What breed is my rabbit?

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Hey I just got my pet rabbit today and I was wondering what specific breed it was? The pet store employee said he was a dwarf but doesn't know the exact dwarf breed. Also, could it be a mix of a dwarf and a normal size rabbit? It looks kinda big to be just a dwarf rabbit. Here's a close up picture and another picture to give you a gist on how big it is.



I know that it is a broken steel, but what specific breed/cross is it?

Other information:
-The employee said Shiro's 6 weeks old (but doesn't it look kinda a little over?)
-Since they said it was 6 weeks it is on a baby diet (unlimited pellets, unlimited hay, fresh unlimited water, no veggies/treats yet)
-I just got him yesterday and he's still kind of shy and scared of me so I'm giving him some time to get used to his new home and trying not to rush
They probably meant a Netherland Dwarf. The reason it's at the pet shop is probably because it's not show quality (ears too big, rabbit itself too big, etc.). Whatever the case, he's adorable!!!
I say Polish Rabbit.

Broken Blue for color

Dwarfs have a smushier face. Polish make great pets my mom raises and shows them.
Heres one of my moms A broken black for comparison
No he looks pure polish to me. Pet Stores often do not know the breeds of rabbits they just say dwarf to mean small. Although not all of the bunnies stay small. Polish have a max weight of 3.5 so Shiro will.

My mom couldn't sell her last polish litter so we ended up taking them to a pet store. The guy asked what breed the rabbits were like 5 times. And I still dont think he remembered. Pet stores are not like breeders and most are out there just to make the dollar.
Another thing if he is pure polish watch his weight closely. We have noticed that ours gain weight VERY easily. Most of our babies end up hitting senior weight before they are 6mos old. The polish standard says
Under 6 mos of age they shouldnt be over 2.5 pounds. We had to cut what we feed way down and most breeders feed 1/4 cup of pellets once daily. Just so you can watch for it
Yeah, Im guessing its just a normal Polish, and that the petstore just wanted to give it asap -_-.

Well Shiro's still kind of shy and doesnt want to come out of his cage, I know Im supposed to be patient...any advice on getting Shiro to warm up to me?
Oh, about feeding....Shiro is 6 weeks old and I heard you are supposed to give rabbits unlimited pellets until they are 6 months old? Right now i am giving him unlimited pellets so should continue giving him unlimited pellets? Or will that make him overweight by the time their 6 months old?
Im sorry its supposed to be 1/4 pellets twice a day that breeders feed.

My mom fills up a bowl for mom and litters twice daily but when its gone its gone until the next feeding.
He def looks likePolish. Right now, if you want to do unlimited pellets just watch his weight. If he starts getting fat you need to cut back on the pellets. Polish typically have a slow metabolism and as such they can easily become overweight. I have some Polish who can self-regulate how much they eat (and don't get fat) but I have some who don't know when to stop eating.

If youstart handling him some each day, he'll get used to sitting on your lap and being petted. Polish are pretty laid back and do make great pets for cuddling.
Thanks for the answers guys! I think I am finally satisfied on what breed Shiro is, which is a Broken Polish (cause I have beengoing crazy on wanting to know what breed he was.

Majorv: Hi the employees said he was 6 weeks old but doesnt he kinda looks a little over that? Also, he doesnt really massively eat his pellets so I think he can regulate.