny. It's been one of my bigger fears. I'd hate to go through that heartache again of actually fearing my own pet.

I think I'd like to learn more about the Mini-Rex. I've been looking today but it's really a pain to find good information on the pet quality of a rabbit. :grumpy: The bit of breed information I found here just verified that they are around the size range I am looking for. About 4-5 pounds I think?
Have you checked www.petfinder.com? You can search for bunnies in your area. I know there are a few rabbit rescues in IN.

Its great when you adopt from a rescue because a) the bun is usually already spayed/neutered so it saves you the time, money, and stress and b) if the bun is an adult you will better be able to tell its personality. You really dont know what youre getting with a baby. Most rescues can tell you a lot about the rabbit so you can find one that fits with your family.

Its really too difficult to generalize with breeds. So much depends on the individual rabbit. Hopefully you can find a rescue where you can meet a bunch to find out that fits!
Haley wrote:
Have you checked http://www.petfinder.com? You can search for bunnies in your area. I know there are a few rabbit rescues in IN.

Its great when you adopt from a rescue because a) the bun is usually already spayed/neutered so it saves you the time, money, and stress and b) if the bun is an adult you will better be able to tell its personality. You really dont know what youre getting with a baby. Most rescues can tell you a lot about the rabbit so you can find one that fits with your family.

Its really too difficult to generalize with breeds. So much depends on the individual rabbit. Hopefully you can find a rescue where you can meet a bunch to find out that fits!

I search there all the time. There is EARPS and the Indiana House Rabbit Society, but I can't really tell what their adoption terms are. I always have bad luck when contacting people too. I never get a reply it seems. I'm also afraid I'd get turned down because of my dachshund. I mean, I know that I can keep her under control and away from the bunny, but you can't expect an agency to believe that. I'm sure all kinds of people come in saying the same thing.

I'll always be looking at the adoptables though, just to see if anyone catches my eye.
Meeku wrote:
Haley wrote:
Have you checked http://www.petfinder.com? You can search for bunnies in your area. I know there are a few rabbit rescues in IN.

Its great when you adopt from a rescue because a) the bun is usually already spayed/neutered so it saves you the time, money, and stress and b) if the bun is an adult you will better be able to tell its personality. You really dont know what youre getting with a baby. Most rescues can tell you a lot about the rabbit so you can find one that fits with your family.

Its really too difficult to generalize with breeds. So much depends on the individual rabbit. Hopefully you can find a rescue where you can meet a bunch to find out that fits!

I search there all the time. There is EARPS and the Indiana House Rabbit Society, but I can't really tell what their adoption terms are. I always have bad luck when contacting people too. I never get a reply it seems. I'm also afraid I'd get turned down because of my dachshund. I mean, I know that I can keep her under control and away from the bunny, but you can't expect an agency to believe that. I'm sure all kinds of people come in saying the same thing.

I'll always be looking at the adoptables though, just to see if anyone catches my eye.

Hi there!

I have adopted from Indiana HRS, so I thought I'd chime in;). Basically, first thing they do is a phone interview with you. Ask you questions about buns and how to care for them. Mine was extensive as I had already owned a bun so I was going on and on, lol. They also require a pic of your setup before getting the bun. You sign a contract agreeing to pretty normal things, you'll get the bun vet treatment if it's sick, you won't release it into the wild or give it away, those kinds of things. The agreement also says to notify them upon the death of the bun, which I did and never got a response, which I thought was strange:?. Other than that, they were great to work with! Very nice people.:)

Best of luck adopting a bun!
Meeku wrote:
I think I'd like to learn more about the Mini-Rex. I've been looking today but it's really a pain to find good information on the pet quality of a rabbit. :grumpy: The bit of breed information I found here just verified that they are around the size range I am looking for. About 4-5 pounds I think?
My husband and I have 2 Mini Rexes (that we adopted from 2 different shelters, about a month apart) and they're 6 lbs. each (they are not fat/overweight). When we got them, they were already 2 years old, and honestly, I think that's the only way to know for sure how bigarabbit isgoing to get (is to get them when they're full size; you don't know who's breeding/selling them/putting them out there). We call them "Mini" because I'm pretty sure that's what they're supposed to be and they're not even in the lower end of the standard Rex (8 lbs. I think).

There's nothing like a Rex coat and ours are super soft! They also have their own distinct personalities and are incredibly entertaining! We feel veryfortunate that they are both extremely affectionate toward people. (Lily, the female, has an independent/bossy streak, which has made bonding with Bender, the male, unsuccessful.)

I know it's already been mentioned, but Petfinder.com is how we found our rabbits and we couldn't be happier with them! Good luck on your search!
I breed netherlands and I love them I like you am def an up ear girl.

I do not find them challenging yes i would def recommend a boy over a girl for a nethie they are def. easier to get on with as a pet!! All of my nethies other than maybe Delphi and Boo are actually very sweet love attention wont always snuggle with you but will love to climb over you for attention.

I would describe them as a very cheeky confident fun loving little rabbit. Mine love nose rubs in their cages. SUn loves to get out in teh living room and jumps up on me for cuddles. If i am on computer or not givign enough attention she jumps up and down till she gets it lol.

WOuld I change and have another breed not on your life I love em and everything about em :biggrin2:

saying that i have just got a dutch bun and he is lovely though has made me realise how confident my nethies are!! I only got him cause he is blue and i fell in love with his sister at a show i was at before i knew it Jimmy (the breeder ) was bringing him down for meMind you after 9 years with nethies i was fancying a rabbit that was a bit bigger :p

Dutch have nice placid characters like cuddles (well mine does!) not to big not to small and have up ears may be worth a look :)

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