"Weatherly" under the weather

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Bloomfield, New York, USA
In addition to my Holland Lops Axel and Juno (who are enjoying their new grass balls - Axel has been rolling his around nonstop), I have fivemares here - my miniatures Mercy and Freedom, my American Shetland Nefertiti (she knows she is the queen) and my Morgans Dipper (23) and her 3 year old daughter Weatherly.

On Friday, Weatherly was not eating as well as she normally does... she had gut sounds, was eating, drinking and pooping so I figured I would keep an eye on her. Saturday morning she left the run-in at the barn and was at the lower end of the pasture with her head down and she was cold (it was actually warm here and she has a full winter coat so this was not normal).

I dragged her up to the barn, she did not want to eat at all and she went back down to her spot away from the barn.

After speaking with the veterinarian,and finding Weatherly's temperature was elevated, she was given antibiotics (the vet is down the road from me), a shot of Banamine and the fever came down and her chills went away. She started eating again and decided the evening's meds were too nasty tasting so she and I were warring over trying to get them into her - I eventually put them in her bran mash and she ate them.

Her fever spiked to 101.9 at 1:00AM and today she almost looks normal - she is eating again and I will follow up with her veterinarian tomorrow morning. None of the other horses have caught this bug.

So, I am tired but hopeful she will be better by next weekend when I have to be out of town...I had posted on the horse forum I belong to but nobody replied to me... much better to post here as at least folks listen and support each other.

Thanks!:pray: Hoping Weatherly continues to mend - I have had her since she was a baby and she is still a big baby to me!


I will say a prayer and send her kisses.:pray:
Glad you got her to eat the meds in the bran mash- when they don't want something they sure will let you know! I'm glad to hear she is eating again and hopefully imporving. It's scary when they are sick isn't it? I have a panic attack when any of them are sick, the goats, sheep, or horses. We have Mini's, a Haflinger, and a Thoroughbred. Your heart stops beating for a little while, I know our mare has scared us several times, and it really wasn't that big of a deal!

I hope she continues to improve and that the other horses are not bothered by whatever was bothering Weatherly.
Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers... she is normally a very spirited, animated young lady and seeing her ill was not fun.

My afternoon check is in a few minutes.

She is better, thank you for asking.

Her temperature is normal and she ate her dinner with the medication mixed in... it took a lot of homemade applesauce and sugar but she cleaned it up. The antibiotics are very bitter tasting so I can understand why she did not like me syringing it in her mouth - even with the Jello powder added.

She was more playful today, too... so I am hoping she continues to mend. Like rabbits with stasis, you hope they eat, drink and poop and Weatherly is doing all of that.

Thank goodness!

My niece's horse did the same thing about 3 weeks ago. He didn't eat, laid down in the indoor, and had a lowgrade fever.

He was fine after a few days but it was very similar to a flu or something we might have. No one else in the herd has had it.
She is much better today - she was playing with her buddy Nefertiti... fever is gone... just waiting on an update from the veterinarian as to how long she wants her on the meds.


Still waiting to hear from the veterinarian... we are playing telephone tag.

Weatherly is playing with her best buddy, Nefertiti, my Shetland... they were rearing and kicking and picking at each other.

When I was cleaning stalls, Weatherly was in my face, giving me kisses similar to Jen's Dotty... hard to have a 900lb three year old licking and nuzzling your face, much like a big bunny pinning you to the mattress... but I was oh so grateful she feels well enough to give me some attention...that is more like her normal behavior.

I have to go out of town on Friday for the weekend for business with hubby so I am hoping she is over it by the time I have to leave. My horse sitter is wonderful and attentive and my sons will all be home but I still worry.

Awww I love having lovey horses! Dakota is a big kisser and hugger! You can't do anything without him right in your face! LOL! However, in the show arena, he knows not to do it! They are smart animals!

Keep us posted. I hope it is all over!
Weatherly is off the bute and continuing the SMZs for 10 days. I am so glad Weatherly is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing and playing and she is hanging out in the barn now, not in the lower section of the pasture.

For being a big horse, she is an affectionate, in-your-face kind of horse. This morning, she grabbed my manure bucket and threw it, making more work for me but I am grateful and not complaining.

She also came up to me and was nuzzling my face today... this is more like the Weatherly I know.

LOL! I love how they "help"......

I hate using Bute for very long.... I always worry about their tummies.
Same here... and it can be toxic in minis so I had to make sure she cleaned up her dish before Freedom and Mercy were turned out as they will pick through the shavings for any missed pellet...

Weatherly enjoys "helping" me... she has taken the hose out of the big water tub and has enjoyed spraying her companions and me as I tried to take it from her... she will grab the shavings bags and shake them at everyone, watching them run from her... her buddy Nefertiti tried to grab a bag and shake it and her expression was priceless as she scared herself...

My best Weatherly story is she is a "water horse" - to my astonishment, she has jumped in my pond just for fun (luckily she was on a longe line) twice, and it was November one time and January (a warm day, luckily). She does not mind getting wet or dirty so hopefully she will be able to event someday - a discipline I have never tried but would like to do the novice division at our local event here in a few years.

Aaah - gotta get to work!

That's hilarious! I can't get the shavings in the stall before Dakota is pawing at them and then rolling! :rollseyesI have to be extra careful not to get smooshed!

My parents had a horse when I was a baby who would go to the creek and if he had the notion to, lay down with you, his saddle, everything...... the big brat! LOL!
I have to go to Florida tomorrow with hubby for business... and was worried Weatherly might still be feeling off. The good news is that Weatherly is back to herself, finally - helping me bed her stall... she was pawing at the shavings bags and waving the torn paper to frighten the other horses... grooming me after she had a drink (translation - lots of drool and slobber)...

Whew... thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and conversation - I do appreciate it!

Bo B Bunny - what types of horses do you have?

I'm so glad Weatherly is back to herself! I love those slobbery kisses! I have a few shirts with those lovely "green hay/grass" stains on the shoulders from Kota.... and Pokie slimes me all the time!

We have Pokie, a red dunn quarter horse and Dakota, a chestnut (more red/sorral) quarter horse.

Pokie actually belongs to my father inlaw but he has basically given her to my daughter. We've had her for 4 years now I think....

Dakota is the very first horse I have ever owned. I love him to pieces!



Both horses are beautful! I will have to get some more pictures of the rest of my crew here - I hate when they are in the winter woolies.


Me too! and Pokie is covered in mud! We brush her and she goes out and rolls some more....... she's so funny!

I love her furry tummy tho..... she gets really thick hair there and it's really soft :)

Weatherly survived my trip to Florida - first thing I did when I got home - ran to the barn to see everyone...Mercy was asleep and seemed startled to see me - Weatherly came up to me and gave me a slobbery kiss...Axel was spinning in his cage and my dogs were excited.

My sons cleaned the house too well and are at work right now so I have to find out what shenanigans went on while Tim and I were in Florida.

Rollercoaster fans out there? We went to Sea World on Saturday afternoon after our meetings and I got the nerve up to go on the Kraken coaster... did it twice and have to say I liked it a bit too much! Weather was warm (mid 80s Fahrenheit) and partly sunny. Gotta unpack...


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