What age for shots?

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2009
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, Florida, USA
My female french lop will be three months old on June 5th so she is still a baby, at what age is it appropriate for her to have her shots? and what shots are necessary for her to have?

I also have a male lionhead mix but he had already had his shots when I had gotten him, at least that's what I was told.
it would seem,with all the ills a rabbit can be associated with,vaccines would be in order,but from what i have read,and experienced there are no innoculations for the rabbit,..seems wrong doesn,t it,.,i have not ruled this out so let me know if there are indeed somewheredvm,s administer shots and for what??,sincerely james waller:coolness:
Hi James

In the United kingdom and also in Australia rabbits are vaccinated for myxamatosis .

This terrible bacteria disease was introduced intentionally into Australia many years ago to eradicate the rabbit populaton that was overrunning the country. It did it's job but has continued to devastate the pet rabbit population

I don't know if there is a vaccine for Viral hemmorhagic disease but I believe it affects a rabbit like ebola virus affects humans

Someone from the UK and/or Australia can give you a more complete answer

angieluv wrote:
Hi James

In the United kingdom and also in Australia rabbits are vaccinated for myxamatosis .

This terrible bacteria disease was introduced intentionally into Australia many years ago to eradicate the rabbit populaton that was overrunning the country. It did it's job but has continued to devastate the pet rabbit population

I don't know if there is a vaccine for Viral hemmorhagic disease but I believe it affects a rabbit like ebola virus affects humans

Someone from the UK and/or Australia can give you a more complete answer


There is a vaccine for viral hemmorahagic disease (VHD) over here in the UK, given either 6 monthly or yearly just like Myxamatosis vaccinations. I don't know if Australia have it or not though.

Just wanted to point out that there is no vaccine for myxi here in Australia...the government won't allow us to have it:(

Weare onlyallowed the calicivirus vaccine
I was just asking. I don't know what shots, I wouldn't of asked "what shots(if any) If I knew them all.
That's probably right, Jess. The UK, Europe, NZ, and Australia's wild rabbits are the European cottontail, the rabbit that our pet rabbit varieties were domesticated from. The wild rabbits here in the US are not the same species, and fewer diseases can pass between them. Also, myxi and VHD weren't introduced here like they were in Australia, so they're very rare to find at all.
thankyou everyone for all the excellent input,seems i asked a good question,very good answers,..to find and use a predator to eradicate a problem(pest) would seem the right course of action,however it-to does have its consequences,.to allow our pets to be systematically slaughtered with a man-made disease/s-from(chemicals,pesticides,insecticides) which is preventable is insane,..bad enough our healthcare system(usa) is in the toilet,waterways polluted,contaminated,killing waterfowl,aquatic life,-in the name of progress,..sincerely james waller

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